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The Mantra Trailer

The Big Shed Podcast

Release Date: 03/22/2007

The ROYGBIV Diet show art The ROYGBIV Diet

The Big Shed Podcast

After a particularly colorful Thanksgiving feast, or was it a a drunken night at the bar (?), Independent Producer Amanda Thieroff and her friend Sean Berman challenged each other to embark on the ROYGBIV diet. This diet isn't about losing weight or being nutritious - it's about spending a week eating only one color of food per day, according to the colors of the rainbow.

We Fell Asleep but Our Dreams Were Sweet show art We Fell Asleep but Our Dreams Were Sweet

The Big Shed Podcast

Stacy Bond's youngest sister died in a nighttime car accident while driving from Mozambique to South Africa. Robbers took her shoes, but left her purse. A year after her death, Stacy met her mother and other sister in New York to attend a seance conducted by Medium George Anderson.

Losing Her Sex Scene Virginity show art Losing Her Sex Scene Virginity

The Big Shed Podcast


Only For My King show art Only For My King

The Big Shed Podcast

Producer Sara Curtis brings us the story of Benuel Esch - an amish man from Lancaster, PA who has lost his family, his home, and his mind. Benuel started questioning his lifestyle 20 years ago. Now he's returned to Amish living with a new community in Unity, Maine. There, Benuel is trying to make sense of where he's been and where he's going.

One for the Commandant show art One for the Commandant

The Big Shed Podcast

The winner of Big Shed's first ever Audio Verite +1 Competition is David Weinberg. The piece is called One for the Commandant, a short story set in downtown Seattle, featuring Edgar, Catfish and Hans, who David hung out with on his breaks from a restaurant job. David recorded the goings on one evening and crafted this story, which is apparently made entirely from audio verite.

Cold Concrete Birth by Kelley Libby show art Cold Concrete Birth by Kelley Libby

The Big Shed Podcast

Producer Kelley Libby produced a radio story about 13 year-old farmer Colby Perron while at the Salt Institute for Documentary Studies. This is not that story. But if you listen to Colby's story, you will hear a very short scene in which a calf is born. Kelley spent all day, waiting on a cold concrete floor in a barn in Topsham, Maine, just to get the recording she needed for that scene. Later, she realized the tape she got told a separate story about waiting, pain, responsibility, knowledge and the beginning of life....

Celestial Navigation show art Celestial Navigation

The Big Shed Podcast

Producer Tom Niemisto weaves between an interview with  tall-ship captain Samantha Heyman and an astronomer/poet around a bonfire under a broad star-filled sky. The stars are governed by a perfect order and yet, they create a chaos of mystery. We link  astronomy to creation myths in constellations.  We search for deeper meaning the night sky or, with rigorous mathematics, we search for our physical location through navigation.  This is Tom's first non-narrated audio work and, as with many radio stories, he sat on the great verite tape from the bonfire for two years before...

A Sense of Sanity &/or Fear show art A Sense of Sanity &/or Fear

The Big Shed Podcast

Signs like "Take it Down A Notch," "My Political Views Cannot Be Summed Up On A Pithy Sign," and, of course, "God Hates Figs." Sam Greenspan, Big Shed's Correspondent in Washington, DC, attended The Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear and files this report.

The Soundscapes of Faith show art The Soundscapes of Faith

The Big Shed Podcast


May Your Days show art May Your Days

The Big Shed Podcast

Ghana sounds like everything you might imagine, and some things you never could....

More Episodes
(Produced by Jennifer Deer) Like a traveling medicine man peddling a homeopathic remedy for the mass media slogans of the day, the Mantra Trailer focuses attention on the personal and spiritual mantras people live by, one voice at a time. Jen speaks with artist Sherri Wood about the podcast she's created to kick-start this project.

Check out the Mantra Trailer site and drop her a mantra!  FYI - Sherri just returned from The MacDowell Colony, the oldest artists' colony in the country.  Check out this NPR story about MacDowell that featured Sherri's project. 

Check out the IndieFeed Big Shed at iTunes  or go straight to the