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50 Smoke and Mirrors with concerned pharmacist - Paula Ralph

Reality Hub

Release Date: 10/19/2021

75 RealityBites #16 The 7 Hermetic Principles of Reality Series #7 75 RealityBites #16 The 7 Hermetic Principles of Reality Series #7 "The Principle of Gender"

Reality Hub

Here we are at the final episode of this series! Just acknowledge it has been a while!  Welcome to the seventh and final episode of a 7 part RealityBites Series featuring and exploring the 7 Hermetic Principles as told in The Kybalion -  In The Kybalion, a book first published in 1908 by the “Three Initiates” the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus are conveyed in the study of hermetic philosophy. These teachings can be dated back 5000 years and is a branch of spiritual philosophy has influenced both Ancient Greek and Egyptian cultures! To recap we have introduced the Hermetic...

74 RealityBites #15 The 7 Hermetic Principles of Reality Series #6 74 RealityBites #15 The 7 Hermetic Principles of Reality Series #6 "The Principle of Cause and Effect"

Reality Hub

  Welcome to the sixth episode of a 7 part RealityBites Series featuring and exploring the 7 Hermetic Principles as told in The Kybalion -  In The Kybalion, a book first published in 1908 by the “Three Initiates” the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus are conveyed in the study of hermetic philosophy. A 7 part RealityBites Series featuring and exploring the 7 Hermetic Principles as told in The Kybalion. My hope and intention with these series of podcasts is that you can become aware and familiar of how these principles show up in your own reality - and how you can best utilise, take...

73 RealityBites #14 The 7 Hermetic Principles of Reality Series #5 “The Principle of Rhythm” show art 73 RealityBites #14 The 7 Hermetic Principles of Reality Series #5 “The Principle of Rhythm”

Reality Hub

Welcome to the fifth episode of a 7 part RealityBites Series featuring and exploring the 7 Hermetic Principles as told in The Kybalion -  In The Kybalion, a book first published in 1908 by the “Three Initiates” the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus are conveyed in the study of hermetic philosophy. In Hermetic thought, the movements of the planets are believed to have meaning beyond the laws of physics and actually hold metaphorical value as symbols in the mind of the All, or God, which have influence upon the Earth, but do not dictate our actions; wisdom is gained when we know what...

72 RealityBites #13 The 7 Hermetic Principles of Reality Series #4 “The Principle of Polarity” show art 72 RealityBites #13 The 7 Hermetic Principles of Reality Series #4 “The Principle of Polarity”

Reality Hub

Welcome to the fourth episode of a 7 part RealityBites Series featuring and exploring the 7 Hermetic Principles as told in The Kybalion -  In The Kybalion, a book first published in 1908 by the “Three Initiates” the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus are conveyed in the study of hermetic philosophy. In Hermetic thought, the movements of the planets are believed to have meaning beyond the laws of physics and actually hold metaphorical value as symbols in the mind of the All, or God, which have influence upon the Earth, but do not dictate our actions; wisdom is gained when we know what...

71 RealityBites #12 The 7 Hermetic Principles of Reality Series #3 “The Principle of Vibration” show art 71 RealityBites #12 The 7 Hermetic Principles of Reality Series #3 “The Principle of Vibration”

Reality Hub

Welcome to the third episode of a 7 part RealityBites Series featuring and exploring the 7 Hermetic Principles as told in The Kybalion -  In The Kybalion, a book first published in 1908 by the “Three Initiates” the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus are conveyed in the study of hermetic philosophy. In Hermetic thought, the movements of the planets are believed to have meaning beyond the laws of physics and actually hold metaphorical value as symbols in the mind of the All, or God, which have influence upon the Earth, but do not dictate our actions; wisdom is gained when we know what...

70 World drama and personal healing  with Penny, Rob and Steve show art 70 World drama and personal healing with Penny, Rob and Steve

Reality Hub

In todays episode Penny joins us remotely as we discuss heightening drama in the world (wars and unrest) and how it effects each of us on a deep level. We talk about our own healing journey and what it takes to be the change we want to see. Topics & Conversational Points: We are back at Browne St cafe! A remote podcast with Penny World events, media bombardment! Consciousness, what we feed our minds, social media detoxing Consuming vs creating Mental sovereignty is so important The “entity” of social media Tuning into our own inner wisdom Mainstream media, legacy media is collapsing?...

69 RealityBites #11 The 7 Hermetic Principles of Reality Series #2 69 RealityBites #11 The 7 Hermetic Principles of Reality Series #2 "The Principle of Correspondence"

Reality Hub

Welcome to the second episode of a 7 part RealityBites Series featuring and exploring the 7 Hermetic Principles as told in The Kybalion -  In The Kybalion, a book first published in 1908 by the “Three Initiates” the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus are conveyed in the study of hermetic philosophy. In Hermetic thought, the movements of the planets are believed to have meaning beyond the laws of physics and actually hold metaphorical value as symbols in the mind of the All, or God, which have influence upon the Earth, but do not dictate our actions; wisdom is gained when we know what...

68 RealityBites #10 The 7 Hermetic Principles of Reality Series #1 68 RealityBites #10 The 7 Hermetic Principles of Reality Series #1 "The Principle of Mentalism"

Reality Hub

Welcome to the first episode of a 7 part RealityBites Series featuring and exploring the 7 Hermetic Principles as told in The Kybalion -  In The Kybalion, a book first published in 1908 by the “Three Initiates” the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus are conveyed in the study of hermetic philosophy. In Hermetic thought, the movements of the planets are believed to have meaning beyond the laws of physics and actually hold metaphorical value as symbols in the mind of the All, or God, which have influence upon the Earth, but do not dictate our actions; wisdom is gained when we know what...

67 RealityBites #9 Coming Back Into 67 RealityBites #9 Coming Back Into "Holiness"

Reality Hub

  Welcome back to another episode of RealityBites! In this bite-sized episode we explore the idea of coming back to our wholeness or "holiness". Below is a list of topics to consider and that are covered in this episode! It’s no secret that mental health/wellness has become more and more prevalent as a topic of conversation - as we are bombarded by events playing out on the world stage and of course perpetuated by the media. In these times as we navigate so many of the changes we see happening / shifts etc the stress and pressure seems to be heightened. Is the huge dramas and conflicts...

66 RealityBites #8 Reclaiming Your Mental Sovereignty show art 66 RealityBites #8 Reclaiming Your Mental Sovereignty

Reality Hub

Welcome back to another RealityBites! In this bite-sized episode we explore the reclamation of our own personal mental sovereignty. Below is a list of topics to consider and that are covered in this episode! The effect of media on our consciousness at this time - the technical, internet of all things era. Could you step away from social media? How do we get programmed? The cultural narrative that plays out - our reliance on devices. Social conditioning. Addressing your mental well-being - what does that mean for you? All the social media platforms and channels are an entity. Handing over your...

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Ep 50 - Smoke and Mirrors with concerned pharmacist - Paula Ralph


In this episode we chat to Paula Ralph who has 30 years of experience as a pharmacist, as well as being trained in NLP and mind/body techniques. Paula offers numerous years of first hand knowledge and wisdom in her field of expertise and gives her perspective to the current “pandemic” reality we have been facing. 


There are so many levels to this discussion and points of interest, so please refer to the topics and conversational pointers below! Enjoy!


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 Topics and conversational points: ( In chronological order )


  • Connecting with nature
  • Being the observer and the witness
  • Gauging where the energy is at the moment
  • Unplugging from the media and distraction
  • Doing the best you can with the level of awareness you have
  • Connection and human nature
  • Our connection with technology
  • Nature’s energy and force and it’s effect
  • Letting go of the things that bring us down
  • “We are the ones we are waiting for.”
  • Attracting like minded souls
  • Being back in the adventure again
  • Keeping your vibration high & connecting to your truth
  • Ego vs heart
  • Resistance as a way to grow and change
  • Expansion as a law of the universe
  • What are you emanating out into the world?
  • The new reality we are entering
  • Steve’s nature experience
  • Talking about the jab
  • Paula’s experience as a pharmacist
  • Human behaviour/NLP/Mind body techniques
  • News delivery and behaviour
  • News and media programming
  • First thoughts on the V outbreak
  • Panic and fear response
  • The overwhelm of the health system
  • Fight or flight response
  • The programme of fear being pumped out
  • Parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system
  • High level programming
  • Being cheated on and heart vs head logic
  • Alignment of heart, gut and listening to our intuition 
  • Common sense and logic
  • Compassion and kindness
  • Existential fear
  • Intelligent people and the control of money
  • Different types of intelligence and status
  • Lens of perspective
  • The importance of questioning things
  • Homeopathy and other ways to heal
  • Kinesiology 
  • Side effects of the jab
  • Clots, Viagra and Erectile Dysfunction
  • Concern for our youth
  • Doing your own research 
  • Data sheets of medicines
  • Gene modifying jab
  • We are electrical beings
  • D-dimer tests
  • Facing truths
  • Looking at the science and facts
  • Trance and hypnosis and the strategy of success
  • NLP trainers entranced
  • It’s all theatre and what are you giving your awareness to
  • Accessing the unconscious mind
  • Seeing through what’s really going on
  • Project Veritas clip
  • Fetal cell lines and the V
  • The economy of truth
  • Keeping us in state of suspense and fear
  • Ivermectin and it’s benefits
  • Other treatments available
  • Is it about health?
  • Other modalities to consider
  • Hydroxychloroquine 
  • Smoke and Mirrors
  • Trusting your own natural immunity
  • Modern medicine and finding cures, resolving grief and trauma
  • Freewill and taking responsibility for your own wellbeing
  • Multi-dimensional and multi-faceted approach
  • Distortions and waking up to a new version of reality