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Experience God's Kingdom Today

Faith and Life Podcast

Release Date: 08/12/2019

Fear more than any other emotion stands in the way of faith. Scripture says that faith is certainty of things not seen. When God calls us to do something in faith, fear often causes us to pause. But we have no need to pause, for God is faithful. God’s faithfulness has been displayed from the beginning of time. Despite Abraham’s fears and doubts, his faith bore a great nation that stands to this day. 
Jesus understands that fear and worry hold us back. In our gospel lesson, He reminds us how happy the Father is to give us the kingdom of heaven. Jesus wants us to be faithful and prepared to receive his Kingdom. When we stop worrying and live obedient to the calling God has placed on our lives (to love and serve others) we experience God’s kingdom today and are prepared to receive it when Jesus returns.
Call to action: You can't change what you don't acknowledge. Start by identifying what fears stand in the way of your doing what God wants most for you. Next, consider what God could do despite your fears. Finally, make a decision to align your life in real ways that look like Jesus. When those fears rear their ugly head, be reminded of God's faithfulness, so that you can do what God calls you to do in order to love and serve others more fully with your time and treasure.