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105. Forget The Lords Prayer, or the Prayer of Jabez! There is Your Prayer! Oops

The Life Purpose Podcast on Life Signatures Radio

Release Date: 09/18/2019

1821. The First Angle of Approach in Raising Spirit Led Children show art 1821. The First Angle of Approach in Raising Spirit Led Children

The Life Purpose Podcast on Life Signatures Radio

🚨 New #Podcast!! There's are different elements that need to be in place if we are to raise spirit-led children. If we are not aware of these elements, then it won't even bother us whatever source we have of the content of the curriculums we use. If we get it right, then we will have no problem changing the curriculums...listen to this.

1820. Where we Go Wrong With Matters Spiritual in Raising Our Children show art 1820. Where we Go Wrong With Matters Spiritual in Raising Our Children

The Life Purpose Podcast on Life Signatures Radio

🚨 New #Podcast!!   There is such a thing as raising spirit-led children, and no, it is not purely a religious thing. That has been explained in the previous episode. Our biggest problem is the definition of what spiritual is. We think it is weak, docile and submissive. We think it's not a force to reckon with. Here's something to ponder about on the subject matter. 

1819. Why We Need To Raise Spirit Led Children show art 1819. Why We Need To Raise Spirit Led Children

The Life Purpose Podcast on Life Signatures Radio

🚨 New #Podcast!!   Ok, I know someone will already log off thinking that this is a religious post. It's not. Even if it is, the subjecy matter here is critical to society today. When we are educating our children, where so we obtain the contents of our curriculums from? Listen to this.

1818. Why We Must Pursue The Fulness of Our Glory As Humans show art 1818. Why We Must Pursue The Fulness of Our Glory As Humans

The Life Purpose Podcast on Life Signatures Radio

🚨New #Podcast!!   There is such a thing as fullness of our glory as humans and that reaches to individual levels. All of us have that magnificence that we can showcase in life and we can do it by being ourselves. This is why it is important. Listen to this.

1818. Why We Must Pursue The Fulness of Our Glory As Humans show art 1818. Why We Must Pursue The Fulness of Our Glory As Humans

The Life Purpose Podcast on Life Signatures Radio

🚨New #Podcast!!   There is such a thing as fullness of our glory as humans and that reaches to individual levels. All of us have that magnificence that we can showcase in life and we can do it by being ourselves. This is why it is important. Listen to this.

1817. Winning The Greatest Battle For The Sake of The Fullness of Our Glory show art 1817. Winning The Greatest Battle For The Sake of The Fullness of Our Glory

The Life Purpose Podcast on Life Signatures Radio

🚨New #Podcast!! I have always thought and reviewed my life from the angle of purpose. As in, why am I here? For what reason am I alive? Even if I know the answer to that question, that is just half the story. The real story is to live it in such a way that I am glorious and magnificent. Here's one way we can do this. Listen to this.

1816. The 6 Pillars That Hold Up The Fullness of Our Glory show art 1816. The 6 Pillars That Hold Up The Fullness of Our Glory

The Life Purpose Podcast on Life Signatures Radio

🚨 New #Podcast!! There's such a thing as personal glory, majest6 and magnificence. And no, it is not superficial neither is it a reserve it a few "Special" humans. We all were created to shine our glories at individual levels here on earth. How can we do that?  Here are some pointers. Listen to this.

1815. The Power of Our Utmost Effort at Work in Making Us Glorious show art 1815. The Power of Our Utmost Effort at Work in Making Us Glorious

The Life Purpose Podcast on Life Signatures Radio

🚨 New #Podcast!!! "It is finished." Three last words spoken by Jesus Christ while drying on the cross. His legacy lives on, much more alive than any person who ever lived. That's what is called fullness of glory. If we are to shine our lights and be glorious, we have tl learn to give our utmost effort to our ultimate work. Listen to this.

1814. This Is What Is Available In Every Luminary Who is Glorious Across Human Generations show art 1814. This Is What Is Available In Every Luminary Who is Glorious Across Human Generations

The Life Purpose Podcast on Life Signatures Radio

🚨New #Podcast! Take a guess. What do you think it is? In speaking about our greats, the people across the generations who have shone their light and lived magnificently, you will realize that there is a common thread. Know what it is? Listen to this.

1813. What Ultimate Fulfillment Is and How Critical it is To The Fullness of Our Glory show art 1813. What Ultimate Fulfillment Is and How Critical it is To The Fullness of Our Glory

The Life Purpose Podcast on Life Signatures Radio

🚨New #Podcast!!  There is a difference between fleeting fulfilment and ultimate fulfilment. Daily, we might find ourselves distracted by our pursuits of fleeting fulfilment. In so doing, we rob ourselves of being glorious. Listen to this.

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/Prayer is a universal language. The problem we have is when people complicate things. We do not need to borrow prayers or regurgitate words. Find out from this the greatest prayer you can make./