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Coronavirus Conspiracies

David Boles: Human Meme

Release Date: 04/12/2020

Cat Heads in Space! Episode 28: Great Galactic Game show art Cat Heads in Space! Episode 28: Great Galactic Game

David Boles: Human Meme

Our story resumes on the bridge of the Feline Star Cruiser. The vastness of space stretches out before our heroes, a canvas of twinkling stars and swirling galaxies. Captain Whiskerfluff is deep in thought, gazing out into the cosmos, while Lieutenant Mittens fiddles with a new gadget on her console. Skeedootle is snoozing quietly in a corner, her snores punctuated by tiny barks.

Exploring Mars: The Impact of the Red Planet on Culture, Science, and Human Imagination show art Exploring Mars: The Impact of the Red Planet on Culture, Science, and Human Imagination

David Boles: Human Meme

Was there ever life on Mars? Is it there now hidden beneath the dust? Could Mars be the future home for human civilization? These questions compel scientists and dreamers alike. But beyond the scientific inquiry, Mars has also painted the canvas of our cultural landscape, influencing everything from classical compositions to blockbuster films.

Eternal Journey of a Seed Through Time and Space show art Eternal Journey of a Seed Through Time and Space

David Boles: Human Meme

In the ancient world, where myths were born from the murmurs of nature and the whispers of the gods, there existed a singular seed. This was not just any seed, but one imbued with the essence of eternity, a gift from Gaia herself, the mother of all life. Planted in the fertile earth of a forgotten land, it began its first life under the watchful gaze of celestial beings.

Debunking the Myth of High Vibration Foods show art Debunking the Myth of High Vibration Foods

David Boles: Human Meme

The concept of "high vibration foods" has emerged as a tantalizing notion, promising a pathway to enhanced physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. This idea posits that certain foods, by virtue of their intrinsic energy or "vibrational" qualities, can elevate our own personal energy levels, thus improving our health and happiness. As we set forth, our mission is to unravel the threads of this modern myth, placing the truth above the comforting lullabies of falsehood.

NovaTerra Chronicles: From Earth's Ashes to Interstellar Renewal show art NovaTerra Chronicles: From Earth's Ashes to Interstellar Renewal

David Boles: Human Meme

Our story begins with Dr. Samantha Myles, a visionary astrobiologist, who discovered a distant planet, christened "NovaTerra." This world, lush and teeming with potential, orbited a young star in the constellation of Lyra. Unlike the exhausted Earth, NovaTerra promised a fresh start, a canvas of boundless possibilities. With the Earth's clock winding down, humanity pooled its remaining resources, ingenuity, and spirit into one final venture—the Exodus Project.

Redefining Fair Play: The Impact of NIL Rights and Employment Status on Collegiate Athletes show art Redefining Fair Play: The Impact of NIL Rights and Employment Status on Collegiate Athletes

David Boles: Human Meme

Let’s start with the basics. NIL rights allow collegiate athletes to profit from their name, image, and likeness. This could be through endorsements, social media promotions, personal appearances, and more. Before recent changes, such policies were forbidden, and athletes were strictly amateurs, at least in the eyes of the NCAA, which meant they couldn’t earn from their soaring popularity, unlike their institutions which profited immensely from their performances. 

Rise of Male Isolation: Combatting Loneliness in Modern Society show art Rise of Male Isolation: Combatting Loneliness in Modern Society

David Boles: Human Meme

According to a May 2021 poll from the Survey Center on American Life, the number of American men who view themselves as having "no close friends" has increased from 3% in 1990 to 15% in 2021. This significant shift invites us to look deeper into the nuances of human relationships and the evolving dynamics of solitude and social connectivity.

Pro Rasslin': Blending Sport, Performance, and Social Justice show art Pro Rasslin': Blending Sport, Performance, and Social Justice

David Boles: Human Meme

Professional wrestling, as we know it today, began in the late 19th century. It evolved from genuine competitive wrestling into a more entertainment-focused spectacle. The early days were marked by carnival and vaudeville acts where wrestlers, often referred to as "hookers" due to their ability to "hook" their opponents into submission holds, would challenge locals to prove their strength. These exhibitions were as much about showmanship as they were about strength, setting the stage for what was to become professional wrestling.

Understanding and Supporting Collectors and Hoarders in Your Life show art Understanding and Supporting Collectors and Hoarders in Your Life

David Boles: Human Meme

Collecting is a purposeful and selective process. It involves the acquisition of specific items that fit within a predefined category. Collectors often experience joy and pride in organizing and displaying their collections. Whether it’s stamps, books, coins, or art, collections often follow a thoughtful acquisition strategy. The items collected have not just monetary value but emotional value; they tell a story or complete a set.

Shifting Dynamics in Academia: Navigating Student-Instructor Relationships in the Post-Standardized Test Era show art Shifting Dynamics in Academia: Navigating Student-Instructor Relationships in the Post-Standardized Test Era

David Boles: Human Meme

Ten years ago, the archetype of the kindly professor was often exploited. Students, perceiving kindness as a vulnerability, frequently requested extensions, favors, and leniencies that stretched beyond the typical academic courtesies. This dynamic, while problematic, was somewhat contained within the understood professional boundaries of the educator-student relationship. The instructor, committed to nurturing minds, often felt obligated to acquiesce, perhaps hoping to inspire dedication through their own example of benevolence.

More Episodes

We are only as good as what cannot be proven. Have you heard about the military biolab next to the Wuhan wet market? Did you know FEMA is stealing from Blue States to poison Purple States? What do you think about ER doctors being fired for telling the truth about what's really happening with ventilators? These are the not-so-evident self-truths that plague us today.