Commuter Knitter - Episode 46 - DH Wants Me to Knit Him ALL THE THINGS
Release Date: 02/17/2013
Commuter Knitter Podcast
While I have been updating Ravelry periodically, none of the links will direct you to the site in case it is not accessible for you. Feel free to look up my projects under ndjen04 Welcome It is a short episode today, but I could not resist the opportunity to turn on the microphone twelve years to the day since this day only comes around every four years! Thank you for joining me on this journey for the past TWELVE years exactly. What a ride it has been! Drive Crochet Granny Square Blanket - no pattern, just making squares and attaching together. Tight Join as You Go - and ...
info_outlineCommuter Knitter Podcast
While I have been updating Ravelry periodically, none of the links will direct you to the site in case it is not accessible for you. Feel free to look up my projects under ndjen04 Welcome Thank you for bearing with me in an unexpected nearly-year-long hiatus! Life got in the way of the podcast and knitting, but alas I am back to catch up and share my projects with you. You’ve Arrived At Your Destination - one for A and one for Carlos by Olga Putano Designs by Tin Can Knits by Tin Can Knits by Alexandra Tavel (Two of Wands) by Jennifer Lassonde ...
info_outlineCommuter Knitter Podcast
While I have been updating Ravelry periodically, none of the links will direct you to the site in case it is not accessible for you. Feel free to look up my projects under ndjen04 Welcome Thank you to everyone who has been on this ELEVEN year podcasting journey with me! It has been quite the adventure with lots of bumps along the way, but I appreciate each and every one of you who has downloaded, listened, shared, or otherwise connected with me through the podcast over the years. Take a quick trip down memory lane as I reflect back on that first episode! ...
info_outlineCommuter Knitter Podcast
While I have been updating Ravelry periodically, none of the links will direct you to the site in case it is not accessible for you. Feel free to look up my projects under ndjen04 You’ve Arrived At Your Destination Drive Basic Children's Poncho for Z Carlos’s by Tin Can Knits Musselburgh in Knit Picks Felici Road Trips Vogue Knitting Live in NYC - February 9-12 Trip Planner Your Mileage May Vary Getting Purly With It with Why I Knit with Creative Seed Come Find Me on the Interwebs Instagram – Making...
info_outlineCommuter Knitter Podcast
While I have been updating Ravelry periodically, none of the links will direct you to the site in case it is not accessible for you. Feel free to look up my projects under ndjen04 You’ve Arrived At Your Destination Dear Great Pumpkin socks by Drive Musselburgh in Knit Picks Felici Aurora’s Cover Story Blanket Carlos’s by Tin Can Knits Road Trips Vogue Knitting Live in NYC – February 9-12 Offroading Frosted Pumpkin Stitchery – Once Upon a Time Sampler where we have been (sporadically) posting our Disney trip videos Your Mileage May Vary I discuss my journey to...
info_outlineCommuter Knitter Podcast
While I have been updating Ravelry periodically, none of the links will direct you to the site in case it is not accessible for you. Feel free to look up my projects under ndjen04 You’ve Arrived At Your Destination/Rearview Mirror Recent FOs: by Tin Can Knits out of DK leftovers and a Care Bears mini skein box from PassionKnits Yarn Exoskeleton by Swanky DK Fiber Society 22 – Deconstructed Fade – Don’t Procrastinate, Delegate to Your Future Self! Stitch Markers Dog Star by Tin Can Knits out of Farmer’s Daughter Fibers and LolaBean Yarn Co. Zelda’s Cover...
info_outlineCommuter Knitter Podcast
Please note – none of the links in this post will direct you to Ravelry due to accessibility issues. I have created project pages here on my website or have directed you right to the designers’ or yarn dyers’ websites. You’ve Arrived At Your Destination Mini Zelda Crop by . in Salt Water Taffy, Jam on It, and Strawberry Milk Note – while I was checking links for the show notes, I noticed that Olga does not have all of her patterns listed on her Etsy shop. The rest are via Ravelry. by Ysolda Teague in Hocus Pocus progress keeper Drive I talk...
info_outlineCommuter Knitter Podcast
Please note – none of the links in this post will direct you to Ravelry due to accessibility issues. I have created project pages here on my website and also direct you right to the designers’ or yarn dyers’ websites. You've Arrived At Your Destination One Twisted Tree - One Twisted Summer Socks Megan Williams OMG Heel - Shana Cohen Explorer Knits Shawlography - Encanto Socks - - LolaBean Yarn Co. - Pinto Bean Kenyarn Stratus DK Drive Mini Zelda Crop by LolaBean Yarn Co. Color Dominance - Color work - - Linda Welsh - Knitty ...
info_outlineCommuter Knitter Podcast
Please note - none of the links in this post will direct you to Ravelry due to accessibility issues. I have created project pages here on my website and also direct you right to the designers' or yarn dyers' websites. You've Arrived at Your Destination by Shaina Bilow - note, in the episode I mentioned that this was a Ravelry download and I was not sure whether Shaina had this available elsewhere. I am happy to report that the pattern IS available as a free download directly from Shaina's website. This is NOT a Ravelry link. - Precious Penelope (this is for Z's version - still need a...
info_outlineCommuter Knitter Podcast
Please note - none of the links in this post will direct you to Ravelry due to accessibility issues. I have created project pages here on my website and also direct you right to the designers' or yarn dyers' websites. You've Arrived at Your Destination for Carlos - Knit Picks Felici - Psychedelic Sunset here on my website by Stephanie Lotven - Telly Bean Knits Knit Style Yarns - Haunted Mansion Mini Skein Set by - - Coco Collection Carnation Offrenda Land of the Living Remember Me by Shaina Bilow - note, in the episode I mentioned that this was a Ravelry...
Looking in the Rearview Mirror
Taking a look back at an FO after giving it some use and wear
Check Slouch Hat vs. Tilted Slouch Hat
Remembering Remy KAL - Knitting Brooklyn Podcast
Cosmic Knittas - Sandy Hook Tribute for International Yarn Bomb Day
Join the Cosmic Knittas on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and Ravelry for the yarn bomb planning for Sandy Hook on 6/8/2013
Knitted and Crocheted Items for the Yarn Bomb can be sent to:
Commuter Knitter Podcast
P.O. Box 203
Botsford, CT 06404
Come Find me on the Interwebs