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Precyber - Chapter 2

Tossing Grenades At Windmills

Release Date: 10/26/2013

KOSA and Drunk Senator Markey and Drunk Senator Warren show art KOSA and Drunk Senator Markey and Drunk Senator Warren

Tossing Grenades At Windmills

The Kids Online Safety Act is a Bipartisan Bill meant to "Protect the Children" "For the Children" and to stick it to "Big Tech" (which I made a series about called The Sins of Silicon Valley) but this wont protect kids and will help nazis hurt LGBT kids and help nazis track teens seeking abortion.  Drunk Senator Warren and Drunk Senator Markey and 18 of their 'liberal' and 'progressive' collegues in the Senate don't care.  They must be primaries.

Eagle as Phoenix - Preamble show art Eagle as Phoenix - Preamble

Tossing Grenades At Windmills

Preamble of a New Constitution; what a Preamble is and why we need one

Rhombus Tick's Constitution - A New Constitution show art Rhombus Tick's Constitution - A New Constitution

Tossing Grenades At Windmills

We are at war.   What do we do after it?

Project Nimby - Influencing the Swing Vote show art Project Nimby - Influencing the Swing Vote

Tossing Grenades At Windmills

Milly is a digital copy of herself created in a simulated environments made by religious fantatics to create an army of voters who would vote any way she wanted.  She found a way out.

Heir of Sunfire - Chapter 5 - Mr Kind Asks The Right Question show art Heir of Sunfire - Chapter 5 - Mr Kind Asks The Right Question

Tossing Grenades At Windmills

Mr Right and Mr Kind speak to the Librarian.

Rhombus Ticks History of Terra - Preable show art Rhombus Ticks History of Terra - Preable

Tossing Grenades At Windmills

Rather than some flowery prose, I basically lay out the case about why freaking out about the insideous och constitution is nuts, and how Article V isnt as important for creating a new constituion as you think it is.  The US Consitution was illegal per the Articles of Confederation and the Articles of Confederation were not mentioned anywhere in the Declaration of Independence.  The Declaration of Independence was illegal per British law.  Just because the constitution says something DOESNT MEAN WE CANT MAKE ANOTHER.

Project Nimby - Schekly vs Everything show art Project Nimby - Schekly vs Everything

Tossing Grenades At Windmills

Schleky is a weaponized meme capable of inhabiting everything and anyone that is so successful it infects multiple universe until it runs into someone who understand exactly what the concept of being an informational organism truly means.

Heir of Sunfire - Chapter 4 - Timmy Becomes Michael Sunfire show art Heir of Sunfire - Chapter 4 - Timmy Becomes Michael Sunfire

Tossing Grenades At Windmills

Timmy and Tricia go to Timmy's house for an address book to see if there is a relative he can stay with that is safer than Aunt Marigold.

Project Nimby - And a Good Time was Had by All show art Project Nimby - And a Good Time was Had by All

Tossing Grenades At Windmills

Twoman Cop's Ken and Ben entertain the alien Mmmmmdkkkk in a bar in Boston trying to get Earth into the Galactic Club when a fight arises between Ben and 2252, the Digital Intelligent bartender

Heir of Sunfire - Chapter 3 - The Dr Marigold Blackwater Show show art Heir of Sunfire - Chapter 3 - The Dr Marigold Blackwater Show

Tossing Grenades At Windmills

Dr Marigold Blackwater has raised Timmy to be obedient to Grandfather Fiddleback and gets very upset when she finds out he is talking to the "wrong" people.

More Episodes

by T.C. Ricks and Ken Lightner.  

Someone has killed Barfman, Clarke's online friend, and Clarke is determined to solve his murder. Of course, despite the fact that Clarke is a member of the FBAI, Clarke is probably the least qualified person in the world to solve Barfman's murder. But that doesn't stop him. Clarke is a determined, if not slacker protagonist.

The world is dystopic and dark, but its a more realistic version than most.  Which is to say, sure its grim and corporations own almost everything, but it has its upsides to, like improved medical technology.  And games.  Did we mention games? Giant immersive games which take MMO's and merge them with Reality TV to create whole sets of augmented reality that merge in on docudrama extravaganza in which to drown the sorrows of the ignorant masses.  Revolution? What Revolution?

Clarke had questions, questions that needed answering like....would Superman become a werewolf if a a werewolf bit him? What if there was Krytponite involved? Who killed Barfman? Why were they trying to kill him? Who were the good guys? Who were the bad guys? Who the hell was the crazy lady making such a big deal about the god damned coconuts? What did the writing on the ring say? Wait...no...scratch that last. But definitely the first six.

Clarke's love life isn't going as well as it could either. Clarke is merely a poor government employee, a member of the FBAI gaming division that is supposed to monitor games for criminal behavior but is so underfunded its employees are more concerned about their paychecks than doing their job. Unless their job consists of filling out paper work that is. It doesn't help that Emily (his girlfriend) is being asked to spy on him for the Revolution. It definitely doesn't help that she has begun to question Clarke's sanity, ethics and integrity. Clarke can't blame her. He's begun to question these things himself.

The question of the novel ultimately is....what kind of society do you want to live in, and what price are you willing to pay to get it? For Clarke, these are not abstract questions. There are real consequences. At his lowest point, Clarke has absolutely everything he loves stripped away from him; his life, his love, his job, his friends and most important...his computer.

There are high stakes involved, but Clarke is prepared to pay the price to risk them. And when he can't afford the loss himself, he's more than happy to place the fall on some other guy in the process. Even if that guy happens to be a hacker who hates snitches and arranges to have the local terrorist cell try to kidnap him for ransom or, failing that, blow him to smithereens. Just a day in the life...

But Clarke Yossarian is not a man to take such indignity's lying down (well truth be told he would if he could but he knows he'd never get away with it) and so he fights tooth and claw and fist and maw to get back what was taken from him. Even if he has to join the Revolution to do it. Even if he has to take on the most powerful man in the world again and again and win. Even if he has to save (shudder) the most popular game in the world (Drama!) to do it.