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Time for mandatory MFA? - Ep 458

Help Me With HIPAA

Release Date: 05/17/2024

Battling Cyber Threats and Burnout - Ep 460 show art Battling Cyber Threats and Burnout - Ep 460

Help Me With HIPAA

Imagine juggling the intense world of cybersecurity where you're constantly putting out digital fires, with trying to keep your own mental batteries charged. It's like being a superhero who also needs to take some me-time. Our discussion dives into how we can manage the high-stakes of cybersecurity and stress-packed jobs while also making sure we don't crash and burn. We’ll talk about everything from rebooting your brain with a dose of humor to the serious implications of cyber threats on mental health. It’s a real talk on balancing the cyber chaos with personal peace, all seasoned with...

Verizon DBIR 2024 Review  - Ep 459 show art Verizon DBIR 2024 Review - Ep 459

Help Me With HIPAA

It is time to review the annual Verizon Data Breach Investigaton report. First, we will hit the big notes from their summary. Then, we can add in a few tidbits from the bigger report details. We'll break down key statistics, discuss emerging threats, and offer insights into what these findings mean for the health sector and HIPAA privacy and security programs.  More info at

Time for mandatory MFA? - Ep 458 show art Time for mandatory MFA? - Ep 458

Help Me With HIPAA

After the big cyberattack on Change Healthcare, there’s a hot debate about making Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) a must-have for all public access points. With Congress getting involved and experts pushing for tougher security, it’s clear that better safeguards are needed to keep our healthcare data safe. This shift towards mandatory security measures shows just how serious cyber threats have become. More info at

Who pays for breach notifications? - Ep 457 show art Who pays for breach notifications? - Ep 457

Help Me With HIPAA

Who's on the hook for breach notifications in healthcare? Recent cybersecurity incidents like the massive Change Healthcare data breach have left providers scrambling and seeking clarity. The tangled relationships between Covered Entities and Business Associates make it tricky to figure out who's liable, especially when cyber incidents ripple down the vendor chain. This raises big questions about the contents of Business Associate Agreements and clarifications on who's responsible for what, ensuring everyone's ready when a data breach hits. More info at

Change is Gonna Make Change Happen - Ep 456 show art Change is Gonna Make Change Happen - Ep 456

Help Me With HIPAA

The U.S. healthcare sector is facing significant changes with new HIPAA rules boosting privacy protections, particularly for reproductive health. At the same time, the industry is tackling serious cybersecurity issues highlighted by a major ransomware attack on Change Healthcare. This dual focus on strengthening legal compliance and enhancing data security underscores the urgency of protecting patient information and maintaining trust in healthcare systems. More info at

AI Plus Small Business Cybersecurity - Ep 455 show art AI Plus Small Business Cybersecurity - Ep 455

Help Me With HIPAA

In the world of cybersecurity, small businesses have their own set of unique challenges. As AI technology becomes more common, using AI in cybersecurity sounds promising, but it's crucial to handle it wisely to avoid new risks. These tools are powerful, but they need to be used carefully because they can also open up new kinds of cyber threats. Small businesses need to build a strong culture of security, making sure everyone is up to speed and constantly testing their defenses against attacks. It's also vital for them to keep their security practices flexible to stay ahead of new threats and...

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Help Me With HIPAA

Aristotle once said, “Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.” That's totally spot on when you think about cybersecurity threats and how sneaky cybercriminals can be. These attackers plant their harmful seeds and just hang back, waiting for the right time to take advantage of old weaknesses. Their patience and careful planning mean they can strike effectively, sometimes after years of waiting, showing just how tricky it is to handle digital security. It really highlights why we need to be on our toes all the time, with solid and forward-thinking security measures to guard our sensitive...

Learning From The MGM Hack  - Ep 453 show art Learning From The MGM Hack - Ep 453

Help Me With HIPAA

One Friday night in September last year, a massive hack at the MGM Grand caused quite a stir in Las Vegas. Cybercriminals used tricky tactics to slip through the cracks, infiltrating the network, and disrupting services at the hotel and casino. It's a wake-up call for everyone to step up their security game and stay one step ahead in this fast-changing world of cyber threats. More info at

Mitigate MSP Risks - Ep 452 show art Mitigate MSP Risks - Ep 452

Help Me With HIPAA

MSPs are like the backstage crew for your business's IT show, handling everything from network management to cybersecurity. But here's the kicker: while they're busy protecting you, they've got to make sure they're not accidentally opening the back door for trouble with their own tools and business practices in the process of delivering their services. Security is a shared responsibility. More info at

Vendors Surprised By Vetting - Ep 451 show art Vendors Surprised By Vetting - Ep 451

Help Me With HIPAA

In an increasingly interconnected and data-driven world, the importance of rigorous vendor vetting cannot be overstressed. Vendors ticking a box saying that they use a framework for data security and compliance isn’t enough anymore. It is a critical due diligence process that helps clients build secure, compliant, and mutually beneficial business relationships, minimizing risks and enhancing overall business performance. And with the recent Change Healthcare attack, vendors can expect to receive more rigorous questionnaires from their clients and the heightened expectations for transparency...

More Episodes

After the big cyberattack on Change Healthcare, there’s a hot debate about making Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) a must-have for all public access points. With Congress getting involved and experts pushing for tougher security, it’s clear that better safeguards are needed to keep our healthcare data safe. This shift towards mandatory security measures shows just how serious cyber threats have become.

More info at HelpMeWithHIPAA.com/458