Two Ewes Fiber Adventures
Finished projects! Also weaving, the loom restoration project, aging, and our usual chit chat. Full notes with photos and links can be found in the podcast section of Join the or become a patron and support the show on . or . Marsha’s Projects : by Heidemarie Kaizer. Finished! Used Purls Before Swine Robusta in colorways Good Jeans (blue) and Toxic (pink). : Stephanie Larson. Using Purls Before Swine Hometown Worsted in colorway Seaglass. I was about to start the decreases when I noticed I had crossed one of the cables the wrong way. I need to rip back. : Using Regia 4-fadig by Arne...
info_outlineTwo Ewes Fiber Adventures
At least one of us is sometimes a careless knitter. And by the way, do you swatch for socks? We discuss all of this plus our weaving adventures. Full notes with photos and links can be found in the podcast section of Join the or become a patron and support the show on . or . Marsha’s Projects : by Heidemarie Kaizer. Using Purls Before Swine Robusta in colorways Good Jeans (blue) and Toxic (pink). I’ve finished the first sleeve and about 4” from starting ribbing on the second sleeve. : Stephanie Larson. Using Purls Before Swine Hometown Worsted in colorway Seaglass. I was about...
info_outlineTwo Ewes Fiber Adventures
Our Winter Weave-Along is in full swing. We have lots to discuss about our weaving projects. The knitting projects are moving along, too. Plus, we talk about Kelly’s super fun yard “sale” with everything free. Full notes with photos and links can be found in the podcast section of Join the or become a patron and support the show on . or . Marsha’s Projects : by Heidemarie Kaizer. Using Purls Before Swine Robusta in colorways Good Jeans (blue) and Toxic (pink). About to start ribbing at the cuff of the first sleeve. : Stephanie Larson. Using Purls Before Swine Hometown...
info_outlineTwo Ewes Fiber Adventures
It’s another recovery episode! Marsha is back from Palm Springs, Christmas is put away, and Kelly has big news about the trailer curtains. Plus, dreams of new weaving projects. Full notes with photos and links can be found in the podcast section of Join the or become a patron and support the show on . or . Marsha’s Projects : by Heidemarie Kaizer. Using Purls Before Swine Robusta in colorways Good Jeans (blue) and Toxic (pink). I’ve finished the body and am about to pick up stitches for the first sleeve. : Stephanie Larson. Using Purls Before Swine Hometown Worsted in colorway...
info_outlineTwo Ewes Fiber Adventures
The Two Ewes send best wishes for the happiest of holidays to all our listeners. Join us in our last episode of 2024 as we discuss projects, our Winter Weave Along, and a way to think about making space for creativity. Full notes with photos and links can be found in the podcast section of Join the or become a patron and support the show on . or . Looms available: Loom #1: Terry in Salinas has a loom that needs a home. It comes from Berkeley, has all its pieces, and is in really good condition. I'll have more information soon and she says it would definitely be a good...
info_outlineTwo Ewes Fiber Adventures
We hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving. We recap our holiday with stories of cooking turkeys and cranberry sauce. Plus, updates on projects and a challenge for our Winter Weave Along. Full notes with photos and links can be found in the podcast section of Join the or become a patron and support the show on . or . Marsha’s Projects : by Annette Corsino. I finished the body but still need to knit wattle and comb. I’ve been making “rope” with French Knitter and about halfway done. Plan to make a hat and chalk bag. Found tiny carabiners online. : by Heidemarie Kaizer. Using Purls...
info_outlineTwo Ewes Fiber Adventures
Join us as we discuss our plans for the Winter Weave A-long and, of course, lots of project updates. Full notes with photos and links can be found in the podcast section of Join the or become a patron and support the show on . or . Marsha’s Projects : by Annette Corsino. I’ve knitted a bit on my chicken. Decided to make a rock climbing chicken for Ben. Found tiny carabiners online. : by Kelly McClure. Using Done Roving Yarns Frolicking Feet in colorway Irish Moss. Hibernating. : by Heidemarie Kaizer. Using Purls Before Swine Robusta in colorways Good Jeans (blue) and Toxic (pink). I...
info_outlineTwo Ewes Fiber Adventures
Technical difficulties in the last episode meant we lost half of the audio. We’re back and announce the winners of the Summer Spin In and discuss project updates. Marsha shares details about her trip to upstate New York and the New York State Sheep and Wool Show. Full notes with photos and links can be found in the podcast section of Join the or become a patron and support the show on . or Marsha’s Projects : by Maddie Mo. Finished. Used Alaskan Yarn Company DK in colorway Spruce. : by Maddie Mo. Finished. Used Hazel Knits Cadence DK in colorway Wonderland Trail. : by Annette Corsino....
info_outlineTwo Ewes Fiber Adventures
Just the chat today. We had some technical difficulties with the knitting part of the show. We'll try to troubleshoot once Marsha returns from Rhinebeck. If you like the chat, welcome! If you're here for the knitting, we'll see you in episode 235.
info_outlineTwo Ewes Fiber Adventures
We have lots of discussion topics this week ranging from Kelly’s dogs now having two legs, the fleece auction, to Marsha’s cast on frenzy. Full notes with photos and links can be found in the podcast section of Join the or become a patron and support the show on . or Marsha’s Projects Skein: Finished! 50/25/25 merino/silk/bamboo. 4oz and 454 yards. : The Artful Ewe Clackamas. Finished! : Regia Design Line by Arne & Carlos in colorway Garden. : by Annette Corsino. I’ve knitted a bit on my chicken. Knit through the third stripe. Not sure I like the colors I picked. : by...
info_outlineMarsha and Kelly both finished knitting their sweaters and both are big wins! (At recording time we both had a little left to go, but now that the episode is published we are finished). Marsha's Blue Juno sweater fits even better than she thought it would.
Kelly's Purple Cherry Vanilla sweater is the perfect sweatshirt alternative and used yarn from her extensive stash of rescued weaving cones. Double win!
Marsha is planning to finish her son's tricolor socks before the month of July is over. Inspired by others in the Warmth of Summer KAL, Marsha has started a Wispy Willow Cardigan using a spring green CoBaSi yarn from Hi-Koo. She has also been busy spinning some of the CVM fleece that Kelly gave her to try, and is making plans to wash and card the fleece that she got from The Black Sheep Gathering.
Kelly has also been spinning a bit since returning from her trip and has some plans for Tour de Fleece. But mostly she has been finishing up current projects that she brought with her--a Rikke hat, for example.
Kelly also explains why her decision to start beekeeping with foundationless frames has made the steep beekeeping learning curve even more steep.
The Two Ewes review a wonderful first book by designer Corrina Ferguson. Review copies were kindly provided by the publisher, Interweave/F+W. Interweave also provided this information about the book:
Knitting is not just for cold and snowy climates! For anyone who has ever stopped to wonder what knitters in the South are wearing—and knitting—for the changing seasons, Florida designer Corrina Ferguson has set out to show us in her new book, Warm Days, Cool Knits: Lighter Designs for Every Season (Interweave/F+W; $24.99; June 2015).
“In the South we love to knit. And we want to knit pretty wearable things, not just accessories and household decorations,” explains Corrina. “That’s why I created this collection of patterns to showcase the knitted seasons of the South, with projects that are fitting for any climate.”
Marsha and Kelly had almost an identical list of favorites from the book, including the tank shown on the book's cover. Kelly has started swatching already for one of the other tops in the book. Another big win! This book is full of great knitting patterns for warmer coastal climates like the Salinas and Seattle areas--not just the south.
A copy of this wonderful book is awarded as one of the two prizes for the Warmth of Summer Knit Along that just ended. Check the episode to hear the winners.