Scientism, Sorcery and Word-Faith Movement Christianity
Chris Lawson | Spiritual Research Network
Release Date: 08/05/2015
Chris Lawson | Spiritual Research Network
Radio Interview: Yoga and Christianity - Are They Compatible? Statistics, Definitions, and Dangers of Yoga! Interview: Featuring Bill Feltner of Pilgrim Radio (Carson City, Nevada) and Chris Lawson of Spiritual Research Network. Topics: 1) Western culture embraces yoga, 2) What yoga is - by definition and in context, 3) Yoga and the occult, 4) Kundalini energy and the psychic worldview versus Christianity, Jesus Christ and the Bible, 5) The dangers of yoga (psycho-spiritual and psycho-physical "emergencies"), 6) So-called 'Christian Yoga' ministries, 7) The conflict between Yoga,...
info_outline Jesus Calling Messages Compared to Channeled Spirit MessagesChris Lawson | Spiritual Research Network
Jesus Calling Messages Compared to Channeled Spirit Messages Examining Sarah Young’s “listening prayer” method and her own words See also, . This audio mentions the following: - Crafty teachings embraced in Christian churches. - The danger of “channeled” literature such as God Calling (Edited by A.J. Russell) - Sarah’s Young claims she was inspired by God Calling to write her “Christian” devotional, Jesus Calling. - Destructive heresies, “deceptive words,” and the exploitation of Christians in the Christian Marketplace. - Extensive listing of “channeled” entities,...
info_outline Jesus Calling PART 11 - New Age "Messages": Sarah Young's Contemplative Prayer Method Identical to Passive, Telepathic-Psychic Literary Mediumship!Chris Lawson | Spiritual Research Network
Jesus Calling PART 11 - New Age "Messages": Sarah Young's Contemplative Prayer Method Identical to Passive, Telepathic-Psychic Literary Mediumship! An 11 Part Audio Series by Chris Lawson This discernment teaching message is also available as one lengthy audio under the title, (See episode menu). See also, . Note for Jesus Calling devotional readers: This series includes direct quotes from the Jesus Calling author Sarah Young, from her personal interviews with news correspondents. These quotes are then compared to definitions from The Donning International Encyclopedic Psychic...
info_outline Jesus Calling PART 10 - New Age "Messages": Sarah Young's Contemplative Prayer Method Identical to Passive, Telepathic-Psychic Literary Mediumship!Chris Lawson | Spiritual Research Network
Jesus Calling PART 10 - New Age "Messages": Sarah Young's Contemplative Prayer Method Identical to Passive, Telepathic-Psychic Literary Mediumship! An 11 Part Audio Series by Chris Lawson This discernment teaching message is also available as one lengthy audio under the title, (See episode menu). See . Note for Jesus Calling devotional readers: This series includes direct quotes from the Jesus Calling author Sarah Young, from her personal interviews with news correspondents. These quotes are then compared to definitions from The Donning International Encyclopedic Psychic Dictionary...
info_outline Jesus Calling PART 9 - New Age "Messages": Sarah Young's Contemplative Prayer Method Identical to Passive, Telepathic-Psychic Literary Mediumship!Chris Lawson | Spiritual Research Network
Jesus Calling PART 9 - New Age "Messages": Sarah Young's Contemplative Prayer Method Identical to Passive, Telepathic-Psychic Literary Mediumship! An 11 Part Audio Series by Chris Lawson This discernment teaching message is also available as one lengthy audio under the title, (See episode menu). See . Note for Jesus Calling devotional readers: This series includes direct quotes from the Jesus Calling author Sarah Young, from her personal interviews with news correspondents. These quotes are then compared to definitions from The Donning International Encyclopedic Psychic Dictionary...
info_outline Jesus Calling PART 8 - New Age "Messages": Sarah Young's Contemplative Prayer Method Identical to Passive, Telepathic-Psychic Literary Mediumship!Chris Lawson | Spiritual Research Network
Jesus Calling PART 8 - New Age "Messages": Sarah Young's Contemplative Prayer Method Identical to Passive, Telepathic-Psychic Literary Mediumship! An 11 Part Audio Series by Chris Lawson This discernment teaching message is also available as one lengthy audio under the title, (See episode menu). See . Note for Jesus Calling devotional readers: This series includes direct quotes from the Jesus Calling author Sarah Young, from her personal interviews with news correspondents. These quotes are then compared to definitions from The Donning International Encyclopedic Psychic Dictionary...
info_outline Jesus Calling PART 7 - New Age "Messages": Sarah Young's Contemplative Prayer Method Identical to Passive, Telepathic-Psychic Literary Mediumship!Chris Lawson | Spiritual Research Network
Jesus Calling PART 7 - New Age "Messages": Sarah Young's Contemplative Prayer Method Identical to Passive, Telepathic-Psychic Literary Mediumship! An 11 Part Audio Series by Chris Lawson This discernment teaching message is also available as one lengthy audio under the title, (See episode menu). See . Note for Jesus Calling devotional readers: This series includes direct quotes from Sarah Young (author of Jesus Calling), from her personal interviews with news correspondents. These quotes are then compared to definitions from The Donning International Encyclopedic Psychic Dictionary...
info_outline Jesus Calling PART 6 - New Age "Messages": Sarah Young's Contemplative Prayer Method Identical to Passive, Telepathic-Psychic Literary Mediumship!Chris Lawson | Spiritual Research Network
Jesus Calling PART 6 - New Age "Messages": Sarah Young's Contemplative Prayer Method Identical to Passive, Telepathic-Psychic Literary Mediumship! An 11 Part Audio Series by Chris Lawson This discernment teaching message is also available as one lengthy audio under the title, (See episode menu). See . Note for Jesus Calling devotional readers: This series includes direct quotes from the Jesus Calling author Sarah Young, from her personal interviews with news correspondents. These quotes are then compared to definitions from The Donning International Encyclopedic Psychic Dictionary...
info_outline Jesus Calling PART 5 - New Age "Messages": Sarah Young's Contemplative Prayer Method Identical to Passive, Telepathic-Psychic Literary Mediumship!Chris Lawson | Spiritual Research Network
Jesus Calling PART 5 - New Age "Messages": Sarah Young's Contemplative Prayer Method Identical to Passive, Telepathic-Psychic Literary Mediumship! An 11 Part Audio Series by Chris Lawson This discernment teaching message is also available as one lengthy audio under the title, (See episode menu). See . Note for Jesus Calling devotional readers: This series includes direct quotes from the Jesus Calling author Sarah Young, from her personal interviews with news correspondents. These quotes are then compared to definitions from The Donning International Encyclopedic Psychic Dictionary...
info_outline Jesus Calling PART 4 - New Age "Messages" - Sarah Young's Contemplative Prayer Method Identical to Passive, Telepathic-Psychic Literary Mediumship!Chris Lawson | Spiritual Research Network
Jesus Calling PART 4 - New Age "Messages": Sarah Young's Contemplative Prayer Method Identical to Passive, Telepathic-Psychic Literary Mediumship! An 11 Part Audio Series by Chris Lawson This discernment teaching message is also available as one lengthy audio under the title, (See episode menu). See also, . Note for Jesus Calling devotional readers: This series includes direct quotes from the Jesus Calling author Sarah Young, from her personal interviews with news correspondents. These quotes are then compared to definitions from The Donning International Encyclopedic Psychic...
Scientism, Sorcery and Word-Faith Movement Christianity
The dangerous lust for power and godhood!
As more and more churches and Christian movements are being boldly deceived into embracing occult principles wrapped in Christian terminology, the discerning believer in Christ must not remain silent!
Desiring to educate the local body of Christ about the necessity of biblical discernment in such times, this audio message was given at an informal small group study where Chris formerly served for 10 years as a fellow church planter and pastor. The delivery of this message is soft-spoken in tone and follows Chris’s small group study outline, based in part on a chapter from Dave Hunt’s 1985 book, The Seduction of Christianity (Used by permission from The Berean Call). The content of Hunt’s book - along with Chris’s message - applies today more than ever!
As internationally recognized false teachers and false prophets disciple whole new crops of johnny-come-lately (newcomers/latecomers/recent adherents) imposters, it appears that the bulk of western Christianity is succumbing to the great apostasy. This audio will help equip the individual with Scripture and also warn of some of the dangerous principles being taught by “evil men [and women] and seducers” who are waxing “worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived” (2 Timothy 3:13).
Some of the topics covered or briefly mentioned include:
- Sorcery, Scientism, Atheism, Evolution, UFO’s (i.e., polymorphs), Religious Science/Mind Science cults, alleged “Laws of prosperity”, creating one’s own reality, Hinduism/karma/reincarnation), Transcendental Meditation, Word of Faith (Positive Confession), occultism, pantheism, chanting mantras/decrees, the universal force (i.e., impersonal energy/occult power), formulas and techniques for success, grasping for godhood, the lust for power, and more.
Some of the biblical texts covered:
- 2 Timothy 3:1-17. Deception is widespread in the church and the world, and we must take heed. Perilous times are here!
- Exodus 7:1-25. Example of worldly-wise men and the sorcerers of Egypt resisting God’s truth through lying signs and wonders which they performed as they resisted God’s spokesman, Moses, and Aaron.
- Acts 8:5-24. The true faith of Philip and Peter versus the corrupt faith of an occultist named Simon (the Sorcerer). Simon wanted to buy God’s power and be recognized like many false teachers in our own day, who seek to declare and positively confess their authority and do miraculous “Signs, Wonders, Healings and Miracles.” In Acts chapter 8 we see Simon rebuked by God through the apostle Peter, for his great wickedness which he committed.
- Romans 1:18-32. Divine judgment against all who persistently suppress and reject God’s revealed truth and the Gospel of God (Romans 1:1-5) – His salvation through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
- Acts 17:11. Encouragement to be a Berean and to “search the Scriptures” - to find out whether the things Paul spoke were true, and us too!.
This message also includes mentions and quotes from authors, book covers, scientists, ufologists (UFOs), occultists, Word-Faith teachers, etc.
---> For other messages in this same series see Chris’s online archives and podcasts.
Recorded Sep 1999, San Luis Obispo, California.
Chris Lawson
Jude 3
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