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Moses: Encounter

Awake Us Now

Release Date: 04/27/2019

Truth for Today #10: Belonging Isn't Always Believing! show art Truth for Today #10: Belonging Isn't Always Believing!

Awake Us Now

A connection to an organization is not the same as a relationship with the Living God, just as knowing about Jesus isn't the same as knowing Christ. The Christian faith is not a True and False test!

The Living One - Week 13: The Name show art The Living One - Week 13: The Name

Awake Us Now

Peter and John were bold witnesses of the power and authority of Jesus. It is in Jesus’ name alone that we find Salvation. Peter and John’s courage in telling others about Jesus astonished others, and the people noted that Peter and John had been with Jesus, eyewitnesses that had spent time with Him. We, too, can spend time with Jesus and get to know Him like Peter and John did.

Rescued by Truth: Week 23 show art Rescued by Truth: Week 23

Awake Us Now

The Biblical truth "God is good" is easy to say when things are going smoothly, but what if everything seems to be going against us? In trials and cruel suffering through the ages, believers have found strength and restoration in that truth and can testify that God truly is good. The enemy loves to tell us God’s the bad guy. That’s a lie! The truth is: God IS good and His goodness is incredible.

Truth for Today #8: The Messiah is Jewish! show art Truth for Today #8: The Messiah is Jewish!

Awake Us Now

Isaiah 53 acts like a GPS, leading us to God. It is truly an amazing prophetic word from an amazing Hebrew prophet!

Two Year Gospel Study Week 23 show art Two Year Gospel Study Week 23

Awake Us Now

Mark 13:19-31. The Last Days; Tribulation, Rapture, and the Second Coming; Pre-, Post-, and A-Millennialism; Be Awake! We do not need to fear. Jesus has left us warning so that we will be prepared, filled with the Holy Spirit and trusting in His promises.

Truth for Today #7: Cheer-full or Fear-full? show art Truth for Today #7: Cheer-full or Fear-full?

Awake Us Now

The night before Jesus died, He spoke words of encouragement. They still cheer hearts today!

Truth for Today #6: All Alone, or Allelōn? The Power Of Truth for Today #6: All Alone, or Allelōn? The Power Of "One Another"

Awake Us Now

"Rugged individualism" is a value prized by many, but God commands us to live in community and to love one another.

Truth for Today #5: The Bridegroom & the Bride show art Truth for Today #5: The Bridegroom & the Bride

Awake Us Now

God created marriage to illustrate how we can enjoy an intimate relationship with Him!

Truth for Today #4: The King Is Coming show art Truth for Today #4: The King Is Coming

Awake Us Now

Jesus Christ has an appointment with planet Earth to return as our King. What will occur when that happens?

The Living One - Week 12: Devoted show art The Living One - Week 12: Devoted

Awake Us Now

In the midst of cultural lunacy, craziness, confusion and deception, how are Christians to live? (Hint: It’s not through a mindset of judgement.) Pastor points us to a heart of devotion and encourages us to submit ourselves to the authority of God’s word, to seek an encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ, to be a people of prayer, to pray for God to open people’s hearts and minds, and to pray for awaking and transformation.

More Episodes

God had an assignment for Moses, but Moses had objections for God. Sound familiar?