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Adoration Appeal

Anchored In The Lord

Release Date: 11/08/2015

How Awake Are We? show art How Awake Are We?

Anchored In The Lord

2nd Sunday of Lent In our Gospel today, Jesus takes Peter, James and John up a mountain, and He is transfigured before them, they get a glimpse of the dazzling bright white glory of Jesus’ divinity, a foretaste of heaven and of who we are called to be!  But our Gospel today says, “Peter and his companions had been overcome by sleep, but becoming fully awake, they saw his glory!”  Jesus was already in conversation with Moses and Elijah and showing forth his tremendous glory…before Peter, James and John woke up and realized what had already been happening even as they were...

How Do I Consume Media? show art How Do I Consume Media?

Anchored In The Lord

1st Sunday of Lent On this Safe Haven Sunday, we are asked to to, first and foremost, make the home a safe haven for our kids by taking practical steps to help our kids engage technology in holy and virtuous ways and, inasmuch as possible, protect them from exposure to explicit content.  This is also an opportunity for individuals of all ages, young and old, to not only ask whether our media use is healthy in regards to explicit content, but also in regards to where it encourages our focus, energy and attention.  Satan doesn't care how good our motivations are so long as we are...

Missionary Disciple show art Missionary Disciple

Anchored In The Lord

7th Sunday in Ordinary Time Jesus calls us to be transformed, to be renewed in mind and action, to look and act differently than others normally do: this theme runs through all of our readings.  Yes, we are called to be disciples of Jesus, but our mission is more than just following Jesus as a disciple.  Jesus’ last words on this earth before He ascended into heaven give us our mission: “Go and make disciples”.  So we are called to not only be disciples, but missionary disciples, reaching out genuinely and in faith to others that the Lord puts in our path so that we can...

The Willing Ones show art The Willing Ones

Anchored In The Lord

5th Sunday in Ordinary Time What does our world need?  Whom does God seek?  Not the "perfect" or the "sinless", but the willing.   No matter how unworthy we are, He calls us, and when we willingly say "yes," He cleanses us, and He strengthens us to go on whatever mission He has planned for us. This week, let's be the ones whom God seeks and whom our world needs: the willing ones.  "Here I am, Lord. Send me."

Baptized: Children of the Father show art Baptized: Children of the Father

Anchored In The Lord

Baptism of the Lord When we are baptized in the waters, we are adopted into God's family and actually become, in Jesus, children of the Father.  Baptism happens once and is the doorway to the other sacraments.  Receiving the Eucharist (which we do again and again and again) is becoming who we are: the Body of Christ.  So ask yourselves a few questions: "How do I come to Mass?  What do I see as my role at Mass?  How am I engaged at Mass?" “Priest of God, Celebrate this Mass as if it is your first Mass, Your last Mass and your only Mass.”   “People of God,...

Eucharistic Prayer show art Eucharistic Prayer

Anchored In The Lord

Epiphany How do I come to Mass?  

The Little Drummer Boy show art The Little Drummer Boy

Anchored In The Lord

Merry Christmas! Come, they told me — pa rum pum pum pum A newborn King to see — pa rum pum pum pum Our finest gifts we bring — pa rum pum pum pum To lay before the King — pa rum pum pum pum     Rum pum pum pum, rum pum pum pum. So to honor Him — pa rum pum pum pum When we come.

Part 3/4: Rescued with Joy show art Part 3/4: Rescued with Joy

Anchored In The Lord

3rd Sunday of Advent We were created by God for the kingdom of eternal life with him; by our own free choices to turn away from God and ‘go at it on our own’ we’ve been captured by the kingdom of sin, death, darkness and Satan.  Jesus becoming a baby at Christmas is the invasion of one kingdom (the kingdom of darkness, hell, death, sin and Satan) by a stronger kingdom (the kingdom of God).   Jesus came as a warrior, a predator.  He became one of us, waited 33 years, lived and taught the kingdom of God by example, both showing us the way and luring in his quarry — Satan,...

A Peace This World Cannot Give show art A Peace This World Cannot Give

Anchored In The Lord

Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception 3 Levels of the Heart God wants to give us peace at the deepest level, a peace which endures all things.

Part 1/4: Created in Hope show art Part 1/4: Created in Hope

Anchored In The Lord

1st Sunday of Advent During this Advent season we will be doing a 4-part homily series as we Journey to the Manger together to welcome the Christ-child at Christmas.  Our story starts with God’s incredible creation - of the universe, and of each of us - and the hope that it promises. As Fr. Riccardo says: “God created and runs this immense universe, and nothing is more important to him than you and me…He thinks you’re worth the trouble.”  That’s what it means to be created! So on this Journey, when you are feeling “drowsy” from “the anxieties of daily life”, I...

More Episodes

32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Jesus Christ is present, 100% Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity in the Eucharist - that's amazing!  And in adoration we get to spend time with this Jesus, one on one; we get to see this Jesus!  We all want God's presence and God's peace in the midst of our busy lives.  Adoration is that opportunity to give ourselves a break, to experience the peace and rest that only God can bring.  You've worked hard - experience peace for a moment, come to adoration.