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Faith Grows Through Practical Teaching - Sunday, January 10, 2016 - David Drees

Faith and Life Podcast

Release Date: 01/11/2016

Worship is a funny thing, most of us hear the word and immediately think of singing in church. While this is part of worship, it is so much deeper than this! Today we will look at how we are natural worshipers and how The Word, our songs, and mission of Christ drive us deeper into sweet and meaningful worship. 
This topic hits all of the cornerstone points of St. Luke's by learning what true worship is, living it out through our faith, and unleashing the hope and excitement this brings on our world!
After hearing this sermon, we hope you will 1) take ten minutes to prepare yourself for worship—ask the Lord to prepare your heart; 2) Reflect on how you can apply what you’ve learned in the sermon to your daily life, or ask someone else how they apply what they’ve learned in a sermon to their lives.