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Faith Grows Through Pivotal Circumstances - Sunday, February 7, 2016 - David Drees

Faith and Life Podcast

Release Date: 02/07/2016

Everything that happens to us in a day shapes us, C.S. Lewis is quoted as saying something to the effect of, all our decisions move us closer to Heaven or closer to Hell. There are however, some moments in our life that stand out above the rest, moments that are pivotal on our faith. It is in these moments that God moves the needle of our faith lives in tremendous ways.
After hearing this sermon we hope you will ask someone what pivotal moments in their lives that have shaped their faith. Then write some down that happened in your own life and: thank the lord for them, reflect how they shaped your faith, and share it when a loved one! Spend time praying for God to move in big and small moments in your life.