Brad Freeman Podcast
Is the Bible perfect? What role should the Bible play in our lives? Let's talk about it.
info_outline Tough Questions with Jamie Englehart, Part 3 - Why do bad things happen?Brad Freeman Podcast
Ever wonder why bad things happen to good people? Let's talk about it.
info_outline Tough Questions with Jamie Englehart, Part 2 - What about Hell?Brad Freeman Podcast
Does God command us to love our enemies while He plans on torturing His forever? Let's talk about Hell.
info_outline Tough Questions with Jamie Englehart, Part 1 - What about end times, the antichrist and the tribulation?Brad Freeman Podcast
Will the Great Tribulation, the antichrist and the end of the world happen in our lifetime? Let's talk about it.
info_outline Bible-curiousBrad Freeman Podcast
Here's some help reading and understanding the Bible for the Bible-curious.
info_outline Are you God-curious?Brad Freeman Podcast
Is it OK to question God? How about questioning what you believe? Do your questions make God nervous or angry? Let's find out!
info_outline "A body you have prepared... " Heb. 10:5, with Phil WynnBrad Freeman Podcast
Let's listen in on this conversation between the Son and the Father and see what Jesus's arrival in a manger announces to us.
info_outline Wonderful! Isaiah 9, with Phil WynnBrad Freeman Podcast
Let's make a "wonderful" stop on Route 66 for Christmas!
info_outline A Son is given! Isaiah 9, with Phil WynnBrad Freeman Podcast
We're back on Route 66 for the holidays! Let's travel with Isaiah into a revelation of the One who would come to earth to show us the Father.
info_outline More red flags!Brad Freeman Podcast
What are the indicators that the message you're hearing isn't healthy?
info_outlineIn Part 1 of this series on the New Covenant, I address several key issues: Are new covenant believers carrying our crosses to the place of death? Or have we already been crucified with Christ and now sit at rest with Him? Have we passed out of death and into life? Or are we still dying or are we ALIVE?