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Episode 33: Mark Ferguson Awesome Investor REO Agent from Colorado

Real Estate Investing Profit Masters by Cory Boatright

Release Date: 04/21/2016

Episode 80: Scott Smith Royal Legal Solutions show art Episode 80: Scott Smith Royal Legal Solutions

Real Estate Investing Profit Masters by Cory Boatright

Welcome back to the show! Today, I bring you another epic interview. This time, I get the chance to speak with Scott Smith of Royal Legal Solutions. If you’re a real estate investor, Scott’s business is a one-stop shop; he handles all kinds of legal issues that come up with real estate investing. Tune in to hear this really high-value episode and don’t forget to take notes! Minute Markers: [03:54] Scott describes his core team in Austin, TX. [04:29] Defining his ideal client. [06:10] His current holdings and what made him get into real estate investing. [09:10] Why people are mistaken...

Episode 79: Gene and RAL show art Episode 79: Gene and RAL

Real Estate Investing Profit Masters by Cory Boatright

Welcome back to the show, my party people! It’s been a while since the last episode, so I thought we’d dive right back in with a really hot topic: Residential assisted living.  My guest, Gene Guarino, an expert in the field, is going to explain to us how we can turn a residential home into an assisted living facility. It’s a fascinating conversation and what he has to say will blow your mind. Tune in to hear how many ways you can skin this cat! Minute Markers [03:45] Gene introduces himself and describes his ideal client. [04:55] His foray into the world of assisted living...

Episode 78: Lee Arnold Code Enforcement and Abatement Treasures show art Episode 78: Lee Arnold Code Enforcement and Abatement Treasures

Real Estate Investing Profit Masters by Cory Boatright

Today, I speak with Lee Arnold, someone I’ve known for about a decade. He is someone I hold in high regard and respect him for his ability to have built his business based on biblical principles.  We discuss how his personal history led him to his current career, as well as how his faith guides him in business. We also talk about his experience with code enforcement and abatements.  Tune in to hear Lee’s story and what he does at Cogo Capital. MINUTE MARKERS [04:00] Lee calls in from the small town of Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. [05:50] Lee’s educational and professional history....

Episode 77: Geremy Heath American Turnkey Properties show art Episode 77: Geremy Heath American Turnkey Properties

Real Estate Investing Profit Masters by Cory Boatright

Hello and welcome back to all my favorite investors and entrepreneurs. Today, we have another great show for you. I sit down and chat with Geremy Heath, the CEO of American Turnkey Properties and Six Sigma Black Belt. Together, we discuss not only his company’s mission, but the best ways to invest and methods for success. American Turnkey Properties is a real estate sales and management company. They fix up rental properties and find investors for said properties. These are great investments, as there are different ways to hold the properties. Tune in to hear our conversation about Geremy...

Episode 76: David Lecko and DealMachine show art Episode 76: David Lecko and DealMachine

Real Estate Investing Profit Masters by Cory Boatright

Hello and welcome back to all my favorite investors and entrepreneurs. Today’s guest is a special one. David Lecko, founder of the DealMachine app and community, is a man focused on personal development. If he wasn’t, he never would have designed this amazing real estate tool in the first place. DealMachine is an amazing mobile app designed specifically for real estate investors. David started out with rental properties and driving for dollars, but he quickly realized he needed a tool that could streamline all of his responsibilities. Thus, DealMachine was born! At first the app was just...

Episode 75: David Dodge Ultimate Investing Tips and Strategies show art Episode 75: David Dodge Ultimate Investing Tips and Strategies

Real Estate Investing Profit Masters by Cory Boatright

Keep the best and sell the rest. That’s the motto of David Dodge, a killer wholesaler from St. Louis. He’s on the show today dropping some real nuggets for real estate investors of all kinds. David is on fire right now, doing wholesales, fix and flips, and he just published his first book. Tune in now to catch this guy while you can, because his real estate investments are really about to take off! David then started renting properties out early on but quickly realized there’s a better way to do this business. That’s where the inspiration for David’s real estate investment strategy...

Episode 74: Chris Miles Money Ripples Anti Financial Guru show art Episode 74: Chris Miles Money Ripples Anti Financial Guru

Real Estate Investing Profit Masters by Cory Boatright

If you’ve never heard of an “infinite banking strategy”, today is your lucky today! Chris Miles is on the Profit Masters right now to help you figure out new ways to get some extra money coming in. These are strategies you may never have considered before because it really goes against all of the traditional things we’ve learned when it comes to banking, investing, and retirement funds. That’s why they call Chris the anti-financial advisor. He’s up here turning the industry on its head with some of the things he’s doing out here. Since retiring in 2006 - yes, that’s right, I...

Episode 73: Aaron Chapman Mortgage Loan Officer Extraordinaire show art Episode 73: Aaron Chapman Mortgage Loan Officer Extraordinaire

Real Estate Investing Profit Masters by Cory Boatright

My guest today is LEGENDARY. He is crushing it right now in the mortgage industry. He closed over 700 deals last year! Aaron Chapman is one of the best mortgage loan officers, but don’t expect today’s podcast to be a stuffy banking episode. Aaron isn’t your ordinary mortgage broker - his beard is almost two feet long! But it’s not just his appearance that’s different, it’s his whole approach to real estate investing. Aaron’s created a niche for himself that really sets him above the rest of the mortgage industry. From a real estate investing standpoint it’s really refreshing to...

Episode 72: Greg Helbeck Secret Genealogist Real Estate Gold show art Episode 72: Greg Helbeck Secret Genealogist Real Estate Gold

Real Estate Investing Profit Masters by Cory Boatright

Welcome back to the Real Estate Investing Profit Masters podcast! My guest today is really going to blow your mind. Greg Helbeck is only 23 years old but he is killing it with virtual real estate investing. That’s right - I said VIRTUAL. Greg is living in San Diego while working deals in New York and Texas. In fact, we’re doing a deal in Dallas together and that’s why I’m so excited to bring him on the show. Greg’s real estate investment strategy may surprise you. He’s out there using a genealogist to close on some real hairy deals. Greg breaks down his strategy for getting through...

Episode 71: Joe and Matt Maximum Exposure with Podcasting and Traffic show art Episode 71: Joe and Matt Maximum Exposure with Podcasting and Traffic

Real Estate Investing Profit Masters by Cory Boatright

Buckle your seatbelts, party people! Today’s episode of Real Estate Investment Profit Masters is taking a different turn. I’ve brought on two of my good friends, Matt Wolfe and Joe Fier from the Hustle and Flowchart Podcast, to talk about how you can start your very own podcast. It might sound weird, I know. Real estate investing and podcasting? Whodathunk? But it’s seriously one of the best marketing strategies you can use as a real estate investor to get maximum exposure and authentically build your business. I know most of you are already familiar with all the different online and...

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Mark Ferguson is the REO agent extraordinaire with blue Diablo Lamborghini. We need more people with that kind of refreshing perspective! So I invited him on the show today to share what tweak to his strategy sent him over the top. His Broker Price Opinion (BPO for short) strategy paid off HUGE and all it took was a change in attitude and a little risk.  [youtube]https://youtu.be/eCC8Os2NMnA[/youtube] Using a BPO and working with the bank to find and sell listings are all a part of the strategy secrets Mark’s talking about today. He started with cold calls to the bank - something some of us are a little wary of - and followed through with hard work. Who knew working in realty was that easy? With a few phone calls and a lot of hustle, Mark has been able to grow from selling 15-20 houses per year to over 200 houses! His ability to balance the work of an REO agent and an investor also pays off in full. His REO listings generate more buyers and help him build his team, while his investment properties continue to earn him profits. [Tweet "The biggest thing [my mistakes] cost me was opportunity because I wasn’t looking for more deals. - Mark"] The best part of this podcast is Mark’s amazing advice. Mark says that the only way to stay focused is to zero in on only a few things in the beginning. Take the time to narrow your focus, build your team, and establish a strong foundation at first. Whether your business is in flipping homes, rental properties, or a quirky BPO listing strategy, the best way to succeed is to focus on the solid base of this business. Remember - Staying focused will make you rich! MINUTE MARKERS 2:50 - Meet Mark, REO agent extraordinaire! 3:03 - investformore.com; check out his podcast Invest For More 3:30 - What areas of realty expertise is Mark zoning in on these days? 4:20 - The realty scene in Colorado is at $250K average 5:15 - Mark’s father got him involved in real estate investing 7:01 - Gary Keller book influenced 8:14 - We break down our individual reading strategies 10:17 - Mark Ferguson’s worst mistake was trying to do all the work himself 12:40 - How Mark developed his REO Investment Strategy 13:57 - Mark’s change in attitude helped him sell more houses 15:01 - How to work with the banks and the REO system all the way to commission 17:30 - How blurry is the line between agent and investor when working with REO? 18:22 - Making real money from Broker Price Opinions (BPOs) 20:37 - Mark Ferguson’s biggest piece of advice 21:41 - Find your niche in this business ASAP 22:32 - “Conquer the resistance” is Mark’s favorite business quote 24:04 - Mark isn’t super techy but dropbox is his favorite app 24:42 - Is Mark on Snapchat yet? 25:12 - YouTube Connect is going to be the new Periscope 26:10 - What is “Third Circle Theory”? 27:00 - Mark has a night routine with his office in the basement 28:30 - The biggest lesson Mark Ferguson learned in this business 29:33 - Family support is crucial to Mark’s success 30:43 - What happened when Mark hired his first mentor? 33:06 - We both think of coaching as an asset and not a liability 34:55 - Check out Mark and his ’99 Diablo Lamborghini 35:45 - Get with Mark on his blog for some free coaching 36:55 - Investformore.com and Mark’s shop 39:30 - Time isn’t recyclable – call me at www.callwithcory.com [Tweet "Once I put myself out there and started taking risks, things took off - Mark"] Links and Resources: Gary Keller The One Thing Third Circle Theory: Purpose Through Observation The War of Art NRBA Conference Dropbox app Facebook Live Google Hangouts Full Transcript Download the PDF Transcription Cory: What is going on, party people? This is Cory Boatright, I'm your host and founder of Real Estate Investing Profits and your host here on Profit Master Podcast Series. I'm excited about Mark Ferguson. He’s coming on here just a little bit and he’s a real estate agent...