Fullness: Running on Empty - Sunday, July 3, 2016 - Pastor Steve Brown
Release Date: 07/05/2016
Episode 66: Is Our Life Pre Planned for Us?
Faith and Life Podcast
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info_outlineBecause of our rebellion against God, we are born spiritually empty and experience the despairing void of being alienated from our Father Creator. When we try to fill (put on the throne) the great emptiness within us with anyone or anything other than Jesus, we are running on empty. Jesus is the only one who belongs on the throne of our lives and is the only one who can authentically and eternally fill us. When anything else is on the throne, it takes away and empties us. When we are in Christ, we are filled with his holiness and made perfect with God. The love that Jesus has for us compels him to fill us. This is the restoration of our intimate relationship with God that was part of God’s original blessing.
After hearing this sermon, we hope you will answer this question for yourself: “What is on the throne of my life and how well is that filling me?” If it is not Jesus, identify what barriers you would have to remove for Jesus to be on the throne of your life. If you are ready, begin praying for God to help you remove those barriers and to accept that Jesus is on the throne of your life.
Lessons: Colossians 1:9-23