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Fullness: Overflow - Sunday, July 10, 2016 - Pastor Steve Brown

Faith and Life Podcast

Release Date: 07/11/2016

When Jesus is on the throne of our lives, he fills us to overflowing. Jesus does not fill us part way, he fills to overflowing. From that overflow, we are compelled by our deep Christ-like desire for all people to be filled with Jesus. Like the Apostle Paul, we commit our entire lives to the grandeur vision that all people would be reconciled with God.
After hearing this sermon, we hope you will answer this question for yourself: “Am I serving, inviting, and giving to meet the hopes and hurts of others from the overflow of Jesus in my life?” If yes, then let God’s love continue overflow to others. If no, ask God to help you understand why this is so and what is needed for you to be filled to overflowing.