Episode #048 - Dial G for Gamer #03 - Marvel Super Heroes RPG (FASERIP)
Release Date: 10/16/2016
Pulp 2 Pixel Podcasts
Sean and Greg are back with another deep dive into Marvel Age! We talk about what we would buy on an $6.00 budget and the latest news for 1985. Are you ready for a day in the life of Marvel Comics?
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THe Never Ending Reading PIle is back! This episode, Sean and Greg are paying tribute to the legend George Perez by discussing the one time he drew the X-men with legendary writer Chris Claremont.
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Sean and Greg are changing it up in a big way this episode by covering an issue of Marvel Age. Join them as they talk about the books marvel is releasing the month of February 1987 and take a dive into the New Universe
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Sean and Greg are back and they are talking about a seminal Spider-Man story: The Death of Jean DeWolff!
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Sean and Greg are back with another episode of the Never Ending Reading Pile! This episode, they are looking at the seminal arc from Green Arrow Volume 3, The Archer's Quest.
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The Never Ending Reading Pile is back! This time, Greg and Sean talk about the Justice League Detroit, the Crisis, and what is up with Red Tornado as they discuss Justice League of America Annual 3.
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Sean and Greg are back and they are talking about Arizona's favorite superhero: Starman! That's right, we are here to talk about Will Payton, a great, forgotten character from DC's past.
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This is it! After years of coverage, Sean and Dr. G have reached the end of Secret Wars...for now. Join us as we talk about the redemption of Reed Richards, the deconstruction of Dr. Doom, and the best ending in comics' even history!
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The Never Ending Reading Pile is back! This time, Sean and Greg bring you a ray of light as they talk about one of the great legacy heroes of the 90's, The Ray!
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It's time to pull up a chair and pull out your spine! Sean, Dr. G, and special guest Jon from Married Watching Cartoons read the action-packed penultimate issue of Secret Wars, Vol. 3!
Welcome to Dial G for Gamer, a Pulp 2 Pixel Podcast!
Dial G for Gamer will be a semi-monthly show where Doctor G the Man of Nerdology and his Rogues Gallery of Co-Hosts play and review games of all types with a superhero theme. From Tabletop Games to Video Games, we will take on this genre one superhero game at a time.
This episode features special guest host David Gallaher, comic book writer and avid gamer. He is the author of the comic series The Only Living Boy, the Marvel series Darkstar and the Winterguard, Convergence: Crisis Book One for DC, as well as Harvey Award winning High Noon. He will be joining me on this episode to discuss TSR's 1984-1995 Marvel Super Heroes Role Playing Game by Jeff Grubb and others.
o Grab your 2D10 and roll on the Universal Results Table as you join us for the newest episode
You can find video from David's Murder World World Campaign here.
David has also been compiling a 2016 update to the Marvel Gamers Handbook of character stats. an excellent resource for any campaign.
Marvel Superheroes Gamer’s Handbook Update 2016
Finally if you wish to get copies of David independent, Marvel, and DC writing work. you can find them here on Amazon.
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Music used in the Promo:
"Video Dungeon Boss" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License