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110 Bedros Keuilian: Mastering The 4 Pillars of Happiness

Wellness + Wisdom with Josh Trent

Release Date: 05/02/2017

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Creating happiness in our lives, especially in this fast-paced modern industrialized world, can be a challenge.

Today on the podcast we're both honored and excited to share with you one of the most inspirational men in the health and fitness world, Bedros Keuilian, to share with us his incredible story and leadership insight garnered from over two decades where he cerated what he calls "The Immigrant Edge & The American Dream," built on the four pillars of happiness that Bedros has learned apply to all of us:

Money, meaning, health, and relationships, and the balance of all four is what truly creates a life of abundance and wellness that we all deserve, but getting there and working to maintain, is not a linear process for us, and definitely was not for Bedros.


As you'll discover in this powerful conversation, where Bedros not only shares with us vulnerably, authentically, and powerfully about what he's overcome in life to create a global fitness empire, but how we can connect the dots and shine light on the contrast in our universal human journey. (that we all walk on this wellness path)

That is, how to overcome obstacles, and the mindset and ways of being we all can apply no matter what our past, because the story ahead of us is the one we write with the pen in our hand in this moment, right here, right now.

If you're open to inspiration, this episode is going to deliver on how we can become more emotionally resilient and apply these four fundamental pillars of happiness in our lives, no matter what the current reality.

Happiness, The Immigrant Edge, and the American Dream

Anger, guilt, confusion, and shame.

These were all emotions that Bedros Keuilian felt as he worked with his therapist to reconnect with the little boy he once was in Armenia during the Soviet Union era.

When Bedros was able to check in with himself and his subconscious thoughts, he discovered that his Immigrant Edge, American Dream, and self-belief are his tools to use for success, confidence, and happiness.

How can we let go of the past in order to regain happiness, inner strength, and self-fulfillment?

When we don't push forward in our lives, we may be pulled back into feeling negative emotions such as frustration, depression, and anxiety.

On today's episode of Wellness Force Radio, one of the fitness industry's most trusted consultant as well as both the Founder and CEO of Fit Body Boot Camp and creator of the Fitness Business Summit, Bedros Keuilian, shares with us how we become emotionally resilient, discover adversity, and live the life that we want through The 4 Pillars of Happiness and HALT:

The 4 Pillars of Happiness:

  1. Money
  2. Meaning
  3. Health
  4. Relationships

Beat anxiety with HALT:

  • Hungry
  • Angry
  • Lonely
  • Tired

When you stop feelings of hunger, anger, loneliness, and being tired, you can also beat anxiety in its tracks.

This episode is a wonderful reminder that without the knowledge of self, we can't have money, meaning, health, or relationships.

Listen to Episode 110 as Bedros Uncovers:

  • Why Bedros identifies with the title as someone who "has the Immigrant Edge and the American Dream."
  • What is the "Immigration Edge" and why is it so important?
  • How Bedros teaches his clients about emotional resilience.
  • What Bedros did to change the money story that he previously knew of as a child.
  • Why Bedros now sees money as a point system that helps him elevate the kind of impacting he's making with his career.
  • How Bedros went from being $127,000 in debt to becoming debt-free and serving so many people through his business.
  • The business and life lessons that Bedros learned from his father by spending time in his tailor shop and seeing how he treated customers.
  • Bedros' 4 Pillars of Happiness
  • Why enough is never enough: you can always work harder to accomplish greater goals.
  • Why Bedros chose to work in the fitness industry to help gyms and entrepreneurs give their clients a better service.
  • How we can let go of anger and resentment to live a happier and successful life.
  • How Bedros' therapist was able to help him beat his anxiety with HALT.
  • The importance of dominating your life path and future by having closure with your past.
  • Why pushing forward and being productive helps us to be happy.
  • Why you "can't cut your family, but you can edit your relationship with them" and what it looks like.
  • Berdos' advice on why you don't have to talk about your next career, project, or goal with your family when you visit with them.
  • How we can let go from people who trigger our negative emotions? How can we keep calm and move forward with what we want to do with our lives?

Top 3 Takeaways From The Show

  • When you want to start a new project, a career, or make a major life change, there will be people out there you will tell you that you can't do it or it's not a good idea. A lot of times, those people are our families and they will go against our dreams because they don't want us to fail. However, if you have a goal that you want to accomplish, you're more likely to do it when you don't tell your family about it. Don't tell you family about your business because they will probably only have negative thoughts about it. Instead, talk to people who are going to get excited with you and are there to encourage your dream.
  • When we are emotionally resilient and have experienced adversity, it is easier for us to let go from people and situations that trigger our negative emotions.  Experiencing a difficult moment can help us keep calm and move forward with our lives.
  • If you're feeling overwhelmed and stressed, it's okay to hit the pause button. Go ahead to cancel and schedule that meeting or task. If you want to succeed, put your self first and take care of yourself both emotionally and physically.

Power Quotes From Bedros Keuilian

[tweetthis] "If you grow your emotional and adversity quotient, you will be a well-rounded human that can deal with anything." - @BedrosKeuilian [/tweetthis]

  • "The immigrant edge mentality is about getting resourceful when you don't have any resources. You realize that no matter how bad things get in the USA, they're still better than in any other place in the world." - Bedros Keuilian on how he gained the Immigrant Edge during his transition from Armenia to the USA.
  • "Even if you have a job, go start a side project, be part of a charity, or do something like build a house in a third-world country with Habitat for Humanity. These experiences will give you the environmental exposure that allows you to build your emotional resiliency and adversity. If you can grow your emotional and adversity quotient, you will be a well-rounded human that can deal with any adversity or difficult factor when it comes. Not if it comes, but when it comes because stressful events are sure to come in anyone's life." - Bedros Keuilian on how to build emotional resiliency and adversity.
  • "Adversity is an advantage and I started to re-frame my thinking about negative factors. Anything bad that happens is actually a learning lesson towards something better." - Bedros Keuilian on the power of adversity.
  • "Enough is never enough. I'm going to keep doing what I'm doing forever because I know that if I don't focus on dominating my path and my purpose, I will go deep into my darkness and the monster will come out. I will begin to think about what happened to me as a kid in Armenia." - Bedros Keuilian on the importance of doing what you love to do and how it helps to keep you moving forward.
  •  "When you are hungry, angry, lonely, or tired, it's so easy for your body to manifest anxiety and that's what happened to me. If I can stop myself from feeling those emotions, I can stop my anxiety in its tracks." - Bedros Keuilian on his therapist teaching him about HALT and how it helped him with his anxiety and negative emotions.
  • "It's highly important to process the negativity in your life. Negativity thoughts are like a computer virus. They may go into isolation, but you can never completely kill a computer virus and there's new software to cover it up. The moment you stop updating your software, that virus might just come back out again. Stay on your path of domination and do good because the moment you don't, you can go inward into the darkness and try to find problems that we need to  be"fixed" when in reality you're just delving into depression." -Bedros Keuilian on fighting negative thoughts and staying strong.

About Bedros Keuilian

Bedros Keuilian has spent the last 20 years as the genius behind some of the biggest names in the health and fitness industry.

At the age of 6 in 1980, Bedros and his family immigrated to the USA from communist Russia in Armenia on a search of a brighter future and opportunity. It was in those next two decades, where he faced incredible adversity and taught himself how to choose to forge a mindset of steel, and grow a heart of service to others, to become known as the one of the greatest mentors and successful business figures in the health and wellness world.

As the CEO and founder of Fit Body, recently listed as one of Inc. 5000’s fastest growing businesses of 2016, Bedros truly practices what he preaches, implementing the same formula for success in his life as a dedicated father, husband, and a pillar for his community that he brings to his fitness clients worldwide.

Bedros Keuilian is the fitness industry’s most trusted consultant. His various fitness businesses are designed to enable trainers to maximize their earning potential with revolutionary industry techniques.

Before constructing his fitness empire, Bedros owned five fitness gyms at once. After revamping his business model with direct response marketing and sales techniques, he began earning profit margins totaling hundreds of thousands of dollars from these locations alone.

He would then go on to found Fit Body Boot Camp. As the CEO and founder of Fit Body, currently the world’s fastest growing fitness chain, Bedros practices what he preaches, implementing the same formula for success that he brings to his fitness clients worldwide. Fit Body was recently listed as one of Inc. 5000’s fastest growing businesses of 2016.

Among Bedros’ innovations for the fitness industry are FitPro Newsletter and FitPro Magazine. These software systems help trainers capitalize on leads and increase profits.

Bedros also co-manages a publishing company that prints top-notch fat-loss programs from trainers across the globe. Trainers have sold thousands of book copies thanks to Bedros’ push in publishing.

Resources Mentioned by Bedros & Josh

[tweetthis]"When you are hungry, angry, lonely, or tired, it's so easy for your body to manifest anxiety." @BedrosKeuilian[/tweetthis]

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