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121 Dr. David Minkoff: Creating Sustainable Health In A Toxic World

Wellness + Wisdom with Josh Trent

Release Date: 07/18/2017

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It's no secret that the current condition of our toxic world makes it challenging to build sustainable health and avoid disease. This is also largely due to the fact that our soil and plants don't contain the same nutritional potency they once did.

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Even with a clean diet and healthy lifestyle, many people are still subjected to an extreme amount of toxic build-up.  Much of the problem stems from unhealthy soils, polluted waters, and foods that have lost so much of their nutrient density.

The time has come to ask ourselves a very important question:

How can we create sustainable health while being faced with unsustainable environmental and agricultural condition?

On this episode of Wellness Force Radio, we explore this topic with Dr. David Minkoff. He shows us the tools and strategies we need to maintain optimum health in today's increasingly toxic world.

Detoxification Should Be A Lifestyle

In recent decades, the occasional 1 week or 30-day detox plan may have been sufficient for cellular cleanup. However, the increasing amount of toxins we are now exposed to calls for a more continuous approach.

If we want to remove this waste from our bodies and build better wellness, detoxing has to be viewed as a lifestyle.  

To cleanse these excess toxins that lead to unwanted health effects, we now must aid the body in their removal. This can be achieved in a few ways like making sure we sweat outside or in the sauna, adding detoxifying foods into our diets, and using proper supplementation. 

Listen To Episode 121 As Dr. Minkoff Uncovers:

  • How to build sustainable health given the poor conditions of the environment.
  • What may be causing such a massive increase in autism and childhood cancer.
  • The dangerous effects of heavy metal toxicity.
  • Ways to avoid excess toxins and remove them from the body.
  • How to remedy an amino acid deficiency.
  • The pervasive issues that stem from poor gut health.
  • Why detoxing should be an ongoing part of our diet and lifestyle.
  • Why women should detox before pregnancy.
  • How to maintain healthy levels of testosterone.
  • How the body prioritizes the use of nutrients.
  • Ways we can address a protein deficiency in the body.
  • How we can influence our genetic expression through lifestyle.
  • Why having a strong and clear life purpose can help us build sustainable health.

Top 3 Takeaways From The Show

  • Detoxification needs be a continuous part of our lifestyle. The current state of our environment and agricultural system are so polluted, that we have to take consistent actions to aid or bodies in the removal of toxins.
  • It's important to make sure we consume adequate amounts of the essential amino acids, as well as provide our body what it needs to properly produce the non-essential.
  • We have to figure out the health needs for our individual bodies and adjust our diet and lifestyle accordingly.

Power Quotes From Dr. Minkoff

"Use safe storage materials so unwanted toxins won't enter your food." - Dr. David Minkoff

"The increasing amount of toxins we are now exposed to calls for a more continuous approach for detoxing our bodies." - Dr. David Minkoff

"People have to be more intelligent about how we treat our bodies if our species is to survive and thrive." - Dr. David Minkoff

"We have to figure out our individual health abnormalities, then adjust our lifestyle and nutrition to meet those needs." - Dr. David Minkoff 

"It's really important to eat well, exercise, and have a strong life purpose to help other people."  - Dr. David Minkoff 

"We have to take extra precautions to build sustainable health in such a toxic world." - Dr. David Minkoff

About Dr. Minkoff

Dr. David Minkoff graduated from the University of Wisconsin Medical School in 1974 and was elected to the “Phi Beta Kappa” of medical schools, the prestigious Alpha Omega Alpha Honors Medical Fraternity for very high academic achievement.

He is board certified in pediatrics and has completed a fellowship in Infectious Diseases at the University of California in San Diego, which included research in developing new medicines to fight viral disease. As a clinical faculty member at the University, he also served as co-director of the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Palomar Medical Center.

For 12 years Dr. Minkoff worked in Emergency Medicine at the Community Hospital of New Port Richey, Florida which ranks in the top 100 hospitals in the U.S. This emergency room has a chest pain center considered in the top 1 percent of all such centers in the U.S.

Dr. Minkoff's Clinic

He co-founded LifeWorks Wellness Center in 1997, one of the largest alternative medical clinics in the U.S. This wellness center combines more cutting-edge alternative therapies and modalities under the same roof than almost any other alternative clinic in the country.

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