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124 Justin Andrews & Yaron Hadad: The Future of Diet & Exercise

Wellness + Wisdom with Josh Trent

Release Date: 08/08/2017

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More Episodes

With the array of health tools at our disposal in today's digital landscape, how can we use wellness technology in a new era to create and maintain better health?

From the apps that track our sleep and movement to the genetic testing that can help us design the ideal eating plan, our world is filled with powerful tools to quantify our lives.

It's fascinating that we can monitor so many aspects of our lifestyle and utilize various tools to accelerate our health and healing, but we also must ask a very important question:

With advances in our digital world, how exactly do we use these new technologies to ensure long-term health and behavior change? 

On this episode of Wellness Force Radio, we explore this topic and much more with Justin Andrews Founder of AXON, Co-Founder of Mind Pump Media, and Yaron Hadad, the Co-Creator and Chief Science Officer of Nutrino.

During this exclusive, in-person interview in San Jose at the Mind Pump Studio, we discuss how to cross the bridge between having the data and tools and knowing what to do with them. 


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The Future of Diet & Exercise: Justin Andrews & Yaron Hadad

  • How Justin found the inspiration to create the Axon Stick
  • Nutrino and FoodPrint's extensive data and tracking abilities
  • How wellness technologies are helping to shape public health policies
  • Nutrino's ability to help us understand how our individual bodies react to different foods choices
  • How to utilize wellness technology and biofeedback for improving our health
  • Ways we can repurpose these distracting technologies to create a healthier lifestyle
  • Hear about Yaron's health journey towards veganism after experimenting with 24 different diets
  • Ways to avoid the traps of nutritional misinformation
  • Learn about new technologies for appetite suppression, meditation, and measuring the molecular structure of food
  • Exercise techniques to alleviate aches and pains by increasing our mobility
  • How to ensure we don't solidify improper movement patterns during exercise
  • Why attempting to make numerous lifestyle changes at the same time can be unsustainable
  • How the Axon Stick can support neuromuscular recruitment and can help put our joints at ease
  • The future of AI that will revolutionize the coaching and wellness world.
  • How to transcend negative biases towards wellness technology
  • Ways to use avoid distraction in a technology filled world
  • How we can utilize tech to regulate our bad habits
  • The ways that insurance companies are adjusting their policies to incentivize health tracking
  • How Nutrino can help us plan meals while traveling
  • The use of wellness technology to guide our mindfulness practices
  • How to cross the bridge between having the data and knowing what to do with it
  • How we can increase mobility and regain function in our joints

Top 3 Takeaways From Justin And Yaron

  • We can use wellness technology to help guide our wellness and increase our activity, rather than becoming distracted and sedentary through our devices.
  • Learning more about our own body gives us more power and control over our lives.
  • It's great to have the tracking ability and data to monitor our health, but we have to know what to do with this information to create lasting change.

Power Quotes From The Show

"Start with small achievable health goals, and dial in your consistency." - Justin Andrews

"We can get biofeedback in so many different forms, but we have to be consistent, track, and apply it towards our improvement" - Justin Andrews

"The same technology that has made us sedentary, is now giving us back the accountability that it took away from us ." - Josh Trent

"For the first time in history, we can actually measure how foods affect the body." - Yaron Hadad

"We get to live our lives with out depending on the technology, but using it to enhance our experience." - Josh Trent

"It's not just about how much tension we can produce, it's about holding, sustaining, and releasing the tension with control." - Justin Andrews

"The more you know about yourself, the more power you have as a person." - Justin Andrews

"In today's modern world, it's really our own decision not to live a healthy lifestyle." - Justin Andrews

"Artificial Intelligence will soon play a major part in our health practices." - Yaron Hadad

"I have seen the benefits of having a life that is helped, guided, and supported by technology." - Josh Trent

About Justin Andrews


Justin has an incredible passion to disrupt the personal training industry and create ground breaking programs and tools that fitness professionals and clients alike can benefit from. The fitness industry in general needs a massive face lift to speak more to the generation growing up with a more advanced technology tool kit. Justin’s approach is to create programs that utilize technology as it advances and cut through the millions of options people face every day when seeking specific information relating to their fitness needs. The great thing about where we are today is how easy it is to access information, the bad part about accessing all this information is how much misinformation is out there to weed through. As a health and fitness professional with a proven track record here in the heart of the Silicon Valley, Justin Andrews will keep working tirelessly to keep people educated and connected to quality personal trainers long into the future. Check out Justin's Instagram page HERE.

About Yaron Hadad

Yaron is a mathematician and a physicist, and the chief scientist and a co-founder of Nutrino.

He’s worked in a number of scientific areas, primarily in general relativity, integrable systems, partial differential equations, and the foundations of quantum theory. Yaron’s current work and research in Nutrino is a brave attempt to form a new interdisciplinary field he likes to call “mathematical nutrition.”

Resources Mentioned From Justin and Yaron:

Powerful Beyond Measure

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The Future of Diet & Exercise With Justin Andrews & Yaron Hadad