Doctor DC Podcast
In the final week of Danuary, the Doc and Mrs. DC answer questions exclusively from people named Dan! Intro Music by To ask questions for the next episode, or to continue the conversation online visit us here: On On On our Or check out our new And our
info_outline Issue #490 - "The Dan Band"Doctor DC Podcast
Week 3 of Danuary is all about DC characters named Dan! Intro Music by To ask questions for the next episode, or to continue the conversation online visit us here: On On On our Or check out our new And our
info_outline Issue #489 - "Hit Me Dan, One Mora Time"Doctor DC Podcast
This week we talk all about Omni-Mind and Community, the One-Man Army Corps, the Jack Kirby creation and all that came from it. Intro Music by To ask questions for the next episode, or to continue the conversation online visit us here: On On On our Or check out our new And our
info_outline Issue #488 - “One More Attempt at Content”Doctor DC Podcast
This week we talk all about Omni-Mind and Community, the One-Man Army Corps, the Jack Kirby creation and all that came from it. Intro Music by To ask questions for the next episode, or to continue the conversation online visit us here: On On On our Or check out our new And our
info_outline Special #24 - "The 4th Annual Docsners"Doctor DC Podcast
It's The 4th Annual Docsners - the most prestigious and glamourous night of the podcast! The Doctor and Ryan Pidgeon are proud to present these are Patreon-nominated and fan-voted awards, so thank you to all of our amazing fans and listeners for participating and for supporting us through the year! Intro Music by Find more great podcasts like this on To ask questions for the next episode, or to continue the conversation online visit us here: On On On our Or check out our new And sign up on our new
info_outline Issue #487 - "The 12 Episodes of DocMas VIII: Part 12"Doctor DC Podcast
HAPPY DOCMAS! Each year, we record 12 episodes in one day, to be released in the 12 days leading up to Christmas. This year is DocMas VIII aka DiceMas - we'll be calling back to DocMas past and live and dying by the dice! Intro Music by Find more great podcasts like this on To ask questions for the next episode, or to continue the conversation online visit us here: On On On our Or check out our new And our
info_outline Issue #486 - "The 12 Episodes of DocMas VIII: Part 11"Doctor DC Podcast
HAPPY DOCMAS! Each year, we record 12 episodes in one day, to be released in the 12 days leading up to Christmas. This year is DocMas VIII aka DiceMas - we'll be calling back to DocMas past and live and dying by the dice! Intro Music by Find more great podcasts like this on To ask questions for the next episode, or to continue the conversation online visit us here: On On On our Or check out our new And our
info_outline Issue #485 - “The 12 Episodes DocMas VIII: Part 10”Doctor DC Podcast
HAPPY DOCMAS! Each year, we record 12 episodes in one day, to be released in the 12 days leading up to Christmas. This year is DocMas VIII aka DiceMas - we'll be calling back to DocMas past and live and dying by the dice! Intro Music by Find more great podcasts like this on To ask questions for the next episode, or to continue the conversation online visit us here: On On On our Or check out our new And our
info_outline Issue #484 - “The 12 Episodes DocMas VIII: Part 9”Doctor DC Podcast
HAPPY DOCMAS! Each year, we record 12 episodes in one day, to be released in the 12 days leading up to Christmas. This year is DocMas VIII aka DiceMas - we'll be calling back to DocMas past and live and dying by the dice! Intro Music by Find more great podcasts like this on To ask questions for the next episode, or to continue the conversation online visit us here: On On On our Or check out our new And our
info_outline Issue #483 - “The 12 Episodes DocMas VIII: Part 8”Doctor DC Podcast
HAPPY DOCMAS! Each year, we record 12 episodes in one day, to be released in the 12 days leading up to Christmas. This year is DocMas VIII aka DiceMas - we'll be calling back to DocMas past and live and dying by the dice! Intro Music by Find more great podcasts like this on To ask questions for the next episode, or to continue the conversation online visit us here: On On On our Or check out our new And our
info_outlineIn this issue we tackle social justice and Nazi's in the DC Universe. First we break down the latest in DC news: Tim Burton's Joker is coming back, The Flash is getting yet another Harrison Wells, why is Dolph Lundgren in the new Aquaman Movie, and much more!
Intro by Aaron Barry
All-Star Squadron vol. 1 #38-40 - The Klan-themed Real American attempts to kill Amazing Man, a black superhero from the war era
Master Comics vol. 1 #21 - 1st appearance of Captain
Nazi Power of Shazam! vol. 1 #19 - Captain Marvel Jr. fights his archenemy, Captain Nazi
Swamp Thing vol. 1 #1 - The origin of Alec Holland as Swamp Thing
All-Star Squadron vol. 1 #37 - Hitler uses the Spear of Destiny to corrupt heroes, becoming the in-canon reason that superheroes weren't able to simply end the war
G.I. Combat vol. 1 - A run of non-superhero war comics, following the stories and missions of soldiers
National Comics vol. 1 #1 - the 1st appearance of Uncle Sam
The Multiversity: Mastermen #1 - Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters wage war against the New Reichsmen of Earth 10