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NL-Day328 Nehemiah 7; Isaiah 37; Colossians 1

Daily Bible Reading Phil Fields

Release Date: 11/24/2022

NL-Day169 2 Samuel 18-19; Psalm 117; John 1:24-51 show art NL-Day169 2 Samuel 18-19; Psalm 117; John 1:24-51

Daily Bible Reading Phil Fields

2SAMUEL 18-19:Civil war might have been avoided, but Absalom didn’t choose wisely. And I observe that my being bald has advantages in some situations! But seriously, all of the terrible things that happened here are the consequences of David’s sin. PSALM 117:This is a doxology that one day the whole world will sing. JOHN 1b:John consciously made an original account, and very consciously left out things that are included in the three Synoptic Gospels. Where he does include things the others wrote about, he includes details that the others didn’t mention. Those stories are made to fit his...

NL-Day168 2 Samuel 17; Psalm 116; John 1:1-34 show art NL-Day168 2 Samuel 17; Psalm 116; John 1:1-34

Daily Bible Reading Phil Fields

2SAMUEL 17:Yesterday we heard how Saul's servant, Ziba, showed his loyalty and helped David on his way. And how Shimei from Saul's family cursed and persecuted David all along the way. No wonder David was exhausted after that hike. David refused to put him to death or to punish him. (But we find out later that he didn't forget about Shimei.) David's friend, Hushai, joined himself to Absalom, as David asked him to do. And Nathan’s prophecy to David was unknowingly fulfilled through Ahithophel’s advice to Absolom. PSALM 116:This is a poem sharing personal experience. Though this poem is not...

NL-Day167 2 Samuel 16; Psalm 115; Romans 16 show art NL-Day167 2 Samuel 16; Psalm 115; Romans 16

Daily Bible Reading Phil Fields

2SAMUEL 16:Absolom first stole the hearts of all Israel by being a shrewd politician. Then he mounted a rebellion against his own father. David fled Jerusalem to avoid bloodshed, and as he left, he planted several carefully chosen people to work for him. PSALM 115:I know I have said it a lot, but can’t help saying it again: This is one of my favorite psalms. Our God is so different than idols. He is in heaven and does whatever He pleases. ROMANS 16:Having told of his plans to visit Rome on his way to Spain, and how he must first go to Jerusalem, Paul now turns to greeting his friends in...

NL-Day166 2 Samuel 15; Psalm 114; Romans 15 show art NL-Day166 2 Samuel 15; Psalm 114; Romans 15

Daily Bible Reading Phil Fields

2SAMUEL 15:In our last reading, we heard how Joab creatively arranged to persuade David to bring Absalom back from exile. And how eventually David agreed to let Absolom meet him directly. PSALM 114:This poem praises God for the miraculous deliverance from Egypt. Re-reading ROMANS 15:Chapter 15 of Romans comes to this summary sentence in verse 13: “May God, the source of hope, fill you with all joy and peace by means of your [believing//faith] in him, so that your hope will continue to grow by the power of the Holy Spirit.” NLT Translation notes:Rom. 15:6 Then all of you can join together...

NL-Day165 2 Samuel 14; Psalm 113; Romans 15 show art NL-Day165 2 Samuel 14; Psalm 113; Romans 15

Daily Bible Reading Phil Fields

 2SAMUEL 14:There is more than one way in which David did not obey God’s instructions for kings. The big one of course is the Bathsheba affair, but God had already said that kings should not have lots of wives. David’s daughter Tamar was raped by her half brother Amnon. And after two years, Absolom (Tamar’s brother) murdered Amnon. PSALM 113:This is a song praising our incomparable God. ROMANS 15:Paul continues what he was ‘on about’ in yesterday’s reading. We must accept other believers even though we don’t agree on prohibitions, practices, or rituals. Disputes over these...

NL-Day164 2 Samuel 13; Psalm 112; Romans 14 show art NL-Day164 2 Samuel 13; Psalm 112; Romans 14

Daily Bible Reading Phil Fields

2SAMUEL 13:Yesterday we heard of David's moral failure with Bathsheba. That sin led to the death of the noble husband of Bathsheba, Uriah. Nathan gave one of his most stunning prophecies. David immediately and utterly repented. Even so, the baby son of Bathsheba and David son died. I mentioned yesterday that sin always has consequences, even when there has been forgiveness. Another lesson from this story is that one sin leads to more sin. PSALM 112:Like Psalm 111, Psalm 112 carries similar themes with the book of Proverbs. Verse 9 is quoted in the New Testament. Re-reading ROMANS 14:I am very...

Day164, Phil's Treasure Map, Belt Buckling, WAS Day158 show art Day164, Phil's Treasure Map, Belt Buckling, WAS Day158

Daily Bible Reading Phil Fields

Greetings everyone! As I explained previously, I started on a quest because of frustration with 2Peter 1:3-4: By his divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life. We have received all of this by coming to know him, the one who called us to himself by means of his marvelous glory and excellence. And because of his glory and excellence, he has given us great and precious promises. These are the promises that enable you to share his divine nature and escape the world’s corruption caused by human desires. Let’s find those promises Peter was talking about! In the...

NL-Day163 2 Samuel 11-12; Psalm 111; Romans 14 show art NL-Day163 2 Samuel 11-12; Psalm 111; Romans 14

Daily Bible Reading Phil Fields

2SAMUEL 11-12:David showed kindness to Jonathan's only living son. Then we heard the story of how suspicion caused offense, which led to all-out war with the Ammonites. And David was victorious again against the Arameans and Ammonites. Today I want to highlight some important realities: God is watching. Our sins may be forgiven, but there will still be consequences. PSALM 111:This beautiful psalm of praise is an acrostic poem in Hebrew. ROMANS 14:In yesterday’s reading, Paul taught us to submit to rulers and government officials, then he urged us to love one another and lead holy lives. Now...

NL-Day162 2 Samuel 9-10; Psalm 110; Romans 13 show art NL-Day162 2 Samuel 9-10; Psalm 110; Romans 13

Daily Bible Reading Phil Fields

2SAMUEL 9-10:David realized the incongruity that he was living in a beautiful cedar palace while God's dwelling place was in a tent. Then God gave Nathan the prophet a long message for David. He told him that his dynasty would last forever and that his son would build God’s temple. David’s beautiful prayer of response is recorded for us. Then God gave a string of stunning military victories to David. PSALM 110:The first verse of this short psalm is one of the most repeated verses of the New Testament. It certainly was very important for the early Christians. And the 4th verse becomes an...

NL-Day161 2 Samuel 7-8; Psalm 109:15-31; Romans 13 show art NL-Day161 2 Samuel 7-8; Psalm 109:15-31; Romans 13

Daily Bible Reading Phil Fields

2SAMUEL 7-8:At last, David became the king of all Israel, then the Lord gave him two great military victories over the Philistines. Then, after a botched attempt, David moved the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem. He danced with all his might before the Lord. Psalm 109b:When you feel that you are surrounded by people who gang up against you and slander you, then this is the psalm for you. Note that Jesus would have had every right to pray like this from the cross, but He didn’t! In the NLT, verses 6 through 19 are translated as a long quote of slander against the Psalm-writer, David. ROMANS...

More Episodes

Yesterday we read how Nehemiah stood up for all the common people in their financial difficulty. The nobles were rich, but everyone else was suffering— some even having no option but to sell their own children into slavery. Amazingly, he succeeded in convincing the nobles to forgive debts, and forced them take a solemn oath about that. The wall was finished in just 52 days, but Nehemiah was getting more and more threats from Sanballat and his cronies.

We heard the challenge and mocking of the Assyrian chief of staff— who brought the Assyrian King’s message to Jerusalem with a huge show of force. The challenge was shouted out in Hebrew for all the people to hear. (I always wonder how it was that the Assyrian commander was fluent in Hebrew!) What a thing to happen to a king that 2Kings 18 praises with these words:

2Kings 18:5 NLT Hezekiah trusted in the LORD, the God of Israel. There was no one like him among all the kings of Judah, either before or after his time.

We finished the wonderful book of Philippians yesterday. I count three great promises in that 4th chapter. But note: This time I feel that all of them are really conditional promises— even the last one. If we are going to have God’s peace guarding our hearts and minds, and if we want God to supply our needs, then we must give attention to how Paul told the Philippians to live and how they were giving to support Paul’s mission.

I encourage everyone to spend more time looking at the treasures of Philippians, and the same goes for the book we start today— Colossians.

Colossians was written around the same time as Philippians, and Philemon was a member of this church. This letter has another wonderful poetic portion in chapter one exalting Christ. In most of my presentations in Indonesian seminaries, I introduce our translation by reading Colossians 2. The things Indonesians don’t understand in their Bibles— and the things I hope you will understand in the GNT or NLT, are spiritual realities. These are things that are true of us spiritually which cannot be seen with physical eyes. If you understand spiritual realities, you get the opportunity to believe them. If you believe them, meditate on them. If you meditate on them, you will find them working powerfully in your life to transform you and release you from sinful desires.


Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.