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Show Notes #51 Charlie Hedges-Simple Tips for Foreign Travel

The Next Chapter with Charlie

Release Date: 10/30/2017

#317 Michaela Renee Johnson: Everything You Need to Know About Life! show art #317 Michaela Renee Johnson: Everything You Need to Know About Life!

The Next Chapter with Charlie

Show Notes  PLEASE NOTE: This show just might be my very, very favorite podcast! ***** Our guest today, Michaela Renee Johnson, writes this of herself. I couldn’t say it any better… Michaela says…   I believe the key to living a happy life, is learning how to speak your truth with grace & live a courageous life of authenticity. This requires checking in with yourself, often, exploring old patterns that aren’t serving you, tapping into grit & resiliency, and having a growth-oriented mindset. Michaela was a guest on the show more than two years ago. She was...

#316 Nico Morales: Essential Habits! show art #316 Nico Morales: Essential Habits!

The Next Chapter with Charlie

Show Notes  Our guest today, Nico Morales, believes that goals are indeed important. However, if you begin your actions with ideas about how to reach the destination (or the goal) you just might be missing the real starting point.  Nico Morales is here with us to talk about the real Starting Point: Your Habits! Success comes only from habits that lead to success. So… what do those habits look like? Let’s see what Nico Morales has to say.  LINKS Please check out Nico’s fine website .  Please check out Nico’s book,

#315 Joseph Drolshagen: You ARE the Vision of Yourself show art #315 Joseph Drolshagen: You ARE the Vision of Yourself

The Next Chapter with Charlie

Show Notes   In today’s show, we walk along a journey of success and travail, for the two are inextricably tied together. Joseph Drolshagen shares a convincing argument of the value of difficulty and how to use that difficulty for shaping the life you really want. The two questions Joseph asks every client are: (1) Where are you now” And, (2) Where do you want to be? He believes the answer to the second question, “Who do you want to be?” always comes down to a matter of personal vision.  We address those questions and many more on this entertaining and fabulously...

#314 Lata Hamilton: Change is Only Just Beginning show art #314 Lata Hamilton: Change is Only Just Beginning

The Next Chapter with Charlie

Show Notes  Our guest today, Lata Hamilton, is an inspiring Change Leadership and Confidence Expert, and the creator of “the Leading Successful Change Program” for Businesses, largely in Australia, although she has several international clients as well. In conversation with Lata, I came to realize that changes in business can only occur when individual people in the company change first. Change, therefore, is as much personal as it is corporate.   As a millennial, Lata embraces corporate as well as personal change from a grand perspective. Today’s show is a potpourri of...

#313 Wendy Hooper Ross: The Housing Struggle and You show art #313 Wendy Hooper Ross: The Housing Struggle and You

The Next Chapter with Charlie

Show Notes  Living in the Orange County Bubble, many of us are unfamiliar with the personal and economic struggles that many (if not most) Americans face on a daily basis.  In my personal bubble I read that the market is great, but gas prices are up, and with those words I seem to feel that I have a grasp on our everyday economic state of affairs. Huh? It seems I have had my feet planted in mid-air. Did you know that very few Americans even have a meaningful investment in stocks. 93% of all stocks are owned by 10% of the population. And 80% of stocks are owned by old people. So,...

#312 Tom Yankle: Treating Life as a Business show art #312 Tom Yankle: Treating Life as a Business

The Next Chapter with Charlie

Show Notes  At the age of 74, I am what’s called an early Baby Boomer. Maybe because of that, I am fascinated by the thoughts and motivations of younger generations like the Millennials and Gen Zs.  Although in our generation gaps, we have many common habits and values. Still, there are also significant differences, especially when it comes to “how to live your life.” My guest today, Tom Yankle, is an older millennial (at 40) who has a deep experience-based understanding of how people in the ages of 25-45 think about life.  Let’s see what he has to say…  

#311 Terry Hershey: Loitering in the Moment show art #311 Terry Hershey: Loitering in the Moment

The Next Chapter with Charlie

Show Notes   It was probably couple of years ago that my good friend Terry Hershey brought up an idea that continues to leave me in a state of Wonder. He talked about Loitering in the Moment.   In fact, just a few weeks ago I wrote a blog on the subject and when I was chatting with Terry about doing a new podcast he suggested that be our topic. So here we are, Loitering in the Moment, that is resting in the present moment of a friend-to-friend recorded chat.  I am happy that you choose to join us today. Happy loitering!  LINKS Click here for a link to get a copy...

#310 Lindsay Davis: Reimagining Your Future show art #310 Lindsay Davis: Reimagining Your Future

The Next Chapter with Charlie

Show Notes  Our guest today is truly one of my very favorite people in the world, Lindsay Davis. And you know what?... we have never met… except in dozens of hours of very deep telephone conversations. As many of you already know, Lindsay is a delight—and a brilliant one.  Professionally, Lindsay Davis is a highly sought-after Creative Business and Professional Coach, educator, and classical concert musician. Lindsay calls herself a “converted perfectionist,” who now focuses on a continual nurturing of a fresh and innovative approach to life. And that is what we will talk...

#309 Caitlin Cogan Doemner: When Authenticity is a Moving Target show art #309 Caitlin Cogan Doemner: When Authenticity is a Moving Target

The Next Chapter with Charlie

Show Notes  Today we have yet another favorite guest, Caitlin Cogan Doemner. After studying at Oxford University and then receiving an MBA from Biola University, Caitlin co-founded and launched her sales management company in March 2013. In less than three years, they had earned their first million dollars. Since then, Caitlin has traveled the world for 3 years with her family of three children—a special adventure for any family, especially with children from 5 to 9. You know, Paul, two qualities attract me to my dearest friends: I like intelligent people and I like interesting people....

#308 Marshall Jenkins: Discovering Love Once Again show art #308 Marshall Jenkins: Discovering Love Once Again

The Next Chapter with Charlie

Show Notes   Our guest today is psychologist and spiritual director Dr Marshall Jenkins.   Marshall and I have been chatting off and on for a couple of months now. I found a blog post of his online and fell in love with his thoughts and approach to living a successful life in the terms of the realm of love.  In fact, Marshall says that love can only be discovered in the process of doing it. I am intrigued. Let’s see what Marshal has to say about that as we dive deep into a meaningful conversation.  LINKS  You can find out more about Marshall Jenkins...

More Episodes

It’s good to be back from a fabulous trip to Peru where we visited Machu Picchu and other Inca Ruins. We then spent 8 days in Buenos Aires, including a 2-day side trip to incomparable Igauzu Falls.

But, more on that later.

After this trip I thought I’d like to review a few traveling tips for those considering foreign travel. So today will be a “solo-sode” we me sharing from my multiple travel experiences and then more particularly on my recent trip to South America.

After all, the Next Chapter with Charlie is the place to discover how you might more knowledgeably move on to your next chapter—even it if it’s a little1-3 week holiday.

Before You Leave


  1. Highly planned
  2. Loosely planned
  3. Accommodations: Hotel, apartment or Airbnb

Packing: You are allowed 50 lbs check-in

  1. International flights allow you one check-in bag that cannot exceed 50 lbs. That is heavy!
  2. So, Pack as light as you can
  3. Know this: You will always pack too much shit! In this last trip the weather forecasts predicted cold in Peru and warm in Argentina, seemingly requiring two different types of clothing.
  4. 3 pants max; 1 jacket; 1, 2 sweaters max, t-shirts, 2 nicer shirts, 7 underwear and socks. All different colors. That way you still have cool outfits. I’m into clothes.
  5. Let’s talk about Electronics: adapters vs. converters AND a an international power strip that allows three plugs and a USB port
  6. Computers: notebook vs. iPad or I take both, iPad is easier to vary around town for me to write.
  7. Backpacks??? I’m not into them. They make you look like a tourist; unless it’s a very small backpack
  8. Be sure that your wallet, fanny pack or passport holder that hangs around your neck is RFID. [EXPLAIN]
  9. Protect your passports: store in a safe if you can: a few countries require that you carry you past passport although in the last four years I have visited 20-30 countries and never needed to carry one
  10. Carry wallet and phone in your front pockets to avoid pickpockets
  11. Make copies of all documents and cards: Passport, driver’s license and credit cards. Copy front and back
  12. Books: electronic is the best or small light books
  13. Emergency bag if luggage is lost: CRITICAL 

After You Arrive

Get your Bearings

  1. Understand where you are and the distance to places you may want to see. I’m not a car guy so I use taxi’s, ubers or mass transit when I can figure it out. Mostly I walk: 4-7 miles per day.
  2. Make out a brief itinerary for your stay. I can be as simple as the places you want to visit each day.
  3. I like to find a local café to hang out. I try to make a friend at a local café shop. I work it so I get the same server every time.
  4. For the best trip be prepared to walk about 5 miles each day 

Adapt, Adapt, Adapt

  1. Don’t get pissed when they rake forever to give a check at a restaurant—YOU HAVE TO ASK FOR IT. Meals are to be savored, not devoured, esp with good company. In the US we seem to be hard-wired to do everything in a hurry. Especially eating. We often don’t even sit to eat or we eat on the job.
  2. Tipping is different in every country—from nothing to about 10%
  3. Ask a local what is expected
  4. Try to act like a local. Dinner is often very latte in Latin countries. Restaurants generally don’t even open until 6 or 7. 10-11 is the busy time. So if you make a 7 o’clock reservation you will be either alone or in a very parse crowd. Depends on how you feel about night life.

Make “Nothing You Have to Do Days”

  1. Plan days with no agenda. Sleep late. And just walk around your neighborhood. Or, go out alone without your traveling companion for a different experience. My wife goes shopping and I go to coffee bar to write or read or chat with the staff. It keeps us from killing each other.
  2. Be led by your gut 

My Trip


  1. The food
  2. Cusco
  3. Machu Picchu
    1. Structures: stone temples with no mortar
    2. Pachmama
    3. The tragedy of the Spanish Inquest
  4. Sacred Valley and Maras and the salt mines


  1. There are two districts that are recommended by the travel guides: Palermo and Riletto. We stayed in Palermo but... So I would suggest you stay in the district called Centro: it’s the city center. Otherwise you taxi for 10-20 minutes to get to city center, so why not just stay there?
  2. Unless you have special plans I think 3 nights and 4 days would be plenty in Buenos Aires. It’s a big city of 13 million people
  3. Plan one night and 2 days to go to Igauzu Falls. It was the highlight of our trip: 1.7 miles of falls that drop 2-300 feet and you can get about 100 feet away from the crashing of one of the falls.

Final Thoughts

  1. Journal daily
  2. Sometimes a sleeping pill can help you get acclimated to the new time zone 

You can get more information and regular updates from Charlie at thenextchapter.life