35 - Leveraging the Core Competencies in Your Favor
Release Date: 04/06/2018
Inside Health Education
UT Tyler SOM is ready for your application! Learn about the newest medical school in Texas during this session and learn what it takes to craft a competitive application to the 21st member institution and first medical school in East Texas! ---------- Join our online communities to receive early access to the podcasts, ask questions about preparing for professional school, and receive information directly from TMDSAS/TXHES, professional schools and advisors. The is open to all applicants. The group is open to all applicants who identify themselves as...
info_outlineInside Health Education
UTRGV SOPM is ready to review your application to podiatry school! Join their admissions team as we learn more about the first school of podiatry in Texas and the 20th member institution in TMDSAS! ---------- Join our online communities to receive early access to the podcasts, ask questions about preparing for professional school, and receive information directly from TMDSAS/TXHES, professional schools and advisors. The is open to all applicants. The group is open to all applicants who identify themselves as non-traditional. If you have any questions or comments...
info_outlineInside Health Education
The veterinary school admissions officers address your questions about applying to veterinary school. Learn about best practices and what happens behind the scenes when admissions committees review your application. ---------- Join our online communities to receive early access to the podcasts, ask questions about preparing for professional school, and receive information directly from TMDSAS/TXHES, professional schools and advisors. The is open to all applicants. The group is open to all applicants who identify themselves as non-traditional. If you have any...
info_outlineInside Health Education
The medical school admissions deans address your questions about applying to medical school. Learn about best practices and what happens behind the scenes when admissions committees review your application. ---------- Join our online communities to receive early access to the podcasts, ask questions about preparing for professional school, and receive information directly from TMDSAS/TXHES, professional schools and advisors. The is open to all applicants. The group is open to all applicants who identify themselves as non-traditional. If you have any questions or...
info_outlineInside Health Education
The dental school admissions deans address your questions about applying to dental school. Learn about best practices and what happens behind the scenes when admissions committees review your application. ---------- Join our online communities to receive early access to the podcasts, ask questions about preparing for professional school, and receive information directly from TMDSAS/TXHES, professional schools and advisors. The is open to all applicants. The group is open to all applicants who identify themselves as non-traditional. If you have any questions or...
info_outlineInside Health Education
Here's what to expect when medical acceptance offers go out starting October 15. We'll also go over what Pre-Match offers are, the ranking, and Match and what this means for Texas resident and non-Texas resident medical applicants. ---------- Join our online communities to receive early access to the podcasts, ask questions about preparing for professional school, and receive information directly from TMDSAS/TXHES, professional schools and advisors. The is open to all applicants. The group is open to all applicants who identify themselves as non-traditional. If you...
info_outlineInside Health Education
Have you ever wanted to ask your applicant liaison about your coursework, or PCR? Residency, or curious about the application processing? In this session, you will get to ask our Applicant Liaison, Breanna anything you would like to know about your application. Breanna will also share some insights that applicant liaisons would love for you to know! ---------- Join our online communities to receive early access to the podcasts, ask questions about preparing for professional school, and receive information directly from TMDSAS/TXHES, professional schools and advisors. The is open to...
info_outlineInside Health Education
In this Office Hour session, we will have a short tutorial on how and where to keep up with your application, your supporting document statuses, and TMDSAS processing times. ---------- Join our online communities to receive early access to the podcasts, ask questions about preparing for professional school, and receive information directly from TMDSAS/TXHES, professional schools and advisors. The is open to all applicants. The group is open to all applicants who identify themselves as non-traditional. If you have any questions or comments about the podcast, reach us...
info_outlineInside Health Education
TMDSAS Office Hours Q&A with Dr. Joel Robles, the Associate Director for the Joint Admission Medical Program (JAMP). We ask Dr. Robles questions about JAMP and learn how to prepare and apply to this unique program. To familiarize yourself with the program, you can visit ---------- Join our online communities to receive early access to the podcasts, ask questions about preparing for professional school, and receive information directly from TMDSAS/TXHES, professional schools and advisors. The is open to all applicants. The group is open to all...
info_outlineInside Health Education
There is no greater engineering challenge than to improve human health. You may have heard the saying: "If you want to go fast, go alone but if you want to go far, go together." Together the integration of Medicine and Engineering can take healthcare farther. Join Dr. Felix Morales from the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center School of Medicine and Dean Dr. Al Sacco from the Texas Tech University College of Engineering as they share the vision for the new Medicine and Engineering program. Links referenced:
info_outlineWhen you think about a school's mission statement, it often reads like a fluff piece. However, we explore how the mission/vision/values statements for professional schools have common threads that are linked to Core Competencies.
Don't forget that the role of the admissions committee is to find applicants who support their mission/vision/values. In this episode, we’ll focus on the defined medical school core competencies as they provide a framework that nicely overlaps with the desired competencies across the health professions.
Links to other resources on Core Competencies:
- Core Competencies for Entering Medical Students https://www.aamc.org/admissions/admissionslifecycle/409090/competencies.html
- hat Medical Schools are Looking for: Understanding the 15 Core Competencies https://students-residents.aamc.org/applying-medical-school/article/med-schools-looking-for-15-competencies/
- Real Stories Demonstrating Core Competencies https://students-residents.aamc.org/applying-medical-school/student/courtneys-path-medical-school/
- Behavioral and Social Science Foundations for Future Physicians https://www.aamc.org/download/271020/data/behavioralandsocialsciencefoundationsforfuturephysicians.pdf
- Competencies for the New General Dentist http://www.adea.org/about_adea/governance/Pages/Competencies-for-the-New-General-Dentist.aspx
- UT Health Houston SOD Competencies https://dentistry.uth.edu/students/docs/ddscomp.pdf
- Entry-level DVM Core Competencies http://www.aavmc.org/data/files/navmec/1/dr.janilkiw-entryleveldvmcorecompetencies.pdf
Join our online communities to receive early access to the podcasts, ask questions and receive information directly from TMDSAS, professional schools and advisors.
- The TMDSAS Hub is open to all applicants in the EY2019/2020 cycle.
- The TMDSAS Non-Traditional Applicants group is open to all applicants who identify themselves as non-traditional and would like to connect with other applicants.
If you have any questions or comments about the podcast, reach us at [email protected].
The TMDSAS Podcast is a proud affiliate of the MededMedia network.