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Episode 204: Travel

Reading with Libraries podcast

Release Date: 06/07/2018

A book that's been banned or challenged in any state in 2022 show art A book that's been banned or challenged in any state in 2022

Reading with Libraries podcast

Thank you for joining us again on our book group and Reader’s advisory podcast!  We are here to talk about books and share library ideas!   And now we are wrapping up the season! We’ve really enjoyed reading books with you, and having book group fun!  If you have missed any RWL, our archives are on the website. You can go back to cmle.org any time and listen to any of our podcast episodes. The book group is always here for you!   This week is pretty frustrating to discuss. We are librarians, and CMLE helps to support over three hundred different kinds of...

A book becoming a TV series or movie in 2023 show art A book becoming a TV series or movie in 2023

Reading with Libraries podcast

This is a week of fun books, because the idea of starting a new TV series or a new movie is always exciting! It might be great, it might be terrible - but the possibility is real and there are so many opportunities to enjoy new things. Check out our for links to our beverages, our resources, and the books we share today.

A book where the main character's name is in the title show art A book where the main character's name is in the title

Reading with Libraries podcast

It’s fun to feel like you are in the know, that you see a small secret or an easter egg - and knowing the secret of a title is actually a character’s name can be a fun way to encourage us to get in there and try some new books! Check out our for links to our beverages, our resources, and the books we share today.

A book with a song lyric as its title show art A book with a song lyric as its title

Reading with Libraries podcast

We aren’t going to sing about it this week, but we are going to celebrate this week’s books with song titles! Enjoy all of the books that always sound like they are going to be fun - but sometimes go in sad, scary directions. So this is a good week to try some new books of all genres! Check out our for links to our beverages, our resources, and the books we share today.

A modern retelling of a classic show art A modern retelling of a classic

Reading with Libraries podcast

This is such a fun week - retelling a classic story with a modern twist! Did you read a book in high school that was maybe okay - but you want to read a better version? Do you have a favorite book from a long time ago - and reading a current version would be fun? Or, have you always wanted to try a specific book - but never got around to reading it, and maybe a current version would be more fun? This is your week! Check out our for links to our beverages, our resources, and the books we share today.

A book published in spring 2023 show art A book published in spring 2023

Reading with Libraries podcast

It’s spring time! When everyone’s fancy turns to thoughts of love - of books! It’s a time of melting snow, flowers growing, green everywhere; and it’s also a time for all kinds of new books to try. This week we are looking at books that have just been published, and are ready to enjoy all sorts of new, interesting stories. Check out our for links to our beverages, our resources, and the books we share today.

A book about or set in Hollywood show art A book about or set in Hollywood

Reading with Libraries podcast

We see the glamor of Hollywood this week, along with some of the backstage sadness and ick. This is a genre where we know a lot of the story, but only the front-facing ideas. We can always learn more about the secrets and mysteries that we don’t see. Check out our for links to our beverages, our resources, and the books we share today.

A book about a forbidden romance show art A book about a forbidden romance

Reading with Libraries podcast

This week will be filled with drama, intrigue, hijinks, and of course romance! So basically yes: it will be the best week for finding all kinds of good books to read! You know that Ariel is our romance expert, and we can all count on her to share some great book ideas and insights. Check out our for links to our beverages, our resources, and the books we share today.

A book with A book with "Girl" in the title

Reading with Libraries podcast

This week’s books are a slightly strange genre - easy to pick out but not always easy to categorize. They can be all kinds of genres and all kinds of different stories, and that is the fun of exploring these books! Check out our for links to our beverages, our resources, and the books we share today.

A book with a color in the title show art A book with a color in the title

Reading with Libraries podcast

This week our books all have a color in the title! Sometimes the colors are relevant to the storyline, and sometimes they are just fun things to enjoy. Feel free to wear your favorite colored items while we all enjoy this week’s books.   Check out our for links to our beverages, our resources, and the books we share today.

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Travel is good for us. We see new places, we meet new people, we try new foods – and in all of it we probably realize how connected we are to everything else. Travel lets you explore and broaden your mind. It lets you fill your brain with good (and bad) memories.

This week we explore some new places, read about adventures, and enjoy dreaming about vacations we might take!

Check out our full information page here, where you can find all our beverages, links to the books we read, and links to the resources we share to help you find even more travel books.

Join our Patreon, and help to support the show! We need your help to keep producing new content each week - and of course, to help keep Lady Grey in treats! (Click on our page to check out our Official Office Dog - she's adorable!) We want to build a nice community of readers, and you can be part of that. For $1 a month, $5 a month, or whatever amount fits the rewards you need, we are ready to welcome you to the community!