ESSAY: Transforming Foundations What your Finances, Pluto, Barack Obama and Alexander Hamilton all have in common
NORMA GENTILE sound shaman
Release Date: 07/24/2018
My financial guides counsel that because money is merely a symbol for the flow of Spiritual energies between people, it is always available. And its lack or constriction tends to occur for one of three principle reasons. Lack of money never occurs, they point out, due to spiritual failing. If this makes sense to you, have a look at my ONLINE COURSE "Resetting Your Financial Guides"
Norma Gentile sound shaman
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The past few months I have been considering money. My financial guides counsel that because money is merely a symbol for the flow of Spiritual energies between people, it is always available. And its lack or constriction tends to occur for one of three principle reasons. Lack of money never occurs, they point out, due to spiritual failing. Rather, one reason people feel a lack of abundance at this point in time is precisely because of an astrological configuration that humanity is choosing to use to undo and recreate structures of government, business and finances. (I have included notes from astrologer Mark Dodich on these planetary alignments at the end) This time period challenges our abilities to sense and dance with the polarized aspects of our reality. For example, the exchange of money for a service from someone means we value what someone is offering us. The service has, ideally, helped us to serve Spirit. A warm meal with friends or a massage; both of these can nourish us and remind us of our Spiritual roots. The fact that we pay for them indicates we place a value on the experience. Money, and the service we receive, are both a means for the flowing of Spiritual energy between ourselves and the person offering us the service. This is a simple version of how money symbolizes the Spiritual flow of energies. Where we tend to get tied up with Spiritual flow and money is when we look at larger financial institutions and businesses. I bet your feet just froze and your knees locked up when you read that last sentence! It's easy to feel the difference between paying a therapist/friend for a massage, meeting a friend and paying for coffee, or paying a credit card or student loan bill. When we receive a service directly, we psychically feel the energy exchange between our self and the other person. We feel the quality of the massage, and know that the money goes towards furthering the massage therapist's work. We imagine that our money goes towards their life needs like food and housing, a new massage table, maybe a nice vacation for them…all things that help them to continue to offer their service at a high quality. The money we pay them remains in the larger Spiritual flow. Therefore we feel confident that our money is legitimately moving along the same lines as the intended energy exchange. Our psychic or intuitive abilities tell us that there is harmony in our financial and energy flows. The same is seldom true of paying for larger services, such as mortgages, car loans, etc. The non-sacred energies that most financial companies are built upon interact with us. Whether you regard yourself as intuitive or not, we often close down our finances, rather than give our money to an energetic flow that is non-sacred in nature. Much can be said (and has been) about our system of lending. My focus, being a channel and psychic, is on my tiny piece of this picture…that corporations and financial institutions built upon non-sacred energies are about to move into a state of chaos and come out the other side transformed. My own guides began the process of looking at money and how we psychically 'listen' to our financial guides many years ago. This past summer they suggested that I share what I had figured out. And so I began to develop my online course 'Re-Setting Your Financial Guides". They pointed out to me this morning that the title was purposefully not 'How to get rich' and there is no promise of perfect and instant abundance. Rather, they have shared that this is an opportunity for all of us to dance gracefully with the emerging Sacred Masculine's influence upon our financial system. The financial guides that served us in the past to navigate the non-sacred corporations in the past may not be the most up-to-date versions for us now. By re-setting and checking that we are hearing our guides clearly, we are more apt to follow the journey of our soul through these next decades of financial transmutation. In the past few years social media has given us a platform to share information about 'green companies'. These are becoming more numerous, and are usually built upon a structure that honors the sacred aspects of both male and female energies. These companies demonstrate the qualities towards which we are moving as a world society. My guides have shared with me that we are many, many years away from the unity of consciousness that many people seek. They suggest that what we must first do is enter into the sacred versions of male and female within our polarized reality. Then we will take some time to understand the full spectrum of expressive energies that exist between them as well. The Divine Feminine has been awakening throughout our world for many centuries, and it is only now joined by a consciousness awakening of the Sacred Masculine. Spirit can now begin to flow through all aspects of our world that lie within polarity. The first motion of this Spiritual flow is to reveal the non-sacred versions of masculine and feminine energies in our world to which we have become accustomed. Then as we sense and see the Sacred Masculine and Divine Feminine, we choose which to interact with. This choice is made by each of us as individuals, and our choices influence the percentage of sacred and non-sacred energies continue to express out into our shared world. And, as we are learning, a simple majority does not make the choice go one way or the other. Only when a Golden Mean (3/5ths) of our world's population chooses the sacred over the profane version of something can we as a planet move fully past that particular choice point. And so it seems we are in the process of endlessly taking a step forward, and then back. Repeating it over and over again until 3/5ths of all the souls within our world agree on that step forward. Then we begin to tackle the next step. While so many people were expecting a grand harmonious perfection to occur at some point in the past (2012), my guides suggest that we are going to be in this process of learning and choosing for many decades; 2036 or 2045 or possibly even 2067 are years they frequently cite. The bottom line seems to be this; don't anticipate what is not yet fully embodied into our world. For example, to the extent that women's freedom and empowerment of the feminine is constricted anywhere in the world, it can be constricted where you live. Any pattern which arose out of the non-sacred use of polarity must be unwound and recreated as a sacred version of itself. We (i.e. all the souls in this region of space) decided long ago to try creating apart from the God-head, using our own free-will. We are not quite done. After eons of creating out of profane or non-sacred polarity (which came about as a decision we made long ago with our free-will) we now have the opportunity to create out of sacred polarity. We have honed our tools of creating with polarity well. Now, can we use these tools in a new manner as we mold ourselves and our world with the energies of the Sacred Masculine and Divine Feminine?
(keep reading - there is more below after the workshop announcement)
Why is this happening now? (Pluto in Capricorn) Until we are able to simply wave our hands and transfer spiritual energy to another person as payment for a service, we will be handing them cash or swiping a card to bring about payment to them…so our world is very much built upon financial institutions and the non-sacred masculine these institutions have been built upon. But, we are in a time of transforming our money and financial institutions into structures based on the Sacred Masculine and Divine Feminine. When Barak Obama was first elected president in 2008, much was made of him being a reincarnation of Abraham Lincoln. At the time that didn't feel right to me. When I asked my guides, they said that yes, he has been in politics before, and that this lifetime was about 'setting right' something he had done in a previous political life, as it had become something that it was not intended to be. In the fall of 2008 it was very unfashionable for me to write that Alexander Hamilton had reincarnated in order to adjust the financial infrastructure of our country. But nowadays, I suspect more than a few people will agree with me that something is indeed happening related to that lifetime. The transformation in our financial and governmental structures is made possible, in part, by an astrological configuration referred to as Pluto in Capricorn. It lasts about 16 years, and happens every 246 years. Throughout history, when Pluto goes into Capricorn there has been transformation of large political structures. The last time it happened (1762-1778) was during the late colonial period and formation of the USA. Hence the link between Hamilton/Obama and the current transformation of our financial and political systems.
NORMA: In the short term, the Divine Feminine will soon be active around finances and the Thymus gland (High Heart chakra) energies. This lesser known and newly emerging High Heart chakra is where we hear and sense the promptings to follow our unique soul's journey. As Mark points out, the upcoming movement of Venus into retrograde provides us with an opportunity to identify and release what we no longer find useful. From my perspective that includes identifying and releasing energies, guides and angels that have helped us in the past but don't reflect our world and who we are now. This includes well-meaning guides or energetic connections that our families, mentors or friends may have given us as well.
NORMA: The next few months will be a particularly busy season for change and regrowth. Rather than emphasize just the change or deconstruction aspect of what is coming, I want to leave you with a reminder that what is coming is already budding into view. Just as our gardens appear dormant under the snow or fallen leaves, roots are using their energies to grow a little deeper and wider, while new growth is beginning to bud underground. The massive rallies, social engagement and general discussion of what we as a nation (and world) value started visibly emerging this past fall and shows no sign of letting up. As we each feel a greater impetus to 'choose what we value' and give our attention to those things, we inspire others to do the same. Thus, new growth already visible. As we turn into the season of Spring, I wonder how these emerging buds will bloom? - Norma, with help from Archangel Michael and Mary Mark Dodich offers free monthly newsletters with lots of interesting insights that you might find useful. And yes, he does private appointments! For More Information - For those who want to know more about events that have occurred when Pluto was in Capricorn in the past see:
- The one-dollar bill featured at the start of the article was issued in 1896, and shows Martha and George Washington on the front. More images of the USA's historical currency (including the 1886 dollar bill with Martha Washington alone on on the front) are available online here. They originate from the National Numismatic Collection at the Smithsonian Institution. A New Interview......
pecial gathering via live stream on January 21 from 1-4pm EST