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John Ford Podcast - 4

John Ford Podcast

Release Date: 09/24/2018

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John Ford Podcast

Mister Ford discusses audio intimacy and take a side trip down the trecherous and insidious roadmap of diversity

John Ford Podcast 43 with Bill Murphy show art John Ford Podcast 43 with Bill Murphy

John Ford Podcast

Bill Murphy is the host on this bone chilling, spin tingling edition of the John Ford Podcast. John and Bill insult each other, talk about the good old days of broadcast radio (before it was absorbed into the hive collective). Included are discussions about WHSE MIami, The Edge in Dallas, Sonny Fox and a plethora of gabbagole. 

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John Ford Podcast

Once upon a time, there was a radio station in Long Branch New Jersey, right there on Broadway. It was a little dumpy, with a Chinese takeout downstairs, that undoubtedly served cat. And an honest to God pizza joint just around the corner. John will reminisce with radio and Tri-State traffic guy Matt Ward about the '80s in New Jersey radio and the characters who populated the ariwaves. 

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John Ford Podcast

What could be the most important lesson I learned about doing good/entertaining radio I learned at my first radio gig. The worst radio station I ever cracked a mic at. Rambling on WADY-The Lady "Radio for Singles only." Sex radio in Miami in the '70s.

John Ford Podcast The Evening Rancor show art John Ford Podcast The Evening Rancor

John Ford Podcast

I'm not a podcasting expert, but I play one on the Internet. Actually, some common sense tips for podcasters from a broadcaster and talk radio programmer that might be good for you! Also a look at Moral AI. 

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John Ford Podcast

This week on the John Ford Podcast it's pontifications on the smelly story of Jussie Smollett and John gets a bit annoyed, dare we say angry over something called offense archeology, and no, although this topic stinks worse than the Smollett scandal, it's not about odiferous catacombs. 

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John Ford Podcast

Can it be! Mary Poppins is a racist! Say it ain't so. Hawaii moves ahead with making tobacco illegal. AOC is liberal Washington's answer to Sara Palin. 

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John Ford Podcast

Can it be! Mary Poppins is a racist! Say it ain't so. Hawaii moves ahead with making tobacco illegal. AOC is liberal Washington's answer to Sara Palin. 

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John Ford Podcast

Always check for snakes before using the can. One great way to get revenge on the spawn of the robocaller. Finally an answer for the crazy cat lady. The Self aware lawnmower. 

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John Ford Podcast

The great Gillette manly razor controversy. Forget the answer to life the universe and everything, the real puzzle of existence revolves around the mystery of the great hot dog to bun imbalance. 

More Episodes

Forget about wearing cultural stereotypes, a refugee or as a homeless person this Halloween. The kindly inquisitors will be handy to tell you it's inappropriate, insensitive and offensive. Face it, creativity and comedy are dead.