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191-Abuse Part2: Boundaries

Delight Your Marriage

Release Date: 11/20/2018

453-Moving On from His Mistakes: Lindsay's Transformation Story show art 453-Moving On from His Mistakes: Lindsay's Transformation Story

Delight Your Marriage

We have the honor and privilege of sharing Lindsay's Transformation Story today. For years, she struggled with the pain of infidelity, unsure if she could ever trust her husband again. But when her husband decided to join the Masculinity Reclaimed program, the changes she saw in him stirred something in her heart. That’s when she reached out, booked a free Clarity Call, and joined the Delighted Wife program.  Through God’s grace, their marriage has been completely transformed. Moments once marked by tension and fear have been replaced by playfulness and peace. She has rediscovered the...

452-Forgiven & Free of Resentment & Past Affairs. Jim's Transformation Story show art 452-Forgiven & Free of Resentment & Past Affairs. Jim's Transformation Story

Delight Your Marriage

Today’s episode is an incredible story of God‘s transformative power. From a man who started out broken and lonely, with a history he wasn’t proud of, God was able to take his little seed of faith, his little seed of hope that just maybe something could change for him, too. He decided to sign up for a free Clarity Call, and then to join our program. He went through the program once on his own. Eventually, his wife saw some changes in him and decided that she wanted to do the work to heal from their past.  Ultimately, they both did the program at the same time, and praise the Lord,...

451-How to Deal with Anxiety Biblically show art 451-How to Deal with Anxiety Biblically

Delight Your Marriage

Is it true? Are you sure it’s true? How often do we ask these questions when an anxious thought comes to our mind? Too often we allow ourselves to assume a thought is true and allow the anxiety to drive us to choices we don't want to make.  Anxiety is fear. Stress is masked fear. And controlling or mothering behavior... yep... it's also fear. The Bible is crystal clear: Do not fear. Be anxious for nothing. If you want to break free from this snare, it starts with 1) calming your physical body 2) investigating the mental tapes playing in your mind. What anxious thoughts have you...

450-Where There is Breath, There is Hope: Kevin's Transformation Story show art 450-Where There is Breath, There is Hope: Kevin's Transformation Story

Delight Your Marriage

Have you ever felt so disconnected in your marriage that you wondered if it was worth fighting for? Kevin found himself in that very place—emotionally, spiritually, and physically distant from his wife. Harshness and criticism seemed to cloud their every interaction, leaving him discouraged and ready to give up. He felt his energy was drained and was unmotivated in many aspects of life.  He took the courage to sign up and speak with Dana on a Clarity Call, he felt it gave him insights into himself and helped him discover what was at the root of their disconnection. He felt he wasn't the...

449-Cowardly Lions Aren't Sexy (Lies Undermine Courage) show art 449-Cowardly Lions Aren't Sexy (Lies Undermine Courage)

Delight Your Marriage

By the end of this episode, I hope you'll get this, men: Courage. Character. Restraint. What I really want to share is that if you want your wife to follow you and be turned on by you, cowardice isn't sexy... to say the least.   It's true that the "righteous are as bold as a lion". If you want to grow in courage you must grow in your character.   When you lie to yourself or to others, you are undermining your confidence and courage.    You are the leader of your home. Whether you feel that way or not, what you do (or don't do) creates the culture.    You are the...

448-Embrace Your Thorn Before it Kills You show art 448-Embrace Your Thorn Before it Kills You

Delight Your Marriage

Consider this: you might be more like Paul than you realize. Yes, Paul—the apostle whose praises were so powerful they shook prison walls, and who found joy even in his suffering. What could you possibly have in common with him? Well, Paul had a thorn in his side. A persistent struggle that he begged God to remove. I’m willing to bet there’s a thorn in your side too—something you’ve desperately asked God to take away. Whether it’s sexual sin, pride, greed, jealousy, or anger, this thorn is your personal struggle. I am here to tell you: Embrace the thorn in your side. This might...

447-Widower, Blended Family & Pastor in Pain...but God: Karl's Transformation Story show art 447-Widower, Blended Family & Pastor in Pain...but God: Karl's Transformation Story

Delight Your Marriage

We want to share an inspiring story about Karl, a widower who experienced profound loss when his first wife passed away in 2020. Since then, he’s rebuilt his life with a new marriage to his lovely wife Rachel and a vibrant blended family of six children.  At first, their new life together seemed to be falling into place beautifully, but just nine months into their marriage, an unexpected challenge arose. Due to circumstances beyond their control, pornography was inadvertently introduced into their home through one of their children’s devices. This incident outside of their control...

446-Overcome Your Own Apathy (Exhaustion or Pride?) show art 446-Overcome Your Own Apathy (Exhaustion or Pride?)

Delight Your Marriage

There’s a profound truth that can often be overlooked: love, in its truest form, is sustainably sacrificial. This means loving your spouse in a way that endures, even when it's challenging. If you're a spouse who is tempted towards apathy—losing hope and withdrawing—it can feel like a deep, unending chasm. This apathy might stem from various sources: exhaustion from the relentless demands of daily life, pride that blocks genuine connection, unforgiveness that creates barriers, or perhaps a combination of all these factors. Whatever the reason, it’s crucial to recognize these signs...

445-Revive Your Marriage: Overcome Apathy Before It's Too Late show art 445-Revive Your Marriage: Overcome Apathy Before It's Too Late

Delight Your Marriage

Perhaps the most heartbreaking situations I encounter are when one spouse becomes apathetic—losing hope—and decides to "pull the plug" on the relationship. When a spouse gives up hope, apathy sets in, leading them to consider divorce, an affair, or even a secret addiction because they feel their spouse isn’t meeting their needs. I may not fully understand all the dynamics that have brought your marriage to its current state, but my hope is that you recognize the warning signs before apathy takes hold. LISTEN to your spouse’s heartcry. Don’t let them lose hope because their attempts...

444-How Opposites became Perfect Partners: Julie’s Transformation Story show art 444-How Opposites became Perfect Partners: Julie’s Transformation Story

Delight Your Marriage

We’re excited to bring you a story of a woman who was nearing the empty nester phase and, if she was really honest with herself, wasn’t looking forward to it at all. Her oldest had already left and grieving that separation added a strain on the marriage. Julie generally felt frustrated and unhappy and blamed her husband for the distance.  However, she did a very wise thing. She realized she is the only one who can change anything in the marriage by changing herself. She decided to take us up on our free Clarity Call offer and ended up feeling like she got a counseling session for free...

More Episodes

 When I work with women, I think the biggest problem is they don’t have boundaries.  And for them to slowly strategically come out of abusive relationships and cause their marriage to thrive instead of the abusive, they have to have boundaries. But it might not look the way you think it will look.


I grew up without boundaries myself. And So I never learned that I was responsible for me: my feelings, my thoughts, my choices, my property, my own things, my privacy... So naturally when I got married, I didn’t think I owned these things either.  And I didn’t think my husband did either.  Especially hearing the “two will become one flesh”, to me that meant that I owned him and he owns me. So  we had to be the same.

However that doesn’t work. 

How do you create boundaries in your marriage? How do you make sure those boundaries are respected?

And should we always be “honest” with our husbands? I don’t think so necessarily. 


I look forward to our conversation!

DYM is sponsored by my new business Couragess: Christian Women’s Mastermind group. Would love for you to check out my new site and get my free resource: 3 Habits to Grow Your Confidence immediately! www.Couragess.com