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256 Dr. Kirk Parsley & Krisstina Wise: Navigating Transitions In Relationships, Health, and Wealth

Wellness + Wisdom with Josh Trent

Release Date: 01/29/2019

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The fastest way to face fear is to be in an intimate relationship. That is the biggest mirror of our fears of abandonment, overwhelm, and not being good enough. - Krisstina Wise

Many are pursuing wealth and health but what state is more powerful, fulfilling, or feels better than love

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On Wellness Force Radio episode 256, Millionaire Coach, Entrepreneur, and Author of Falling For Money, Krisstina Wise, joins WealthyWellthy partner, returning guest, Former SEAL, and inventor of Sleep Remedy, Dr. Kirk Parsley, to share how they met, became friends, and eventually began a closer relationship in business and then romance; how an Ayahuasca plant medicine ceremony helped them face their fears and grow together; and why they believe that being in an intimate relationship is the quickest way to face your fears.

Find out how you can become a master at both money and health while in the game of love.

Get A Discount For The

Wealthy | Wellthy Live Event

Enter the code, WELLNESSFORCE, at check out to get $100 off to attend Dr. Kirk and Krisstina's
next Wealthy | Wellthy Live event in Austin, Texas February 8th-9th, 2019

WealthyWellthyShould you attend Wealthy | Wellthy Live?

Do You...

  • Have a business, but need more revenue?
  • Have difficulty selling your product?
  • Want to master your money, but don’t know where to start?
  • Feel unhappy with the state of your health, and know you could feel/look better?
  • Know you are meant to do more and be more but feel held back by your fears?
  • Struggle in your relationships, and know there must be a better way
  • Feel overwhelmed by all of the information available to you?


Then this exclusive mastermind event was created specifically for you.

Over 2 full days, we’ll give you the tools and skills you need to breakthrough in the most important areas of your life. Plus you’ll learn from some of the best teachers in the world when it comes to:

  • WELLTH Focus: Psychological BREAKTHROUGH -- Facing our biggest Fear(s)
  • LOVE Focus: Relationship BREAKTHROUGH

Wealthy | Wellthy Live Events

About the WealthyWellthy Live Event

"You can replace ego with fear because ego is a defense from fear.  If you're being egoic, then you're really being fearful." - Dr. Kirk Parsley

Listen To Episode 256 As Dr. Kirk Parsley & Krisstina Wise Uncover:

  • Krisstina's upbringing and how she sought out ways to help her family with money.
  • Her mission to help people have a different consciousness around money.
  • Why our health is truly our most important asset.
  • Why health and money are one and the same when it comes to freedom and having it all.
  • Dr. Kirk's experience working with veterans and helping them heal through plant medicine.
  • Their experience during a plant medicine ceremony together as business partners and what their biggest takeaways were that led them to deepen their relationship and focus on WealthyWellthy together in this new partnership.
  • The fraud moment of Ayahuasca that people may experience including Krisstina.
  • The roller coaster of emotions and thoughts they experienced when looking at the transition of their new life together.
  • Dr. Kirk's superman complex that he had during his past marriage and how he overcame it.
  • The glass slipper theory of what love and relationships are supposed to be like when life really isn't like that at all.
  • Dr. Kirk's immense growth, courage, and development from his childhood to now into adulthood.
  • How both Dr. Kirk and Krisstina find talking out loud helps them process their thoughts and thus has helped them grow in their relationship.
  • Their own journeys to figuring out what life is all about for themselves and why we're in the game of love.
  • Why we overthink money and health when they're actually pretty simple.
  • How to apply the practice of love and how it can help you face your fears in real life.
  • The power of being honest in your relationship to help it grow rather than using it to be cruel.
  • Why you can't pursue love; you have to give love.
  • How truth and honesty are ultimate forms of freedom.
  • Why wellness and freedom are choices and how a choice can live in multiple categories.

Power Quotes From The Show

"What I learned the hard way when I went through my health crisis is that my body is my No. 1 asset. When you don't have your health, then the money, career, and possessions you own don't really matter; all you want is your health back. If we trade our health for wealth, what's the point? It all comes down to just realizing that love, our physical bodies, and our health are what's truly important because we use our bodies, health, love, and our hearts to experience life every day." - Krisstina Wise

"Both Krisstina and I process our thoughts by talking to allow ourselves to think out loud. Our plans, next steps, what we want to learn and how we want to grow aren't really processed and solidified for either of us until we can talk about them. Who are you going to talk about them to if your partner isn't going through it with you? That's one of the powers of our relationship and one of the reasons why I've been able to grow so much faster since being in a relationship with her. It's all because I can talk things through with her and we do have the same appreciation for language, we have very similar backgrounds, and we can understand each other in a way that neither of us has ever been understood before." - Dr. Kirk Parsley

"The real work is self-love first. That's where the work is. We have to learn how to love ourselves and until I had my breakthrough, I didn't love myself. I didn't feel loveable and I escaped myself through success and achievement. I had to completely break apart to be whole and love this person named Krisstina Wise. I love her but then that's not enough; I have to love me before I can love somebody else." - Krisstina Wise

"We're so distracted going from one thing to the next and keeping ourselves busy and this is how we go around the fear. That's why plant medicine is so powerful; because it allows us to go straight to focusing on the fear. From a place of truth and love, we can face our fears." - Krisstina Wise

"You can replace ego with fear because ego is a defense from fear. If I become angry, then I'm protecting myself from my own fear and I'm projecting that fear on somebody or something else. Anger is a form of bullshitting in which I'm lying to not only myself but others as well and I know it. If you're being egoic, then you're really being fearful and the only way to get past that fear is to not bullshit." - Dr. Kirk Parsley

"When it comes to love and relationships, the fastest way to face fear is to be in an intimate relationship. This is the biggest mirror of our fears of abandonment, overwhelm, or not being good enough. The real-world practice of love is in relationships but we're out there searching for the next thing rather than being present and connected right now to one another." - Krisstina Wise

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What Others Are Saying About Wealthy | Wellthy Live

Links From Today's Show

About Dr. Kirk Parsley

Doc ParsleyDr. Kirk Parsley served as an Undersea Medical Officer at Naval Special Warfare Group One. He is a former SEAL and served as Naval Special Warfare’s expert on Sleep Medicine.

Doc’s philosophy is simple; in order to optimize our health and get the most out of our bodies and minds, we must live more closely to the way we evolved as a species. Many diseases and disorders that we accept as “inevitable” in modern society are unnecessary complications of poor sleeping habits, living in a toxic environment, eating foods we were not designed to digest, and allowing stress to overwhelm us.

As a physician, Dr. Kirk Parsley has been indoctrinated to "standard of care" medicine. As a life-long athlete and former Navy SEAL he's been heavily involved in nutrition, exercise, mental toughness, coaching, and constant self-improvement.

Dr. Kirk has researched, practiced, trained, proctored, and consulted with world leaders in alternative, eastern, western, holistic, and functional medicine. He’s also had the good fortune to become close colleagues and friends with the greatest minds in nutrition and exercise. He incorporates all of his life experience into his passion for helping people make immediate and profound shifts in their health and performance.

His belief is that we can all improve (you don't have to be sick or broken to want to be better), and optimizing your health and performance is not as overwhelming as all of the misinformation would have people believe. You simply need the right team of experts with you, and the self-determination to do it.

About Krisstina Wise

Krisstina WiseKrisstina Wise is a real estate mogul, Millionaire Coach, and creator of several multi-million dollar businesses including Goodlife Luxury, The Paperless Agent and most recently, WealthyWellthy. She is also an international speaker and the award-winning author of the Amazon Best-Seller Falling for Money, a romance novel for your bank account. Named one of the 100 Most Influential Real Estate Leaders in the country, she has been featured in USA TODAY, as well as by Apple, Contactually, and Evernote for her creative leadership with emerging technologies.

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