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Issue #106 - "Black Characters"

Doctor DC Podcast

Release Date: 02/27/2019

Issue #496 - “The Producer Richard Podcast” (w/ Kyle Clark) show art Issue #496 - “The Producer Richard Podcast” (w/ Kyle Clark)

Doctor DC Podcast

Kyle and Richard catch up and discuss their personal comic opinions. Intro Music by    To ask questions for the next episode, or to continue the conversation online visit us here: On   On On our Or check out our new And our 

Issue #495 - “Bats of a Leather” show art Issue #495 - “Bats of a Leather”

Doctor DC Podcast

This week we talk about the Bat Family! Intro Music by    To ask questions for the next episode, or to continue the conversation online visit us here: On   On On our Or check out our new And our 

Issue #494 - “Space Travel II” show art Issue #494 - “Space Travel II”

Doctor DC Podcast

This week we weirdly answer space questions meant to be about Marvel comics and attempt to answer them in context of DC... Intro Music by    To ask questions for the next episode, or to continue the conversation online visit us here: On   On On our Or check out our new And our 

Issue #493 - “Small But Mighty” show art Issue #493 - “Small But Mighty”

Doctor DC Podcast

This week it's the tiniest episode for one of the tiniest characters, The Atom! It's short because that was the plan, and because of the coin, and because we planned it that way.... NOT because we had a timing issue...  Intro Music by    To ask questions for the next episode, or to continue the conversation online visit us here: On   On On our Or check out our new And our 

Issue #492 - “Fair Play” show art Issue #492 - “Fair Play”

Doctor DC Podcast

This week is all about Mister Terrific!   Intro Music by    To ask questions for the next episode, or to continue the conversation online visit us here: On   On On our Or check out our new And our 

Issue #491 - Issue #491 - "OnlyDans" (w/ Mrs. DC)

Doctor DC Podcast

In the final week of Danuary, the Doc and Mrs. DC answer questions exclusively from people named Dan!   Intro Music by    To ask questions for the next episode, or to continue the conversation online visit us here: On   On On our Or check out our new And our 

Issue #490 - Issue #490 - "The Dan Band"

Doctor DC Podcast

Week 3 of Danuary is all about DC characters named Dan!   Intro Music by    To ask questions for the next episode, or to continue the conversation online visit us here: On   On On our Or check out our new And our 

Issue #489 - Issue #489 - "Hit Me Dan, One Mora Time"

Doctor DC Podcast

This week we talk all about Omni-Mind and Community, the One-Man Army Corps, the Jack Kirby creation and all that came from it.     Intro Music by    To ask questions for the next episode, or to continue the conversation online visit us here: On   On On our Or check out our new And our 

Issue #488 - “One More Attempt at Content” show art Issue #488 - “One More Attempt at Content”

Doctor DC Podcast

This week we talk all about Omni-Mind and Community, the One-Man Army Corps, the Jack Kirby creation and all that came from it.     Intro Music by    To ask questions for the next episode, or to continue the conversation online visit us here: On   On On our Or check out our new And our 

Special #24 - Special #24 - "The 4th Annual Docsners"

Doctor DC Podcast

It's The 4th Annual Docsners - the most prestigious and glamourous night of the podcast! The Doctor and Ryan Pidgeon are proud to present these are Patreon-nominated and fan-voted awards, so thank you to all of our amazing fans and listeners for participating and for supporting us through the year! Intro Music by  Find more great podcasts like this on To ask questions for the next episode, or to continue the conversation online visit us here: On   On On our Or check out our new And sign up on our new

More Episodes

In this week's issue, we discuss black characters in DC. From groundbreaking to misguided, from Milestone to Tyroc. But first, we break down the latest in DC news. 

Sponsored by Great Lakes Grooming Co. 

Intro Music by Aaron Barry

Find more great podcasts like this on Brain Freeze

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News and Notes

(1:30) Matt Fraction and Greg Rucka Writing Superman Spinoff Series

(4:05) Classic Batman Villain to Return in Detective Comics Annual 2

(6:19) Doomsday Clock to Reveal Truth Behind Rebirth

(9:49) Bendis Says Superboy Will Get New Codename

(12:05) Matt Reeves Claims Batman Movie Will Focus on Detective Mode

(15:43) Jason Mamoa Teases Future of the DCEU

(20:15) Batman: Damned Cancelled

(20:50) DCEASED

(28:51) New Details For Young Animal Titles

(31:05) Batman/TMNT 3 Coming This Spring

(32:44) DC to Release 25 Cent One Shot Comic

(34:43) Batman: TAS New Action Figures

(36:05) Wal-Mart To Carry New DC Collectible Collection

(37:56) CW's The Flash To Lose Cisco


Black Characters

(44:30) Explaining Icon.

(49:50) Thoughts on black characters taking over mantles from white characters.

(57:40) Thoughts on the new Spawn movie.

(60:15) Favorite look for Cyborg.

(64:35) Good entry points for iconic black characters.

(68:42) What black DC characters need a movie or TV adaptation?

(75:54) Favorite black Milestone hero.

(79:08) Reimagining a DC character as a person of color.

(86:45) Where Static has been recently and fan-casting a live action version.

(93:19) Thoughts on Tanya Spears.

(96:03) Characters reimagined as black.

(101:10) Defining John Stewart.

(106:06) Did the evolution of technology world-wide lead to Cyborg being included in the Justice League or is he a "diversity hire"?

(109:04) Least liked black character.  Black character with the most untapped potential.

(113:08) Making Mister Terrific more present in the DCU.

(121:16) Is New 52 Wally West as fast as the other Wally West?

(122:05) Is Detective John Jones canonically black or white?

(124:16) Is Icon from Krypton?

(126:41) Richard's true feelings on the Black Lightning show.

(130:38) The worst example of a black character naming convention.


Dial Doc

(133:59) Insell Duck

(135:22) Solid State


Characters, Places, Things

Batwing (PreFlashpoint) (Rebirth)

Black Canary (PreFlashpoint) (Rebirth)

Black Lightning (PreFlashpoint) (Rebirth)

Black Manta (PreFlashpoint) (Rebirth)

Connor Hawke (PreFlashpoint) (Arrowverse)

Cyborg (PreFlashpoint) (Rebirth) (DoomPatrolTV) (DCEU)

Icon (Dakotaverse) (Rebirth)

John Stewart (PreFlashpoint) (Rebirth)

Kaldur'ahm (PreFlashpoint) (Rebirth) (DCAU)

Martian Manhunter (PreFlashpoint) (Rebirth)

Mister Terrific (PreFlashpoint) (Rebirth)

Rocket (Dakotaverse) (DCAU)

Shazam (PreFlashpoint) (Rebirth)

Starfire (PreFlashpoint) (Rebirth) (TitansTV)

Static Shock (Dakotaverse) (Rebirth)

Tanya Spears



Vixen (PreFlashpoint) (Rebirth) (Arrowverse) (DCAU)

Wallace West


Recommended Reading & Viewing

Black Lightning (TV Series)

Black Lightning Vol 1

Black Lightning: Cold Dead Hands

Green Lantern Corps Vol 3

Justice Society of America Vol 3

Worlds' Finest Vol 1



Milestone Media




Donald Glover (Instagram) (Twitter) (Website)

Dwayne McDuffie (Wiki)

William Jackson Harper (Instagram) (Twitter)

Zazie Beatz (Instagram)