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113: Creating in the Fringes

The Professional Creative

Release Date: 01/23/2024

142: Beyond the Basics: 5 Powerful Automation Tools for Entrepreneurs show art 142: Beyond the Basics: 5 Powerful Automation Tools for Entrepreneurs

The Professional Creative

If you're tired of drowning in a sea of repetitive tasks and ready to work smarter, not harder, this episode is for you. We'll explore how automations can revolutionize your workflow, allowing you to work less while boosting productivity and efficiency. From handling monotonous tasks to streamlining team operations, automation is a game-changer, and today I’ll show you how to harness its power in your business. In my own journey, I've used automation tools like Searchie, ConvertKit, and Asana to transform our processes, but there's so much more out there. I’ll introduce you to five other...

141: Family, Fitness, and More: Marriage Talk with Bonnie + David show art 141: Family, Fitness, and More: Marriage Talk with Bonnie + David

The Professional Creative

Hi, everyone. Today on The Professional Creative podcast, my husband, David, joins me to answer some questions about our marriage and relationship. We've been together for 21 years and just celebrated our 16th wedding anniversary. We received 16 questions from our followers on Instagram about marriage and relationships, and we're excited to answer them. From how we first met to tips for building a strong marriage, we discussed it all. We also talked about how we navigate our roles as our business and family dynamics change. Plus, we touched on the importance of communication, respect, and how...

140: What Does Done Look Like? Assigning Tasks with Clarity show art 140: What Does Done Look Like? Assigning Tasks with Clarity

The Professional Creative

Hey there, welcome back to another episode! Today, we're tackling a crucial topic that's often overlooked: delegating tasks clearly. You see, delegation isn't just about passing off tasks to your team or contractors—it's a skill that applies to every aspect of your life. Inspired by Brene Brown's insights in "Dare to Lead," we're asking the fundamental question: What does done look like? Think about it. How many times have you handed off a task in a frazzled state, only to be disappointed with the results? The truth is, clarity is key. Whether you're managing a team or simply trying to...

139: Logic vs. Emotion: Understanding Head Buyers and Heart Buyers show art 139: Logic vs. Emotion: Understanding Head Buyers and Heart Buyers

The Professional Creative

Did you know that there are two types of customers? If you stop and think about it, you yourself have a specific way you like to make purchases and decisions! The same goes for your customers. This episode is all about understanding the difference between head buyers and heart buyers. You know, those folks who make purchasing decisions either based on logic and reason (that's our head buyers) or driven purely by emotion and gut feeling (yep, those are our heart buyers). So, why does this matter? Well, as entrepreneurs, knowing who's who in your audience can make all the difference in how you...

138: The Power of 15 Minutes show art 138: The Power of 15 Minutes

The Professional Creative

Today, we're finding 15 minutes in your jam-packed day to keep the momentum going towards your dreams. It's a short but sweet thought that holds immense potential for progress. Let's face it, in the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it's easy to feel like we don't have a moment to spare. But here's the hard truth: we all have the same 24 hours, and finding 15 minutes (or 30! Or 60!) is not only possible but essential in propelling us towards our goals. So, in this bite-sized episode, we'll explore practical strategies to identify those precious pockets of time, pre-decide how to utilize...

137: 5 Strategies to Overcome Fear show art 137: 5 Strategies to Overcome Fear

The Professional Creative

Fear is a universal experience that can hold us back from reaching our full potential, whether in our creative pursuits or entrepreneurial endeavors. But fear doesn't have to be a roadblock; it can be a stepping stone to growth and success. In this episode, we'll explore five powerful strategies for overcoming fear and embracing the journey towards your goals. Join me as we navigate through the murky waters of self-doubt and anxiety, uncovering practical tips and insights to help you push past your fears and experience success in spite of the fear. From identifying where fear pops up in your...

136: Creating Compelling Sales Pages That Convert show art 136: Creating Compelling Sales Pages That Convert

The Professional Creative

Welcome to a quick dive into the world of sales pages – those magical gateways to converting curious visitors into loyal customers. In this short episode, we're zooming in on the power of sales pages and why they're a must-have tool in your business arsenal. So, what exactly is a sales page? It's more than just a webpage; it's your virtual storefront, your persuasive pitch, your digital handshake with potential buyers. I'm excited to share why I'm absolutely smitten with sales pages and why you should be too.  In this short episode, we’re simply focusing on just one key ingredient...

135: Design Your Life: Finding Freedom in Time, Location, and Finances show art 135: Design Your Life: Finding Freedom in Time, Location, and Finances

The Professional Creative

We hear it all the time: “Build a business so that you have freedom.” You know, that elusive concept we're all chasing after as we build our businesses and craft our lives. But what does freedom really mean? And how do we go about designing a life that gives us the freedoms we want? Well, buckle up because we're about to explore it all in this episode. There are three types of freedom that most entrepreneurs crave: having the time to do what you love, the flexibility to work from anywhere, and the financial stability to support your dreams. But hey, freedom isn't a one-size-fits-all kind...

134: Showing Up as Your Whole Self on Social Media show art 134: Showing Up as Your Whole Self on Social Media

The Professional Creative

Have you ever wondered if it's possible to maintain a thriving social media presence while exploring multiple interests and facets of your creative self? Well, you're not alone! In this short episode, we're tackling the question head-on: Is it possible to have a good social media account where you are focusing on more than one thing?  As creatives, we're constantly evolving and pivoting, and it's only natural that our social media presence reflects that. So let’s explore the concept of "Permission to Pivot" and uncover ways to manage a multi-faceted social media plan while staying true...

133: Protecting Your Work: Copyrights, Trademarks, Patents and Trade Secrets show art 133: Protecting Your Work: Copyrights, Trademarks, Patents and Trade Secrets

The Professional Creative

One of the most confusing parts of being a creative is knowing how and when to protect your work. Today, we're going to walk you through the legal landscape of safeguarding your creations, covering the four different types of intellectual property: copyrights, trademarks, patents, and trade secrets. Now, you might be wondering, what exactly is intellectual property and how do these types differ? This episode is all about breaking it all down for you. From understanding the nuances of each type of protection to the steps you need to take to get started. But just a quick disclaimer: while I am...

More Episodes

Sometimes we need to embrace the beauty of creating art in the margins of our day, those little fringes of time that often go untapped. Sure, time blocking and batching are fantastic, but let's talk about how our creativity can soar even when we're knee-deep in the busyness of life. In this episode, I'll be sharing some tips on how to weave creativity into the fringes of your time to accomplish a flow of creativity and to be productive when you feel like you can’t. Join me as we explore the idea of coming to your creative practice every day, even if it is just for 10 minutes, to maintain that momentum.

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