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Proving It's Possible to be an Artist and Mother with Elizabeth LeMaster (ep. 188)

The Art Biz

Release Date: 05/09/2024

Beyond Comparison and Jealousy with Jason Kotecki (ep. 191) show art Beyond Comparison and Jealousy with Jason Kotecki (ep. 191)

The Art Biz

What ā€œgameā€ are you playing in your art business and in life? Artist-writer-speaker Jason Kotecki makes the point that you have a unique game plan to followā€”one that canā€™t be compared to another artist or online personality. In a conversation with host Alyson Stanfield, Jason shares his experience of overcoming comparison and jealousy, emphasizing the importance of focusing on your unique talents and contributions. He talks about the pivotal moment in a Philadelphia ballroom that led him to merge his art with his speaking engagements and how this fusion has shaped his career. The...

The Joy in Artist Community and Paring Back Obligations with Ali Cavanaugh (ep. 190) show art The Joy in Artist Community and Paring Back Obligations with Ali Cavanaugh (ep. 190)

The Art Biz

host: Alyson Stanfield It might help (but isnā€™t necessary) to start this episode by listening to episode 189, which is an encore of a 2019 interview I did with Ali Cavanaugh when she was making big changes in her work life. In this episode, Ali and I catch up with all that has transpired in the last 5 years. We discuss: Her booming Patreon community that gives her so much joy. How she has pared back on the demands for her art and the boundaries she put in place to allow her to do that. The recent release of the Ali Cavanaugh Portrait Colors Set from Golden Artist Colors. The upcoming...

Reinventing Your Art Career with Ali Cavanaugh (ep. 189) show art Reinventing Your Art Career with Ali Cavanaugh (ep. 189)

The Art Biz

host: Alyson Stanfield In 2014, Ali Cavanaugh had 11 galleries representing her work throughout the U.S. and even overseas. It was all she could do to paint fast enough to supply these galleries with new work. What a great problem to have! But it was still a problem. Then she started asking for it to be returned to her. She was rethinking her art and what her business model looked like. She worked hard to get to that point, the way things were going no longer worked well for her. She decided to take control and be very deliberate about her next moves. This episode is an encore of the...

Proving It's Possible to be an Artist and Mother with Elizabeth LeMaster (ep. 188) show art Proving It's Possible to be an Artist and Mother with Elizabeth LeMaster (ep. 188)

The Art Biz

host: Alyson Stanfield Elizabeth LeMaster, my guest for this episode of The Art Biz, has, like so many of us, more to balance than her studio practice and business. She has a family. A young family. A big family. A growing family. How do you find time for working on your art when you have 6 kids under the age of 8? šŸ˜³ Elizabeth and I talk about how she has done it because she wanted to share her tips with all artist-mothers out there. She is also very honest about the bumps along the road. Hereā€™s my special Mothersā€™ Day Conversation with Elizabeth LeMaster. HIGHLIGHTS 06:12 Selling her...

How to Guarantee that People Remember You with Skip Hill (ep. 187) show art How to Guarantee that People Remember You with Skip Hill (ep. 187)

The Art Biz

host: Alyson Stanfield My utter bliss is to help artists make business systems that streamline their lives so they can spend more time in the studio. So when Skip Hill said he needed a system for following up with his collectors and important relationships, I knew I wanted to help. In this encore episode of The Art Biz, I walk Skip through the steps to create a plan for nurturing his relationships. We go through these steps to create his plan: What do you want to happen? By when does it need to happen? Or ā€¦ How frequently does it need to happen? What do you need to have/acquire/learn to...

The Career Journey of Growth-Minded Artists (ep. 186) show art The Career Journey of Growth-Minded Artists (ep. 186)

The Art Biz

host: Alyson Stanfield I want to talk about something that I think gets in the way of how you think about what a successful art business is or can be. I want to help you reframe your daily decisions, actions, and results (or lack thereof)ā€”to embrace the volatility of an artist life. To understand that there will be highs and lows, and that just comes along with the territory. One of the most-used business metaphors is the ladder of success, which is problematic for two reasons: Nobody reaches the top of anything in life by going straight up. What happens when you get to the top? I have a...

Leaning Into Her Roots and Community Art with Marilyn Fontaine (ep. 185) show art Leaning Into Her Roots and Community Art with Marilyn Fontaine (ep. 185)

The Art Biz

host: Alyson Stanfield Some artists are fine working by themselves in their studios. Other artists need to move their art beyond the studio walls and into the public in order to be fulfilled. My guest for this episode is Marilyn Fontaine, a multidisciplinary artist who lives and works in East London. Her work is spiritual with a strong foothold in feminine themes. She has begun marrying that work to the history of the local communityā€”in particular, the stories of those who share her Afro-Caribbean roots. Marilyn and I talk about the work she does within her community, including how it is...

How Your Art Makes People Feel (ep. 184) show art How Your Art Makes People Feel (ep. 184)

The Art Biz

Host: Alyson B. Stanfield For so long, I asked artists Why they make art. Some artists have a Why. For other artists, being asked why they make art is unfruitfulā€”even debilitating. They feel unworthy if they canā€™t come up with a good Why. A better strategy is to focus on the people who will be viewing, talking about, and living with your art. How does your art make people feel? Bernadette Jiwa says, "People don't buy why you do something. They buy how it makes them feel." If you think about it, this, ironically, leads to your Why: Connection.   šŸŽ§ RELATED EPISODES...

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The Art Biz

Host: Alyson B. Stanfield Your list is something unique to you and your career. No one has this same list. No one makes art like you do; no one knows the same people as you do; and no one has the exact vision that you have. Nobody! Your list is almost worthless to anyone else, yet itā€™s invaluable to you. It is the primary tool you use to share your art with the world. Itā€™s your #1 marketing asset, but worthless if youā€™re not using it. The definition of a mailing list isnā€™t as clear cut as it sounds. I have a philosophy around this 2-word phrase that we frequently take for granted: You...

More Episodes

host: Alyson Stanfield

Elizabeth LeMaster, my guest for this episode of The Art Biz, has, like so many of us, more to balance than her studio practice and business. She has a family. A young family. A big family. A growing family.

How do you find time for working on your art when you have 6 kids under the age of 8? šŸ˜³

Elizabeth and I talk about how she has done it because she wanted to share her tips with all artist-mothers out there. She is also very honest about the bumps along the road.

Hereā€™s my special Mothersā€™ Day Conversation with Elizabeth LeMaster.


06:12 Selling her art through a focused audience and relatively small subscriber base 10:06 Adapting art practices around motherhood 15:44 Strategic systems for productivity 19:51 Embracing the artist's life while parenting 36:28 Elizabethā€™s Artisan Christmas magazine 40:32 Elizabethā€™s future plans


Raising Prices on Your Art, Valuing Community, and Balancing Motherhood with Bri Larson (ep. 166)

She Knows Exactly How Much Her Art Income Will be Every Month with Kelly Pelfrey (ep. 162)

Running an Artist Residency Alongside a Studio Practice with Shannon Amidon (ep. 151)

Injecting Personal Narrative into Your Art with Sara Lee Hughes (ep. 131)

šŸ“– To read more, see images, find resources mentioned, and leave a comment, visit artbizsuccess.com/motherhood-lemaster

ā­ļø Connect with Elizabeth and see more of her art on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lemasterartistique/

šŸ”¶ Does your art business need a boost or a refresh? Please see my comprehensive art-marketing program, Essentials for Artist Success šŸ”¶  full of tools, strategies, and process you need to establish your professionalism and increase your visibility. For those with beginning and emerging art careers and those who need to approach their business with more thought and intention.

ā›°ļø The Art Biz is recorded on the traditional land of the Cheyenne, Arapaho and Ute tribes.


This is an invitation to all Indigenous and BIPOC artists, wherever you are in the world, to share your story here on The Art Biz. Hereā€™s how ~~~~> https://artbizsuccess.com/pitch-podcast/