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The Boredwalk Podcast Episode 217: California (Un)love

The Boredwalk Podcast

Release Date: 05/10/2024

The Boredwalk Podcast Episode 219: Self care, but make it a punishment show art The Boredwalk Podcast Episode 219: Self care, but make it a punishment

The Boredwalk Podcast

This week on the podcast: • Content theft and the continued degradation of the internet and exploitation of actually content creators! • Unhinged, mentally unwell social media commenters with nothing better to do than spew vitriol at content they don't like! • The Dog Whisperer loves the new Salem Charm School duffel bag she bought to store her adorable hell hound's doggie supplies when traveling! • Fans respond to the recent Question of the Day "what is a lot harder than it looks?" and Tess & Meredith share their own answers! (Spoiler alert: the difficulty of basic self care —...

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The Boredwalk Podcast

This week on the podcast: • People (still) hate California! • People (still) don't know that our videos on social media are comedy sketches and not documentaries! • Everyone's brains are being eaten by worms! (We think.) • Amanda D. loves her Delve Deck! • Trolls (still) can't come up with original insults! • Trolls also (still) don't know how to use hamburger menus on social media apps! • Meredith details recent instances of sewer clowns stealing Boredwalk's content — and the content of other creators — and passing it off as their own without appropriate attribution to the...

The Boredwalk Podcast Episode 217: California (Un)love show art The Boredwalk Podcast Episode 217: California (Un)love

The Boredwalk Podcast

This week Meredith tells Tess about the sick cat she's currently fostering, and then they dive into the unhinged haters throwing shade at California in the comments of one of Boredwalk's recent Instagram Reels commenting on how weird it is when people bad-mouth places they've never been to in a totally unprompted manner. The lack of self-awareness on display is *chef's kiss* delicious. Tess then reads the first customer review of our just-released Delve Deck beach balls, and it is GLOWING. Interestingly, they're not even using them outside! Apparently corporate America loves ice breakers you...

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The Boredwalk Podcast

This week Meredith and Tess discuss Boredwalk's forays into "engagement farming" (aka posting entertaining content to social media) and the cranky commenters who don't seem to know how algorithms or just, y'know, existing on the internet work. Meredith then shares a gripe about a shameless Instagram account making money off stealing the work of other actual content creators and passing it off as their own, including herself. They then talk about the weird dissonance of the Delve Deck's growing popularity on TikTok and how it is both gratifying yet still gives Meredith the ick. Tess then reads...

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The Boredwalk Podcast

This week Meredith & Tess indulge in one of their favorite pastimes: complaining about other people!  There are of course the usual suspects: your social media trolls, your IRL Karens, your low-level authority figures on a power trip, etc.  But there are also the less obviously tiresome twits who think every comedy sketch Boredwalk posts to social media is a documentary, or that every song Taylor Swift and countless other musicians write are 100% autobiographical descriptions of their life experiences, or that creative work more broadly — including the clothes and tools and...

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The Boredwalk Podcast

Meredith & Tess talk about the latest weird AI-related internet scam, Meredith's love of roasting her Facebook feed, and how AI broadly speaking is a net negative for society. They then check in with the internet trolls, read a couple nice customer reviews, and react to fan responses to the recent Question of the Day "What about you makes the least sense?" before sharing their own. They wrap up the episode by trading answers to the following questions from the Delve Deck Venting Edition and Delve Deck Joy Edition: "What's been your least favorite age and why?" and "What do you look forward...

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The Boredwalk Podcast

This week Tess and Meredith discuss phone calls that could be emails, their shared hatred of voice memos, counterfeiters, and your recent answers to the Question of the Day "What seemed harmless to you as a kid that you now look back on in horror?" (You can find this question and many other interesting ones in our original .) They also share a recent product review and make fun of an Instagram troll before wrapping things up by trading answers to questions from the Delve Deck  and  editions. If you think the Delve Deck questions and the conversations they sparked sound fun, head over...

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The Boredwalk Podcast

This week Meredith and Tess discuss curses, the social hierarchy of Hell, and social media marketing. Sounds unrelated, but they are strangely connected! This leads to a conversation about luck, skill, circumstance, and the cognitive dissonance of people who confuse the three. Tess shares a fun (and cute!) review from a Boredwalk customer (and their cat), and Meredith reads some enthusiastic comments from Boredwalk's ads, but as we all know you can't appreciate sunshine without a little stormy weather to compare it to. Thankfully the internet has a limitless supply of trolls eager to keep us...

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The Boredwalk Podcast

Meredith and Tess discuss the wrecking ball that Meta (aka the parent company of Facebook and Instagram) has thrown through Boredwalk's operations since the start of 2024 due to its persistently broken and volatile ad platform. This leads to a conversation about the things that Boredwalk is being forced to do to survive, including layoffs and testing the shark-infested waters of selling on Amazon. To add insult to economic injury, they react to a recent foul-mouthed email our customer service team received from a person who purchased a counterfeit Boredwalk t-shirt from some obviously shady...

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The Boredwalk Podcast

This week Tess was joined — at long, long last — by Boredwalk co-founder Matt, who has been MIA on the podcast since mid-December! Unfortunately it was not for something fun, like defending Earth against alien invaders in a space war. No, the cause of his absence was much less interesting and much more boring. So fair warning — if you have zero interest in hearing him drone on for a few minutes about email and SMS marketing platform migrations and changing product review apps, scrub ahead to minute 4:00! Tess swoops in to save your earballs with a fun customer review, less fun (but...

More Episodes

This week Meredith tells Tess about the sick cat she's currently fostering, and then they dive into the unhinged haters throwing shade at California in the comments of one of Boredwalk's recent Instagram Reels commenting on how weird it is when people bad-mouth places they've never been to in a totally unprompted manner. The lack of self-awareness on display is *chef's kiss* delicious.

Tess then reads the first customer review of our just-released Delve Deck beach balls, and it is GLOWING. Interestingly, they're not even using them outside! Apparently corporate America loves ice breakers you can toss around the cube farm without putting expensive computers at risk of destruction!

Our hosts then analyze and discuss their respective opinions of Netflix's new hit mini-series Baby Reindeer, as well as their own experiences with stalkers. People are wild!

Tess moves on to give her review of Netflix's Roast of Tom Brady, and let's just say it was giving 2008 season Brady more than 2007 (IYKYK).

They then read and react to fan responses to the Delve Deck Question of the Day "What do you wish would become fashionable again?" before sharing their own answers.

The episode enters the home stretch with Meredith and Tess trading answers to the Delve Deck Venting & Joy Edition questions "What kind of business shouldn't exist?" and "You get a wish from a genie, but you can only benefit someone else with the wish. Who do you help and how do you help them?"

They then wrap it up and put a bow on it by announcing Boredwalk's new Delve Deck Stories video series on our YouTube channel, where Tess and Gabe read and react to longer — and wilder! — stories inspired by questions from the Delve Deck! If you're a regular listener to the Boredwalk Podcast, you'll want to check it out!

And if you think the Delve Deck questions and the conversations they sparked sound fun, head over to Boredwalk.com and pick up sets of either the cards or beach balls for yourself!


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