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The Value of Patience in the Moment

The MindSoulful Show

Release Date: 06/17/2020

Why I Got Fired By A Coach show art Why I Got Fired By A Coach

The MindSoulful Show

In today’s episode, I feature a livestream where I talked the role of responsibility on the healing journey. And I am sharing my story about being fired by a coach as I was trying to skip steps in the healing journey. Thankfully the coach had the integrity to stop working with me when I wasn’t truly willing to take responsibility for my life and journey. It was a wake up call to do the important healing work of self-discovery, developing inner awareness and ultimately, taking responsibility for my choic

How to Go From Bruises to Blessings and Benefits show art How to Go From Bruises to Blessings and Benefits

The MindSoulful Show

In today’s episode, I feature a livestream where I talked about how to go from bruises to blessings and benefits. In other words, how to turn shameful things into more reasons to feel confident, loveable and powerful. We’re talking all about superpowers and healing. I share my story of healing and transformation.

Why Scripts And Shortcuts Are Selling You Out In Life & Love show art Why Scripts And Shortcuts Are Selling You Out In Life & Love

The MindSoulful Show

In today’s episode, I feature a livestream where I talked about why programs and people that sell shortcuts and scripts for life and love don't work. Do you want “fake love? Do you want a “fake life?” If the answer is no, then why would fake answers work. The bad news: shortcuts don't work. The good news: you can do the work. YOU are POWERFUL!

You Are Not Too Hard To Love show art You Are Not Too Hard To Love

The MindSoulful Show

In today’s episode, I feature a livestream where I talked about the toll that past pains, heartbreak and disappointments have had on us. We are left us with stories and mistruths - like you're too much and too hard to love. This episode dives into why that’s simply not truth and some easy ways to reframe these beliefs and transition into a better space mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

The Secret to the Power Position in Love and Life show art The Secret to the Power Position in Love and Life

The MindSoulful Show

In today’s episode, I feature a livestream where I shared the secret power position in love and life. It’s not powering through everything or even the law of attraction. My answer will surprise you.

Ladies, It’s Not Who We Attract. It’s Who We Allow. show art Ladies, It’s Not Who We Attract. It’s Who We Allow.

The MindSoulful Show

In today’s episode, I feature a livestream where I answered a viewer’s direct message question about whether we as women attract certain types of men like narcissists and Fboys. My answer may surprise you. Hint: it has more to do with who you allow, entertain and find attractive. Ask yourself, who are you allowing into your energy?

Ladies, We’ve Been Sold Lies About Life & Relationships. show art Ladies, We’ve Been Sold Lies About Life & Relationships.

The MindSoulful Show

In today’s episode, I expose several lies we’ve been sold as women, wives, and mothers. I discuss the socialization and programming that currently exists, which doesn’t allow us space to heal, care for ourselves, and be valuable just as we are. It’s time for women to understand that our lives matter and we’re not just hear to serve others. I discuss the importance of healing, breaking free from lies and stories that don’t serve us, and why we need to love ourselves first.

Are You Getting Full Body Highs Daily? show art Are You Getting Full Body Highs Daily?

The MindSoulful Show

In today’s episode, I feature a livestream where I ask the question, “Are you getting a full body high?” Does your life feels so amazing from your head to your toes? Do you love to wake up each morning to your beautiful life? I share how we can awaken our inner queen - our most beautiful, authentic, and healed self – and live our best life full of more love, joy, power, and abundance. I talk about the shifts that can be made to tap into our best life, to have more self-love, better relationships, an

Why Calling Guys Narcissists and Fboys Is Keeping You Stuck show art Why Calling Guys Narcissists and Fboys Is Keeping You Stuck

The MindSoulful Show

In today’s episode, I feature a livestream where I share how calling guys narcissists and “fboys” is keeping women stuck! We’re currently in a labeling culture in the dating, relationships, and spiritual coaching circles where people spend a lot of time calling people narcissists and “fboys”. And I am sharing how energetically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually that action and focus is keeping you from healing. In fact, it’s a great waste of time and often derails people from their deeper

Maybe, Just Maybe, Your Ego Hasn’t Caught Up To Your Light show art Maybe, Just Maybe, Your Ego Hasn’t Caught Up To Your Light

The MindSoulful Show

For many people, the air around them feels dense, which could be attributed to the upcoming election, the virus, or even mercury retrograde. However, I am inviting listeners to consider that maybe their ego hasn’t caught up to their light. Perhaps, they are experiencing mental or emotional cognitive dissonance between where they are spiritually and what they see in the physical. And just maybe their current conditions haven’t caught up to their new frequency.

More Episodes

Welcome to The MindSoulful Show™, where Mindfulness meets your heart and soul. I’m your host Brooke-Sidney. I’m a Spiritual Wellness Coach and Speaker, Abundance Accelerator, Self-Love Advocate and Soul Story™ Strategist. This show dives deep into soulful mindfulness, mindset, and manifestation. It will help you manifest more inner and outer abundance in the form of hearing your inner voice, as well as bring more presence, self-love, freedom, ease and greater confidence in YOU being YOU.

On today's MindSoulful Show™, I am discussing the value of patience. Patience for the moment. Patience for where we are. The beauty of allowing the discovery. I am sharing vulnerabilities that allow us to get deeper into our truth. This episode will help you understand the beauty of the present moment even when we are in a rush to get to the next place. We want racial justice now. We want the relationship now. We want more money now. We want things to change now. Anchoring into the power of patience will not only help you in the present moment but is a key vibration for change and manifestation.

Are you ready for things to change? Are you interested in truly working with whatever is coming up for you right now to heal and grow? Are you ready to bring your own truth to everything in the world right now that is prompting you to go deeper? Are you waking up to the elements of yourself that have been unconscious?


If so, I'd love for you to join this beautiful sacred space that I am creating to mindfully and lovingly do the inner work to develop ourselves as we create a better world. It’s a membership called Mindfulness to Miracles. All this peace we want to see in the world begins within.  We get to have peace, joy, happiness, love, and abundance. Get on the email list for first access to my latest offering - Mindfulness to Miracles membership. Visit my website and get on my email list. https://brookesidney.com.


To listen to the Meditation & Breathwork Series, Black Breaths Matter™, in honor of George Floyd, please visit my Facebook page at https://facebook.com/thebrookesidney or my Instagram TV page at https://instagram.com/thebrookesidney. Although the meditations are free, donations are being requested on behalf of the George Floyd Memorial Fund found here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/georgefloyd


And for the women who want to experience more peace, power, presence, purpose and prosperity on their way to their miracle manifestations, I invite you to work 1:1 with me. Let’s create your most aligned and abundant new normal. Apply at https://bit.ly/DiscoverBJH.


And if this season is prompting you to stand up and share your story in the form of a book, apply to work with me at https://bit.ly/BJHbookchats




Resources Mentioned:

Coaching with Brooke-Sidney – Apply to work with me. Book a Discovery Call – bit.ly/DiscoverBJH

Peace, Presence, and Power Sessionshttps://brookesidney.com/pppsessions 

Next Level Reflection, Assessment & Goal Setting Package – bit.ly/20192020goals

The Mama Love Planner – https://mamaloveplanner.com 

Schedule your Book Chat – bit.ly/BJHbookchats

Brooke-Sidney’s latest Soulful God-Centered Meditation – https://brookesidney.com/soulfulmeditation

To follow me on Facebook and join the Livestream Extravaganza – https://facebook.com/thebrookesidney

The MindSoulful Community   


Your Bio and Social Links

Brooke-Sidney is a Spiritual Wellness Coach and Speaker, MindSoulful Mentor, Self-Love Advocate and Soul Story™ Strategist. Through the powerful tools of soulful mindfulness, mindset and manifestation, she helps people manifest inner and outer abundance while guiding people to love themselves deeper, fuller, richer, and completely as well as the lives they are PRESENTLY living.


And for the souls called to write a book, Brooke-Sidney can assist them on that mystical journey with author coaching, ghostwriting, editing, and publishing consulting. As an attorney, Brooke-Sidney can provide legal assistance for your intellectual property, media/publishing, and business legal needs.


Connect with Brooke-Sidney

Website: https://brookesidney.com

Facebook: https://facebook.com/thebrookesidney

Facebook Group: https://facebook.com/groups/mindsoulfulflowgratitude

Instagram: https://instagram.com/thebrookesidney

Twitter: https://twitter.com/thebrookesidney

YouTube: https://bit.ly/BrookesidneyShow

Writing & Editing Website: https://brookesidneybooks.com  

Website // Facebook // Community // Instagram // Twitter // YouTube


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Book Brooke-Sidney

Want to hear more from Brooke-Sidney? Would you like to book Brooke-Sidney to speak at your next event or as a guest on your show? Visit https://brookesidney.com or email: [email protected]


Apply to work with Brooke-Sidney

Seeking more inner and outer abundance? Or looking for greater self-love and inner peace? Apply to work with Brooke-Sidney and schedule a Discovery Call. https://bit.ly/DiscoverBJH


Author & Book Services

For help with writing, editing, and publishing your spiritual or personal development book, schedule a book chat with Brooke-Sidney. http://bit.ly/BJHbookchats


The MindSoulful™ Community

For daily MindSoulful information, tools as well as community, visit The MindSoulful Group on Facebook // https://facebook.com/groups/mindsoulfulflowgratitude


Self-Love E-book

Need new ideas for self-love activities? Check out Brooke-Sidney’s FREE new Self-Love Ideas Ebook Inspired by The 5 Love Languages // https://brookesidney.com/selflove


Gratitude Journals

Looking for inspiration and support for your gratitude practice. Buy a Gratitude Journal. https://bit.ly/2019gratitudejournals