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NL-Day135 Ruth 1-2; Psalm 89:1-29; 1 Timothy 5

Daily Bible Reading Phil Fields

Release Date: 05/14/2024

NL-Day163 2 Samuel 11-12; Psalm 111; Romans 14 show art NL-Day163 2 Samuel 11-12; Psalm 111; Romans 14

Daily Bible Reading Phil Fields

2SAMUEL 11-12:David showed kindness to Jonathan's only living son. Then we heard the story of how suspicion caused offense, which led to all-out war with the Ammonites. And David was victorious again against the Arameans and Ammonites. Today I want to highlight some important realities: God is watching. Our sins may be forgiven, but there will still be consequences. PSALM 111:This beautiful psalm of praise is an acrostic poem in Hebrew. ROMANS 14:In yesterday’s reading, Paul taught us to submit to rulers and government officials, then he urged us to love one another and lead holy lives. Now...

NL-Day162 2 Samuel 9-10; Psalm 110; Romans 13 show art NL-Day162 2 Samuel 9-10; Psalm 110; Romans 13

Daily Bible Reading Phil Fields

2SAMUEL 9-10:David realized the incongruity that he was living in a beautiful cedar palace while God's dwelling place was in a tent. Then God gave Nathan the prophet a long message for David. He told him that his dynasty would last forever and that his son would build God’s temple. David’s beautiful prayer of response is recorded for us. Then God gave a string of stunning military victories to David. PSALM 110:The first verse of this short psalm is one of the most repeated verses of the New Testament. It certainly was very important for the early Christians. And the 4th verse becomes an...

NL-Day161 2 Samuel 7-8; Psalm 109:15-31; Romans 13 show art NL-Day161 2 Samuel 7-8; Psalm 109:15-31; Romans 13

Daily Bible Reading Phil Fields

2SAMUEL 7-8:At last, David became the king of all Israel, then the Lord gave him two great military victories over the Philistines. Then, after a botched attempt, David moved the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem. He danced with all his might before the Lord. Psalm 109b:When you feel that you are surrounded by people who gang up against you and slander you, then this is the psalm for you. Note that Jesus would have had every right to pray like this from the cross, but He didn’t! In the NLT, verses 6 through 19 are translated as a long quote of slander against the Psalm-writer, David. ROMANS...

NL-Day160 2 Samuel 5-6; Psalm 109:1-19; Romans 12 show art NL-Day160 2 Samuel 5-6; Psalm 109:1-19; Romans 12

Daily Bible Reading Phil Fields

2SAMUEL 5-6:General Abner defected to David, but it cost him his life on the same day at the hands of Joab, the commander of David's forces and the brother of the slain Asahel. One result was also that Ishbosheth was murdered by two army captains who thought that they would be rewarded for doing David a favor. PSALM 109a:If you feel that you are surrounded by people who gang up against you and slander you, then this is the psalm for you. One of the verses in this psalm was quoted by Peter about Judas in Acts 1. You are certainly given permission by this Psalm to pray for vindication and...

NL-Day159 2 Samuel 3-4; Psalm 108; Romans 12 show art NL-Day159 2 Samuel 3-4; Psalm 108; Romans 12

Daily Bible Reading Phil Fields

2SAMUEL 3-4:In yesterday's story, David was anointed as king over his own tribe of Judah, while all the rest of Israel followed Saul's son, Ishbosheth. Ishbosheth was not a strong leader, but was put in place by Abner, the general. Joab was David's military commander. In the first battle, it is significant that Abner killed Joab's brother Asahel. David's troops decisively won their first battle in the civil war. PSALM 108:This is a psalm of exalted praise, and a song asking God for military victory. ROMANS 12a:Yesterday at the end of Romans 11, we came to the end of the long parenthesis. God...

NL-Day158 2 Samuel 2; Psalm 107:23-43; Romans 11:17-36 show art NL-Day158 2 Samuel 2; Psalm 107:23-43; Romans 11:17-36

Daily Bible Reading Phil Fields

2SAMUEL 2:David heard of Israel’s terrible defeat and of Saul and Jonathan's deaths, and he exacted the death sentence from the lying messenger. David and his men mourned for the deaths of  Saul and Jonathan, and David composed a funeral song for them. PSALM 107b:Yesterday I commented on how quickly our culture forgets about God. After a natural disaster, it becomes popular in the media to talk about praying for the victims. But God is not even mentioned, and soon any pretense of awe or fear of God is dropped. But Psalm 107 speaks of people who see God’s hand at work and make lasting...

NL-Day157 2 Samuel 1; Psalm 107:1-22; Romans 11:1-24 show art NL-Day157 2 Samuel 1; Psalm 107:1-22; Romans 11:1-24

Daily Bible Reading Phil Fields

2SAMUEL 1:David returned from being sent home from the battle with Israel only to find that his town had been ransacked by the Amalekites. He found strength in God, asked for God to direct him, and succeeded in retrieving everything, and even much more. However in Israel, Saul and his three sons died, and the Israelite army was completely defeated. PSALM 107a:We come to another of my favorite psalms. In E.C. Olsen’s book on the psalms (which is a transcription of his radio programs) he said that this psalm has a message for America. That message is in the repeated refrain found in this...

NL-Day156 1 Samuel 30-31; Psalm 106:24-48; Romans 10:1-11:2a show art NL-Day156 1 Samuel 30-31; Psalm 106:24-48; Romans 10:1-11:2a

Daily Bible Reading Phil Fields

1SAMUEL 30-31:The Philistines mustered their armies for full-scale war with Saul and the Israelites. Saul had already done a right thing in expelling all the mediums from Israel. But, since God had turned from him and would not answer him, he resorted to a medium during his darkest hour. It does not bother me too much to say that God spoke through that medium. It seems so by the evidence. But if so, it was an exception. God's word says to never consult a medium. In fact, mediums are to be stoned to death. David was preparing to go to war in support of Achish, or was he really?! PSALM...

NL-Day155 1 Samuel 28-29; Psalm 106:1-27; Romans 10 show art NL-Day155 1 Samuel 28-29; Psalm 106:1-27; Romans 10

Daily Bible Reading Phil Fields

1SAMUEL 28-29:Saul came after David again with 3,000 men, and David showed his integrity again and his daring. But even though Saul repented again, David made the decision to get out of the country so that he would not continually be in danger. He went to Achish the Philistine king in Gath. The part about the raids upon three enemy people groups is not one of the noble chapters of David's life. PSALM 106a:Psalm 106 is a companion to 105, as it again is a historical psalm. I see a very significant correspondence with the section of Romans we are now reading. Can you see it? ROMANS 10a:In our...

NL-Day154 1 Samuel 26-27; Psalm 105:23-45; Romans 9:6-33 show art NL-Day154 1 Samuel 26-27; Psalm 105:23-45; Romans 9:6-33

Daily Bible Reading Phil Fields

1SAMUEL 26-27:Yesterday we heard the story of the cur Nabal and his intelligent and beautiful wife, Abigail. After Nabal was struck down by the Lord, Abigail became one of David's wives. PSALM 105b:Today’s psalm is for teaching and reminding each generation of the children of Israel about the great things God has done for the Jewish people. ROMANS 9b:Note that we have entered a difficult section of Romans. Romans 12 starts with, “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercies, …” But if you look back at what goes right before that in chapter 11, that doesn’t...

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RUTH 1-2:
The incident of the Levite and his concubine at Gibeah resulted in the civil war that we heard about yesterday. About 24,000 men died and many women and children as well. In certain things the army inquired of the Lord, and the Lord gave answers at his sanctuary. In the way they found wives for the decimated tribe of Benjamin, the men of Israel were repeatedly so concerned that they not break their vows. Paradoxically, they did many other things without any concern whatsoever about acting according to God’s revealed will. Let’s consider that story as a warning. Beware of the human tendency of myopic obedience to a prefered list of rules, while living like a pagan in other respects. Again the theme statement is repeated in the last verse of the book, “In those days Israel had no king; all the people did whatever seemed right in their own eyes.”

And now we turn to the book of Ruth. The Talmud attributes the authorship of this book to Samuel. The story of Ruth took place during the same time as the book of Judges, but the book of Ruth is a big contrast with Judges. Ruth shows that the times were not always as dark and sinful as what is portrayed in Judges. Ruth and her second husband, Boaz, figure in Jesus’ genealogy in Matthew 1.

PSALM 89a:
The author of this poem— who was named Ethan, praises God for the covenant the Lord made especially with David. The first 3/4 is beautiful in the recitation of the wonderful promises given to Israel and to David. In these, we readers at this time often see a fulfillment in Jesus, the ‘Son of David’. But suddenly at verse 38, the writer claims that God has broken his promises to David. We will hear that contrast tomorrow.

In the 4th chapter of 1 Timothy, Paul showed that he considered his era as ‘the last times’. For the Jews, the coming of the Messiah signaled the beginning of the end times. Paul's advice is just as appropriate to us as to Timothy. Half of that chapter was personal advice and encouragement to Timothy in his role as a pastor, and God has passed those words on to all in church leadership today.

NLT Translation notes:
1Tim. 5:4 But if she has children or grandchildren, their first responsibility is to show [that they serve God in their homes/godliness at home] and repay their parents by taking care of them. This is something that pleases God.
1Tim. 5:8 But those who won’t care for their relatives, especially those in their own household, have denied [our true way of believing//the true faith]. Such people are worse than unbelievers.

12 Then they would be guilty of breaking their previous pledge [to live only for Christ].
22 Never be in a hurry about appointing a church leader.g [In this way, ] Do not share in the sins of others. Keep yourself pure.
24 Remember, [that] the sins of some people are obvious, leading them to certain judgment. But there are others whose sins will not be revealed until later.
25 In the same way, the good deeds of some people are obvious. [Be encouraged that your//And the] good deeds done in secret will someday come to light.


Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.