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Form Follows Function in the World of Dogs

Down and Back: AKC Dog Podcast

Release Date: 09/17/2021

Northern Stars: Spitz-Type Breeds and the Story of Human-Canine Cooperation show art Northern Stars: Spitz-Type Breeds and the Story of Human-Canine Cooperation

Down and Back: AKC Dog Podcast

In this episode, we explore the breeds that have made the difference between life and death in some of the planet’s harshest conditions, the spitz-type dog breeds of the north. Northern breeds provide one of this planet’s great survival stories. For tens of thousands of years, these dog breeds outlasted the worst cold, snow, and ice our planet can impose. And, with their human partners, they’ve survived disease and deterioration. It was tangible needs that brought humans and spitz dogs together, but it’s the intangibles that have bound us since. Join us as we get all mushy (see what we...

Fetching Phrases: The Curious Origins of Dog-Inspired Expressions show art Fetching Phrases: The Curious Origins of Dog-Inspired Expressions

Down and Back: AKC Dog Podcast

In this episode, we explore the stories behind some of the expressions we use in everyday conversation that were inspired by our relationship with dogs. Dogs have been companions to humans across all cultures and on every corner of the globe. So, it is no surprise that language is rich with dog-related idioms, metaphors, and rhetorical devices. Join us as we sniff out the intriguing history of canine expressions with dogged determination.   Bonafide Bits: In 1896, the first “double dog dare” was laid down in the book, The Child and Childhood, by Alexander Francis Chamberlain. In...

Poodles: A Marvel of Intelligence and Versatility show art Poodles: A Marvel of Intelligence and Versatility

Down and Back: AKC Dog Podcast

In this episode, we introduce you to the wicked smart, Swiss Army Knife of breeds, the beloved Poodle.  Over the centuries, Poodles were bred as hunting companions but their versatility and intelligence led them to starring roles such as fashion plates, status symbols, comedians, rescue heroes, and crimefighters. Though often underestimated, underrated, and misunderstood, Poodles make excellent guide dogs, service dogs, and therapy dogs. Join us as we plunge into the history of these excellent swimmers and treasured family members. Bonafide Bits: In the 19th century, the French fell in...

Sighthounds: Sleek, Swift, and Eternal show art Sighthounds: Sleek, Swift, and Eternal

Down and Back: AKC Dog Podcast

In this episode, we explore the indispensable Sighthounds. The sleek, swift, and beloved desert hunters and guardians of antiquity. The story of Sighthounds is the story of the oldest known domesticated dogs. Many of the breeds cherished today pre-date recorded history. Their loyalty, speed, and ability to spot and catch prey over long distances in the cruelest of conditions made them essential assets to pharaohs, kings, and nomads alike. Sighthounds were so revered that statues, murals, and golden relics were created in their honor. As a final testament to their merit, Sighthounds have been...

Pet Loss and Grief: Paying Homage to Our Beloved Dogs show art Pet Loss and Grief: Paying Homage to Our Beloved Dogs

Down and Back: AKC Dog Podcast

In this episode, we explore the weighty subject of humans finding ways to say goodbye to a beloved dog, and the spectrum of ways people deal with the grief of losing a beloved pet. For ages, proof of the unique bond between humans and dogs has existed in literature, song, and lore. But rarely discussed are the lengths humans will go to pay homage to their dogs after they have passed. Everyone mourns pet loss differently. From the creation of pet cemeteries to bestowing monetary gifts to cover future care, the love we feel for dogs extends beyond this earthly realm. Bonafide Bits: In a 50...

Canine Mythbusting: Fact, Fiction, or Folklore? show art Canine Mythbusting: Fact, Fiction, or Folklore?

Down and Back: AKC Dog Podcast

In this episode, we dig deep into the depths of dog lore to separate fact from fiction. If humans understood all the wags of a dog’s tail there might not be so many misconceptions about what they prefer to eat, whether or not they want that giant hug, or if they really play poker. But, the better we get to know our favorite dogs, the more myths we’re able to bust. More importantly, the better humans understand their dog’s needs, signals, and communication, the stronger the bond between us becomes.   Bonafide Bits Great Danes are actually German, not Danish. In 2023, Bobi, a Rafeiro...

How Dog Breeds Get Their Names (Plus, the Most Popular Dog Names of the Year) show art How Dog Breeds Get Their Names (Plus, the Most Popular Dog Names of the Year)

Down and Back: AKC Dog Podcast

In this episode, we scour through the archives for irresistible stories behind breed names. Breed names are a vital tool for classifying our canine companions, yet it’s the individuals, the Lunas and Maxs, the Rovers, Spots, and Fidos who breathe meaning into who these breeds become in our lives. Many breeds acquired their names from the prey they hunted, the location in which they were discovered, or by inheriting the names of the people who developed or fancied them. The names we give dogs highlight times, places, and people in every chapter of the human story. Dogs accompanied our...

Small and Significant: The Enduring Dog Breeds of the Toy Group show art Small and Significant: The Enduring Dog Breeds of the Toy Group

Down and Back: AKC Dog Podcast

In this pick-me-up episode, we introduce you to the characters, companions, clowns, and survivors that are the dogs of the Toy group. Once seen as symbols of royalty and aristocracy, dogs of the Toy group were often the coveted spoils of revolutions, war, and palace coups. The refined elegance and charm of these compact dogs assisted in their survival and solidified their place in many decidedly non-royal homes of today. Join us as we look at how favorite breeds of kings, queens, monarchs, and fashionistas both plummeted and soared in popularity.   Bonafide Bits: Chihuahuas, originally...

Leading the Way: Guiding Eyes, Ears, Noses, and Beyond (Part 2) show art Leading the Way: Guiding Eyes, Ears, Noses, and Beyond (Part 2)

Down and Back: AKC Dog Podcast

In this second installment of guide dog history, we introduce you to a new generation of service dogs and the growing, often unexpected, range of breeds being deployed. Today, in every part of the world service dogs are being trained and certified to guide the visually and hearing impaired. As scientists explore new frontiers in canine capabilities, evidence suggests that dogs can modify their behavior when a human’s biochemistry changes. This incredible olfactory sense offers humans yet another reason to appreciate, admire, and adore the canine counterparts who stay by their side in...

Leading the Way: The History of Guide Dogs (Part 1) show art Leading the Way: The History of Guide Dogs (Part 1)

Down and Back: AKC Dog Podcast

In this podcast episode, we introduce you to a pivotal moment in the story of humans and canines, the training of guide dogs for the blind and visually impaired. Historical data suggests that throughout the millennia, dogs have been in service to humans. From a town square in Ancient China to the perilous battlefields of World War I, dogs have sacrificed their own needs and desires to care for, save, and guide us. Trainers spend months working diligently with guide dogs and their human partners in complex training exercises to prepare them for the tasks. It just may be that dogs are the only...

More Episodes

In this podcast episode, we explore canine anatomy to reveal the deliberate function behind the familiar forms of breeds you know. And a few breeds that are not-so-familiar.

The way a dog is built and how it moves says a lot about its original purpose and place of origin. Whether it is to climb steep cliffs to catch birds or having a short stature to keep a nose to the ground, every aspect of a dog’s anatomy lends to its unique abilities. The AKC recognizes 197 distinct breeds today, and each has been purposefully bred to perfect a wide range of canine skills and talents.

Bonafide Bits

  • Dachshund translates to “badger hound.” The breed has been around since the 1400s.
  • Testimony of a Bloodhound’s findings is acceptable in some courts.
  • The Norwegian Lundehund has a three-jointed toe, much like a human thumb.

Featured Breeds

Basset Hound

The Basset Hound stands no higher than 14 inches at the shoulder but, with his remarkably heavy bone, powerful little legs, and massive paws, he possesses big-dog strength and stamina. Bassets are famous for a large, domed head that features extremely long, velvety ears, mournful eyes, and a wrinkled brow, which give the breed the look of a sad clown. Built more for endurance than speed, the Basset moves in a deliberate but effortless manner. The breed’s scenting ability is uncanny; it’s said that among dogs only the Bloodhound’s nose is more accurate. Mild and agreeable at home, the Basset is stubborn on the trail and barks in a loud, ringing voice. Although they may not be wildly demonstrative in their affections, they are steadfastly loyal. Discover more about Basset Hounds at AKC’s Basset Hound Breed Biography.


The Chihuahua is a balanced, graceful dog of terrier-like demeanor, weighing no more than 6 pounds. The rounded “apple” head is a breed hallmark. The erect ears and full, luminous eyes are acutely expressive. Coats come in many colors and patterns and can be long or short. The varieties are identical except for the coat. Chihuahuas possess loyalty, charm, and a big-dog attitude. Even tiny dogs require training, and without it, this clever scamp will rule your household like a little Napoleon. Compact and confident, Chihuahuas are ideal city pets. They are too small for roughhousing with kids, and special care must be taken in cold weather, but Chihuahuas are adaptable as long as they get lots of quality time in their preferred lap. Discover more about Chihuahuas at AKC’s Chihuahua Breed Biography.


Forget those old stereotypes of Poodles as sissy dogs. Poodles are eager, athletic, and wickedly smart “real dogs” of remarkable versatility. The Standard, with his greater size and strength, is the best all-around athlete of the family, but all Poodles can be trained with great success. Discover more about Poodles at AKC’s Poodle (Standard) Breed Biography.

Irish Setter

The Irish Setter is a high-spirited gundog known for grace, swiftness, and a flashy red coat. They are famously good family dogs: sweet-tempered companions for the folks, and rollicking playmates and tennis-ball fetchers for the children. Discover more about Irish Setters at AKC’s Irish Setter Breed Biography.

Gordon Setter

The Gordon Setter, the black avenger of the Highlands, is a substantial bird dog named for a Scottish aristocrat. Athletic and outdoorsy, Gordons are bold, confident, and resolute in the field, and sweetly affectionate by the fireside. Discover more about Gordon Setters at AKC’s Gordon Setter Breed Biography.

Golden Retriever

The Golden Retriever, an exuberant Scottish gundog of great beauty, stands among America’s most popular dog breeds. They are serious workers at hunting and fieldwork, as guides for the blind, and in search-and-rescue, enjoy obedience and other competitive events, and have an endearing love of life when not at work. Discover more about Golden Retrievers at AKC’s Golden Retriever Breed Biography.

Labrador Retriever

The sweet-faced, lovable Labrador Retriever is America’s most popular dog breed. Labs are friendly, outgoing, and high-spirited companions who have more than enough affection to go around for a family looking for a medium-to-large dog. Labs are famously friendly. They are companionable housemates who bond with the whole family, and they socialize well with neighbor dogs and humans alike. But don’t mistake his easy-going personality for low energy: The Lab is an enthusiastic athlete that requires lots of exercise like swimming and marathon games of fetch, to keep physically and mentally fit. Discover more about Labrador Retrievers at AKC’s Labrador Retriever Breed Biography.


The word “icon” is terribly overworked, but the Dachshund with his unmistakable long-backed body, little legs, and big personality is truly an icon of purebred dogdom. Dachshunds can be standard-sized (usually 16 to 32 pounds) or miniature (11 pounds or under), and come in one of three coat types: smooth, wirehaired, or longhaired. Dachshunds aren’t built for distance running, leaping, or strenuous swimming, but otherwise, these tireless hounds are game for anything. Smart and vigilant, with a big-dog bark, they make fine watchdogs. Bred to be an independent hunter of dangerous prey, they can be brave to the point of rashness, and a bit stubborn, but their endearing nature and unique look have won millions of hearts the world over. Discover more about Dachshunds at AKC’s Dachshund Breed Biography.

Norwegian Lundehund

At a glance, Lundehunds seem a typical northern breed: A spitz-type with triangular ears, curving tail, and a dense double coat. But a closer look reveals several unique traits. They have feet with at least six fully functioning toes and extra paw pads, an 'elastic neck' that can crane back so the head touches the spine, ears that fold shut, and flexible shoulders that allow forelegs to extend to the side, perpendicular to the body. This last anomaly produces the breed’s distinctive “rotary” gait. Discover more about Norwegian Lundehunds at AKC’s Norwegian Lundehund Breed Biography.


Standing no higher than 13 inches, Schipperkes are small dogs built for hard work. Schips were created as ratters and watchdogs. Their powerful jaws, necks, and forequarters coupled with a stealthy, catlike hunting style make them ideal rat-catching machines. The black coat is profuse around the neck, shoulders, and legs, giving the breed a silhouette that accentuates a thick, substantial body. The foxy face completes the unique look of a unique breed. If you can’t tell a Schipperke from an ordinary dog, you simply haven't been paying attention. Discover more about Schipperkes at AKC’s Schipperke Breed Biography.


Bloodhounds are large, substantial dogs standing 23 to 27 inches at the shoulder and weighing up to 110 pounds. Their most famous features are a long, wrinkled face with loose skin; huge, drooping ears; and warm, deep-set eyes that complete an expression of solemn dignity. Coat colors can be black and tan, liver and tan, or red. Powerful legs allow Bloodhounds to scent over miles of punishing terrain. As pack dogs, Bloodhounds enjoy company, including other dogs and kids. They are easygoing, but their nose can sometimes lead them into trouble. A strong leash and long walks in places where they can enjoy sniffing around are recommended. Bloodhounds are droolers, and obedience training these sensitive sleuths can be a challenge. Discover more about Bloodhounds at AKC’s Bloodhound Breed Biography.

For more information about a specific breed visit the breed’s parent club or AKC.org.


  • Fiery terriers can be trained and socialized to be good neighbors and trustworthy pets.
  • The wrinkles, long ears, and dewlap—which hangs from the neck—are designed to gather scents towards a Bloodhound’s incredible nose. 
  • Fun fact: Humans have about five million scent receptors in their noses. There are dog breeds that have 20 times that.