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Fueled by Failure by Jeremy Bloom | Episode 226

The Entrepreneurs Library with Wade Danielson

Release Date: 05/22/2015

 Small Business Big Pressure by Darryl Lyons | Episode 255 show art Small Business Big Pressure by Darryl Lyons | Episode 255

The Entrepreneurs Library with Wade Danielson

In this episode, co founder of PAX Financial Group, Darryl Lyons talks about his book, Small Business Big Pressure. This book is about the challenges that entrepreneurs and small business owners encounter. Lyons shares his insights about four main components: creating a mission/ vision, effectively managing money, hiring (Virtual Assistant, Staff Support), creating an business identity. This is an imperative resource for entrepreneurs and small business owners. 

The Responsible Business by Carol Sanford | Episode 254 show art The Responsible Business by Carol Sanford | Episode 254

The Entrepreneurs Library with Wade Danielson

In this episode, returning guess, Carol Sanford shares her book, The Responsible Business. This book offer a new strategic approach to how businesses function at every level. This allow organizations to re-imagine: innovation, production, development, business management, and strategic planning. This book is a great resource for entrepreneurs and business leaders who want a new approach to future business.

How On Earth by Donnie MacLurcan Episode | 253 show art How On Earth by Donnie MacLurcan Episode | 253

The Entrepreneurs Library with Wade Danielson

In this episode, executive director at Post Growth Institute, Donnie MacLurcan shares his book, How On Earth: Flourishing in a Not-for-Profit World by 2050. This book is about understanding the Profit and Not For Profit (NFP) establishments. Maclurcan talks about how NFP enterprises/business out preform profiting business. Maclurcan explains how the NFP model enables growth for human need, reduce consumption, and reduce taxation. This is a great book for entrepreneurs and business leaders who want to understand Not For Profit business models.

Roll Up Your Sleeves & Get to Work by Rick Kolster | Episode 252 show art Roll Up Your Sleeves & Get to Work by Rick Kolster | Episode 252

The Entrepreneurs Library with Wade Danielson

In this episode, executive coach and author, Rick Kolster shares his book, Roll Up Your Sleeves & Get to Work. This book is about inspiring leaders to getting things done.  If you want to build a business and acquire the lifestyle you want, Coach Rick with show you how. This is an excellent book your entrepreneurs who want to take action and get to work. 

Rejection Proof by Jia Jiang | Episode 251 show art Rejection Proof by Jia Jiang | Episode 251

The Entrepreneurs Library with Wade Danielson

In this episode, entrepreneur and author, Jia Jiang shares his book, Rejection Proof. This book is about helping people conquer the fear rejection and create a new perspective in any circumstance. Jiang tells us about his findings on his "100 days of rejection" experiment. Jiang discovers more about himself and tons more about, persuasion, business, communication, and negotiation.   This book is and excellent resource for those who want to overcome the fear of rejection and pursue life eagerly.

Leadership Lessons From The Race To The South Pole by Fergus O’Connell | Episode 250 show art Leadership Lessons From The Race To The South Pole by Fergus O’Connell | Episode 250

The Entrepreneurs Library with Wade Danielson

Inside episode, returning guest, Fergus O’Connell share his book, Leadership Lessons From The Race To The South Pole. This book is a case study of the 1911 race between Robert Scott and Ronald Amundsen, to be the first to the South Pole. O’Connell show us an interesting look at management and in-depth understanding new methods of successful planning and exquisite leadership. This is an excellent book for entrepreneurs who want to look explore leadership. 

 Strategic Business Leadership by Allen Fishman | Episode 249 show art Strategic Business Leadership by Allen Fishman | Episode 249

The Entrepreneurs Library with Wade Danielson

In this episode, best-selling author and founder of The Alternative Board®, Allen Fishman shares his book, Strategic Business Leadership. This book is about strategic planning from the personal vision using strategic business planning (SBL) coaching. Fisherman uses the SBL coaching the help companies achieve greater success and profits. This book is a solid resource for entrepreneurs who want to take their business to the next level. 

Simple Rules: How To Thrive In A Complex World by Kathleen Eisenhardt | Episode 248  show art Simple Rules: How To Thrive In A Complex World by Kathleen Eisenhardt | Episode 248

The Entrepreneurs Library with Wade Danielson

In this episode, co-author Kathleen Eisenhardt shares her book, Simple Rules: How To Thrive In A Complex World. This book is about simple rules that challenge the way we think about complexity. Kathleen help us o learn several new rules and update old mindsets. This is a great resource for those who want to bypass information overload and move from complexity to simplicity.

Stand Out: How to Find Your Break Through Idea and Build A Following Around It by Dorie Clark | Episode 247 show art Stand Out: How to Find Your Break Through Idea and Build A Following Around It by Dorie Clark | Episode 247

The Entrepreneurs Library with Wade Danielson

In this episode, Dorie Clark shares her book, Stand Out: How to Find Your Break Through Idea and Build A Following Around It. This book is about identifying the ideas that make you unique and promote them as an expert. Learn that steps and guideline from the “thought leaders” of today, like Seth Godin, Robert Cialdini, and Gary Vaynerchuk. Learn to find your idea, built a tribe around your idea, than monetize that idea. This is a great resource for  those you want to set themselves apart and build a following. 

 The Four Steps to the Epiphany: Successful Strategies for Products That Win by Steve Blank | Episode 246 show art The Four Steps to the Epiphany: Successful Strategies for Products That Win by Steve Blank | Episode 246

The Entrepreneurs Library with Wade Danielson

In this episode, serial entrepreneur, Steve Blank shares his book, The Four Steps to the Epiphany: Successful Strategies for Products That Win. Blank’s book is about the four proven steps: customer development, customer discovery, customer validation, and customer creation. This is a great book for business owners and entrepreneurs who are to learn the step-by-step guide to building your product and shipping it!

More Episodes

In this episode, business expert and Olympian, Jeremy Bloom gives an in-depth preview of his book, Fueled By Failure, where he coaches you on turning failure into success.

In his book Bloom provides actionable advice on overcoming failure through the personal lessons he has learned from well-respected coaches, athletes, and business leaders that have brought him to the top. The goal of the book is to help you push yourself through hard times, learn how to rebound after being defeated, create an amazing business culture, and uncover motivation you never knew existed.

This book is perfect for aspiring entrepreneurs who have a desire to change the world, but lack the coaching and motivation of fighting through the difficulties of overcoming life’s challenges.

About Jeremy Bloom:

“I grew up in Loveland Colorado most of my life. I first saw the Olympics on TV when I was 10 years old and was struck by how incredible they were. I had been a skier since I was three years old and after seeing the Olympics is when I realized I could do something with that talent. I was also a football player and I told my parents at age 10 that I wanted to ski in the Olympics and I wanted to play in the NFL. They both looked at me and told me that I could do that if I really put my mind to it and attack my dreams. Through a lot of good luck and fortune I was able to live out both of those dreams. I competed in two Olympics for the United States in freestyle skiing and then went on to get drafted in the fifth round by the Philadelphia Eagles which I spent two seasons there. I was with the Pittsburgh Steelers before launching into my nonprofit and now running a venture back startup.

My inspiration for writing this book came from my own personal experiences and also the observation of others. I grew up with some incredibly talented athletes and now I’m exposed to some wonderfully talented entrepreneurs and it’s been my observation in life that the inevitable setbacks that everybody encounters along their journey handles those moments a little bit differently. Along our journey we develop an ego and one of the things that an ego can do to be destructive to our dreams is over personalize the setbacks in our lives. I wanted to dive into this topic, talk to some of the most successful people, and share my journey in hopes of helping someone else accomplish their dreams.” – Jeremy Bloom

For a detailed summary of Fueled By Failure according to Jeremy Bloom CLICK HERE

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Performing Under Pressure by Hendrie Weisinger

13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do by Amy Morin

Instant Motivation by Chantal Burns

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