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Rapture Culture

Faith and Feminism

Release Date: 01/23/2024

Finding God After Disillusionment show art Finding God After Disillusionment

Faith and Feminism

Aimee Byrd shares her journey of holding onto her faith through extreme online harassment and personal attacks after she began advocating for women's equality within her denomination.

How to Spot a Cult show art How to Spot a Cult

Faith and Feminism

Kristian A Smith talks to us about how to spot a cult and how to live in beloved community.

Forgiveness After Trauma show art Forgiveness After Trauma

Faith and Feminism

The church's teachings on forgiveness often fail victims and survivors of abuse. Susannah Griffith reclaims forgiveness by centering and empowering survivors.

Constructive Conversations: How to Speak Among Disagreement show art Constructive Conversations: How to Speak Among Disagreement

Faith and Feminism

Ashlee Eiland talks to us about the power of intentional language and a discernment framework in navigating conflicts in a constructive way.

Wishful Thinking: Finding Faith After You've Lost It show art Wishful Thinking: Finding Faith After You've Lost It

Faith and Feminism

Donna Freitas wants to believe. Raised Catholic, she sang songs about Jesus as a child and lived in a house where nuns and priests were regular guests, yet she found herself questioning the faith of her family, examining the reasons none of it added up, and distancing herself from the God of Christianity-- now she is trying to find her faith again.

Speaking of Rape show art Speaking of Rape

Faith and Feminism

Dr. Danielle Tumminio Hansen speaks to us about how rape survivors need speech to recover, but the words available to them often fail to describe their experience of the violation, which isolates and silences them, enables future perpetration, and lets rape remain unacknowledged. Tumminio Hansen steps into this space of the seemingly unspeakable and responds to the linguistic crisis by offering fresh ways of speaking and listening that reframe how we can describe, discuss, and address rape.

Holy Ghosted show art Holy Ghosted

Faith and Feminism

Tiffany Yecke Brooks us to understand and name tactics of spiritual abuse and manipulation. We go over methods of control found in toxic religious communities—including legalism, indoctrination, praise, and fear—and how to identify and respond to it in a healthy way.

The Exvangelicals show art The Exvangelicals

Faith and Feminism

Sarah McCammon shares about her New York Times bestselling book The Exvangelicals-- Part memoir, part investigative journalism, Sarah names and describes the post-evangelical movement.

The Spiritual Lives of Incarcerated Women show art The Spiritual Lives of Incarcerated Women

Faith and Feminism

Sarah F. Farmer amplifies the voices of women who are or have been incarcerated to learn what supports their flourishing.

The Lies of Diet Culture show art The Lies of Diet Culture

Faith and Feminism

Diet culture permeates American society--even in our safest of places. It lurks in schools, playground conversations, medical offices, and even in our places of worship. Leslie Schilling, busts the myths around diet culture and tells us how to recover.

More Episodes

Amy Frykholm talks to us about the Left Behind series seeking to understand why American evangelicals find the idea of the rapture so compelling.