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7. What Qualifies an Instructor to Teach Self-Defense?

The Truth About the Martial Arts Business with John Graden

Release Date: 04/07/2020

Why I Replaced Taekwondo with Empower Kickboxing™ show art Why I Replaced Taekwondo with Empower Kickboxing™

The Truth About the Martial Arts Business with John Graden

After nearly two decades of teaching traditional taekwondo, Guevara realized that what he was teaching was not providing the benefits he wanted for his students. He replaced his curriculum with Empower Kickboxing™ and did not lose a single student.

21. The Truth About Martial Arts in the Inner-City show art 21. The Truth About Martial Arts in the Inner-City

The Truth About the Martial Arts Business with John Graden

Imagine being so desperate to escape the violent, drug-infested inner-city of Baltimore’s inner-city that you make up your own kung fu techniques to compete in martial arts tournaments in order to get some direction out. Yet, the darkness of the ghetto pulls you back in...

20. The Smoke and Mirrors of Martial Arts show art 20. The Smoke and Mirrors of Martial Arts

The Truth About the Martial Arts Business with John Graden

In the episode, the truth about the martial arts business is that not only is it easy for instructors to fall into these drastic mistakes of the past, but that it’s almost expected.

19. How Mark Moore Grew a 425 Student Martial Arts School While Teaching Just 2 Classes a Night show art 19. How Mark Moore Grew a 425 Student Martial Arts School While Teaching Just 2 Classes a Night

The Truth About the Martial Arts Business with John Graden

Our guest today is Mark Moore. His school in South Jersey has continued to grow through the pandemic. Mark says the three keys to his success are, the curriculum, the school atmosphere, and a special mindset that any martial arts school owner will certainly appreciate learning.

18. What Every Martial Arts Instructor MUST Know About the Law of Self-Defense. show art 18. What Every Martial Arts Instructor MUST Know About the Law of Self-Defense.

The Truth About the Martial Arts Business with John Graden

This week, The Truth About the Martial Arts Business explores a deadly serious topic that every martial arts instructor needs to understand and teach. The Law of Self-Defense.

17. How to Build a 6-Figure Self-Defense Business show art 17. How to Build a 6-Figure Self-Defense Business

The Truth About the Martial Arts Business with John Graden

Joe Robaina is a veteran martial artist with a wide range of skills and talent. But for the last few years, he has excelled in the self-defense business. Joe shares some strategies that have helped him to build a successful self-defense business.

16. Master the Art of Tongue Fu with Sam Horn show art 16. Master the Art of Tongue Fu with Sam Horn

The Truth About the Martial Arts Business with John Graden

The Truth About the Martial Arts Business episode 16 guest Sam Horn is the author of Tongue Fu.

15. 7 Biggest Tax Deductions for Martial Arts Businesses and Schools show art 15. 7 Biggest Tax Deductions for Martial Arts Businesses and Schools

The Truth About the Martial Arts Business with John Graden

The Trump Tax Act may benefit your martial arts school in several ways. Here are 7 major ways that self-employed martial arts instructors and school owners can slash their taxes and keep more of their hard-earned money to put in the bank each year.

14. 10 Important Questions About Your Martial Arts School Curriculum show art 14. 10 Important Questions About Your Martial Arts School Curriculum

The Truth About the Martial Arts Business with John Graden

In this podcast, I go solo with a harsh look at what martial arts schools are teaching and how to lead your students into the future by discarding the smoke and mirrors of the traditional curriculum.  A good master instructor avoids teaching these contradictions. 

13. Bernard Kerik 911 Interview by John Graden show art 13. Bernard Kerik 911 Interview by John Graden

The Truth About the Martial Arts Business with John Graden

Bernard Kerik was Rudy Guliani's right hand during 911. They were under the second tower when it was struck. 2 decades later, we are in the middle of a massive disruption of law and order.

More Episodes

Imagine if you are on national TV with millions of people watching. The reporter says, "Our next guest says he is a self-defense expert."

He turns to you and asks, "What qualifies you as a self-defense instructor. I mean, this is a serious subject. Why should we listen to you?"

What would you say? 

In this episode, we pose that question to COBRA-Defense founder Chris Sutton and learned his unique analogy and rock-solid advice for anyone in the self-defense or martial arts business.

  • Learn the difference between a real self-defense lesson and a martial arts self-defense lesson.
  • What is the best way to reduce the learning curve?
  • The time that police officer Sutton shot a guy in the head who then shot a child.
  • Why foul language, embarrassing students, and even hurting them is not necessary for a self-defense class.
  • How an "attention diversion drill" can make a parent cry watching his or her child.
  • How to give students instant value and reprogram their mind before they ever learn a physical move.
  • What is missing from martial arts that COBRA has?
  • How martial arts respond to the question, "Who are you training your students for?"
  • How to describe what you offer to prospects
  • The difference between military and law enforcement training
  • What is Killer School?
  • What three brothers have left footprints on Chris's head?
  • Why would Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines need active shooter training?




