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Understanding Protein Sources: Plant-based vs Animal-based Protein

Health Made Easy with Dr. Jason Jones

Release Date: 03/23/2023

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Protein sources contain different quantities of this macronutrient. To plan our diets with healthy protein, we need to understand the best sources to ensure adequate supply to every cell or tissue in our bodies. There are nine amino acids that the body must obtain from food. Studies show that it is the protein package (source) rather than the quantity that matters that matter to our health.


Which foods can supply us with the best protein? We get protein from plants, poultry, and animals, as discussed below.


Plant Protein

Kingdom Plantae offers different types and quantities of healthy protein for daily consumption. These include legumes, whole grains, seeds, nuts, and other plant sources that are healthy and environmentally friendly.


Legumes include beans, lentils, peas, soybeans, beans, and peanuts. This plant-based protein contains the essential macronutrient, fiber, antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins. Eat the right quantity of legumes per meal to get the best health benefits.


High protein Seeds and nuts include cashews, pecans, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, walnuts, sesame seeds, almonds, chia seeds, macadamia, and hemp seeds, among others. You can set a meal target to guide you through the healthy consumption of nuts and seeds; based on your protein requirements and goals.


Whole grains such as rice, oats, quinoa, kamut, teff, millets, buckwheat, and wheat, supply us with B vitamins, carbohydrates, calories, and protein. Unrefined whole grains contain more protein than when refined.


Other plant products that consist of some protein quantities include fruits and vegetables, such as broccoli, corn, and Brussels sprouts.


Animal and Poultry Protein

What animal protein is the best? When consuming animal-based protein, it is fundamental to consider the protein package rather than the quantity. Common animal/poultry-based proteins come from the following.

  • Poultry: chicken, duck, turkey, and eggs.
  • Seafood: fish, mollusks, crustaceans.
  • Dairy foods: milk, yogurt, and cheese.
  • Red meat: unprocessed beef, veal, mutton, goat meat, lamb.
  • Processed meats.


What Other Vitamins and Minerals Are We Getting When We Eat Animal Protein

In addition to protein supply, animal-derived foods provide us with the following vitamins and minerals.

  • Vitamin B12; is an essential nutrient in the formation of blood, the brain, and the nervous system.
  • Zinc for growth and body maintenance.
  • Selenium; is an essential trace element that aid in various body functions, including the manufacture of active thyroid hormone.
  • Iron, often in heme form; for making hemoglobin, myoglobin, and some hormones.
  • Niacin (vitamin B3), whose deficiency has been linked to increased heart disease risk.
  • Vitamin B6 is essential for energy metabolism and blood formation.
  • Phosphorus is fundamental in the growth and maintenance of the body.
  • Retinol (vitamin A), a fat-soluble vitamin, is fundamental in vision maintenance, reproduction, physical development, and immune function.
  • Creatine; a molecule that supplies our body muscles and brain cells with fast energy, and boosts muscle growth, size, and strength.
  • Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), is an omega-3 fatty acid that shields the brain against oxidative stress and inflammation, especially in children.
  • Riboflavin; a pro-metabolic B vitamin that aids in the production of energy from ingested food, good eye vision maintenance, and iron uptake.


You may consult Dr. Jason Jones at our Chiropractic office in Elizabeth City, NC, to learn more on the best sources of protein.