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Tumbleweed Tiny Houses: Human Scale

How 2 Build Green: The Sustainability Podcast

Release Date: 08/19/2015

Greywater Systems show art Greywater Systems

How 2 Build Green: The Sustainability Podcast

We discuss greywater systems.  These systems make huge contributions toward water conservation. A greywater system is the perfect fit for your eco home! Self sustainable living, eco house design, green home design, building a house checklist, greywater systems, residential greywater systems, greywater definition, greywater treatment, greywater recycling systems

Earthen Floors show art Earthen Floors

How 2 Build Green: The Sustainability Podcast

We discuss earthen floors and some very cool diy products.  These are some of the most awesome floors for your eco home! Self sustainable living, eco house design, green home design, building a house checklist

DIY Greenhouse Heating and Cooling show art DIY Greenhouse Heating and Cooling

How 2 Build Green: The Sustainability Podcast

Jerome Osentowski and I discuss a greenhouse system called the Climate Battery.  This is very simple greenhouse design or diy greenhouse. This system takes hot air in a greenhouse and stores it underground in inexpensive foundation pipes.  And during the night when cold temperatures set in, it releases the warm air via small fans back into the greenhouse.  It will do the opposite in hot climates!  This is a really cool system that will allow you to eat organic and lower your food expenses!

Off Grid Home Design show art Off Grid Home Design

How 2 Build Green: The Sustainability Podcast

In this episode with Ian Woofenden of Home Power Magazine, we discuss off grid home design as it relates to renewable energy.  And we discuss the motivations for living in an off grid home. Topics include: Off grid home design Solar / Photovoltaic systems Solar hot water systems Wind energy Hydro systems Biomass    Living green Passive house plans Sustainable house And More!!

SURE (SUstainable + REsilient) House show art SURE (SUstainable + REsilient) House

How 2 Build Green: The Sustainability Podcast

The SURE HOUSE is a project at Stevens Institute of Technology that is leading innovation in sustainable home building in coastal areas and beyond.  These guys just won the Solar Decathlon by the US Department of Energy.  But don't be fooled, many of the same processes, techniques, materials etc. are relevant in many regions not just coastal areas.  

Earthbag Building - I'm Excited! show art Earthbag Building - I'm Excited!

How 2 Build Green: The Sustainability Podcast

We talk with Kelly Hart about earthbag building.  As a natural building proponent, I am really getting excited about the possibilities with this basic sustainable building material.  Think about it. We can use a product that in many cases can be used directly from the sit = low embodied energy.  There is missing audio about 5 minutes in...but just keep listening.  It is good information regarding earthbag homes and low cost building.

Define Sustainable Building with Q&A Part 2 show art Define Sustainable Building with Q&A Part 2

How 2 Build Green: The Sustainability Podcast

What elements make up sustainable / ecological building -- and which building style is right for you?  How do we create healthy homes for ourselves? These are the questions that this webinar, converted to a podcast, addresses.

Define Sustainable Building with Q&A Part 1 show art Define Sustainable Building with Q&A Part 1

How 2 Build Green: The Sustainability Podcast

This podcast is taken from a Q&A webinar on Healthy Sustainable Homes.  It is a two part series with the next part to follow in one week.  The focus is defining green, sustainable, and natural building. Additionally, what elements make up a sustainable home and what should be considered.

Be Your Own Contractor: Sustainably (save $)! show art Be Your Own Contractor: Sustainably (save $)!

How 2 Build Green: The Sustainability Podcast

Adam Fries of How 2 Build Green (that’s me!) presents How to be Your Own Contractor: Sustainably as a webinar that has been converted into a podcast.  About halfway through the podcast/converted webinar, I take questions from attendees - Q&A.  If your interested in potentially being your own contractor of your new home or remodel, this is for you.  Adam has been a contractor and designer of sustainable and natural homes in Durango, CO for 12+ years.  

Builder & Designer: Let's go green! show art Builder & Designer: Let's go green!

How 2 Build Green: The Sustainability Podcast


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Ross Beck Operations and HR Manager for Tumbleweed Tiny House Company. He drafted his first tiny houses as a high school freshman and 30 years later lived in a tiny house. In the tiny house, he learned how easy it was to live in such a small carbon footprint, because he had so much less stuff to deal with and everything had its place.  He learned to live at a human scale!