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Innersexions: "LGBTQ People and the Radical Inclusivity of the Emerging Church" with Pastor Phil Shepherd, aka The Whiskey Preacher

innersexions's podcast

Release Date: 12/03/2013

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Debonee talks with Pastor Phil Shephers, aka the Whiskey Preacher about whether or not queer people should be included in church life.  The conversation visits 'black and white thinking' versus 'beyond the grey and into vibrant color thinking', the (alleged) scriptural take on homosexuality, a shout-out to the Baptists, and takes on questions such as 'Does God create gay people?", "What does a radically inclusive church look like?"and the perrenial "What would Jesus do?".

Phil is an ordained Disciples of Christ minister, the Co-Pastor of The Eucatastrophe, blogger for Huffington Post and Patheos, Co-CEO of Sogo Media, an Outlaw Theologian, author, public speaker, university lecturer and consultant.  You can follow Phil on Facebook and Twitter.