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Introduction and Genesis of Life Happens with Mahmoud Mahmoud

Life Happens with Mahmoud Mahmoud

Release Date: 09/14/2019

Your Dreams Start with Desire show art Your Dreams Start with Desire

Life Happens with Mahmoud Mahmoud

The dreams we will accomplish in our future will happen. However, it takes focus, discipline and massive action. But before dreams can come to reality there must first be desire. Desire is very powerful to accomplish what you want. It is within your power to go get it and remember that desire is powerful. It is within you for a reason. That same desire was not instilled in someone else. Your story is unique to you and no two people have the same story. So don't let your dreams and desire go wasted.

Make it Effortless show art Make it Effortless

Life Happens with Mahmoud Mahmoud

Are you constantly pushing and not getting what you want? Sometimes giving all that you got is still not getting you to where you want to go. We have these ideas and plans of where we should be and how life is supposed to pan out. But trust that the universe is conspiring to support you, not out to get you. Listen to this weeks episode of the Life Happens Podcast with Mahmoud Mahmoud to find out more. 

Should you only stick to “one thing” show art Should you only stick to “one thing”

Life Happens with Mahmoud Mahmoud

Very often we are told to stick to one thing. We are confined and placed in a box. Society makes us feel that we can’t do anything else and we then feel constrained to only do that one thing. However we are complex beings with many interests. We can buy an artist and a lawyer. A doctor and a hair dresser. An account and a makeup artist. Our passions should not make us feel like it can’t be done because society places these restrictions on it.

No Plan B show art No Plan B

Life Happens with Mahmoud Mahmoud

Too often we are quick to give up on yourselves and our dreams when our plan doesn’t work out exactly how we thought it would. Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth. However, do you give up and go to plan b. Should you even have a plan b if plan a is your dream. Is there a timeline of when someone should call it quits when following their dream. Listen to all these answers and more on this weeks episode of the Life Happens Podcast with Mahmoud Mahmoud.

Stepping into the Unknown and Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone show art Stepping into the Unknown and Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone

Life Happens with Mahmoud Mahmoud

Too many times we shy away from attempting to do something or anything at all because we are scared of the change it brings. We are beings scared of change. We want to control everything and if we don’t know what an outcome looks like then it’s too uncomfortable to even attempt. True growth means stepping into the unknown and outside your comfort zone. This episode I talk about my journey as I travel to Los Angeles and all the uncertainty it brings and how it equates to events unfolding across our count

LIFE HACK: Major Life Transitions and the Uncertainty of it show art LIFE HACK: Major Life Transitions and the Uncertainty of it

Life Happens with Mahmoud Mahmoud

When we are starting a new chapter in our lives we are faced with a lot of emotions during the transition. Whether moving into a new home, moving to a new city, starting a new job, a new relationship, or any new chapter in our lives, we are faced with uncertainty. It's not a time to doubt yourself, give up, think you are not enough or not up to the challenge. It is a time to embrace the new, the next, and learn new things and new experiences. Tune in and find out why leaning into the uncomfortable will

MOTIVATION: Focusing on the Result and Resenting the Process show art MOTIVATION: Focusing on the Result and Resenting the Process

Life Happens with Mahmoud Mahmoud

Too often we get caught up in what success will feel like. We aspire to have all the luxuries and benefits and what it will do for us. We think it will make us happier and our lives will be better once we achieve that result. We tend to become dissatisfied with the current moment and resentment builds in our lives because we haven't "made it" yet. Our problems seem bigger, nothing seems to be going right, and happiness seems to be an unreachable island.

MOTIVATION: Career Change in Your 30s and all its Obstacles show art MOTIVATION: Career Change in Your 30s and all its Obstacles

Life Happens with Mahmoud Mahmoud

Society, friends, and family cloud our thinking that once we are in our 30's we have to settle down, seek a partner, and focus on one career for stability purposes. Making it harder for us internally and mentally to leave our job and go after what makes us happy. We tend to settle and forego all of our jobs further enabling frustration, resentment towards our selves and others and living a life filled with regret. Hear what its been like for me to pivot for non-profits, politics and the UN to acting. 

Identity Crisis in America show art Identity Crisis in America

Life Happens with Mahmoud Mahmoud

What is it like being an immigrant and growing up to a family who migrated to this country? What is it like to understand two cultures very deeply. How do you honor your love for both? Take a listen to this episode where Mahmoud gets deep about his identity about growing up differently. 

Black Lives Matter and What's Next show art Black Lives Matter and What's Next

Life Happens with Mahmoud Mahmoud

With protests spreading across the country and the world around the death of George Floyd, Breona Taylor and the fight for justice for black lives, how do we move forward with police reform and equality in all sectors of all professional American life. We can use this moment to change for the better, listen in. 

More Episodes

The Life Happens Podcast with host Mahmoud Mahmoud, is all about you. This podcast will help you make the necessary adjustments in your life to help put you on a path to progress, growth and development. It will touch on topics of the importance of self reflection, responding to anger, overcome loss, getting over exes, dealing with being fired, turning tragedy into your biggest motivator, reaching goals, getting rid of bad habits and more topics that will get you to where you want to go. 

That's not all this podcast will offer. Life happens will bring a range of hosts from actors, musicians, politicians, teachers, entrepeuners, motivational speakers, life coaches, authors, CEOS, community activists, leaders, organizers, and more to tackle a host of issues from culture, community, politics, the art and more. 

This first episode provides a genesis of the purpose and direction of the podcast with a background on the host, Mahmoud Mahmoud. We look forward to having you subscribe to this podcast and share it with someone.