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Episode 94: Ready for Takeoff: Working Remotely


Release Date: 10/03/2018

Episode 122: Diversity, Inclusivity, & Allyship show art Episode 122: Diversity, Inclusivity, & Allyship


As business owners, it can be scary to be vocal about "controversial" topics. However, it's important to note that issues like race, human rights, and social justice are NOT controversial. They are incredibly important to recognize, talk about, and continue to educate ourselves on. We've always spoken the importance of letting your values show in your business, and standing up for what you believe it. With the current climate, it's even MORE so. We looked around recently & realized our photography community here in San Diego is VERY predominantly white. We've joined the conversation on...

Episode 121: PhotoSpark Updates & What's To Come! show art Episode 121: PhotoSpark Updates & What's To Come!


Hello everyone! We missed you! Truth be told, we are both going through some crazy changes in our lives & schedules, and point blank, we've kinda ignored the podcast. We are SO sorry we've left you hanging, but we are back & we have some awesome episodes on the way! We just wanted to update you guys with what we've been up to & our stance on things like the EIDL loan, unemployment, and social distancing sessions/weddings. There is a LOT going on in the world today, and we are here for it and for YOU!

Episode 120: Front Porch Sessions- Do or Don't? show art Episode 120: Front Porch Sessions- Do or Don't?


Unless you've been living under a rock for the past couple weeks, you've likely seen Front Porch Sessions on Facebook. These are professional sessions of families at home on their porch. They've been highly controversial in the photography world; some people are loving them & finding ways to supplement their income or donate profits to causes, and other people are slamming them HARD, saying they are unprofessional and even illegal. So where do we lie on Front Porch Sessions? Are these a do or a don't?

Coronavirus Series PART 2- Contracts, communication, & cash flow show art Coronavirus Series PART 2- Contracts, communication, & cash flow


In Part Two of our Coronavirus Series, we chat with Braden Drake all about contracts, client communication, & cash flow. He brought super valuable information to this show, and helped us with things we should add to our contracts for the future, ways to speak with your clients about your policies, and ways to help your cash flow during the Coronavirus crisis.

Coronavirus Series PART 1- Survival Tips for Photographers show art Coronavirus Series PART 1- Survival Tips for Photographers


We don't even really know where to begin! We do know that COVID19 is a topic on everyone's mind, and we don't want to add to the panic or give anyone anxiety, but the truth of the matter is it's affecting small businesses on a level we've never seen before, and we know you're likely being affected. Wedding & portrait photographers alike are dealing with cancellations, reschedules, and a decline in inquiries. We wanted to reach out to you & provide some help and encouragement. Here are some survival tips for photographers dealing with COVID19.

BONUS EPISODE: Website launch & rapid fire questions w/ Julie! show art BONUS EPISODE: Website launch & rapid fire questions w/ Julie!


We are SO excited to launch our brand new website redesign today! We didn't have a regular episode scheduled but we decided to pop on really quick to chat about the rebrand & as a bonus, throw Julie Ferneau some random rapid fire questions!

Episode 117: Surviving WPPI 2020 show art Episode 117: Surviving WPPI 2020


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Episode 116: Beach Photography with Amy Gray show art Episode 116: Beach Photography with Amy Gray


HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! We took a short hiatus to spend time with friends & family during the holidays. Well, and to edit millions of photos, but we are BACK! On the show today, we're chatting with , a San Diego based family portrait photographer who specializes in beach photography!

Episode 115: Prepping for 2020 show art Episode 115: Prepping for 2020


Julie & Kate discuss the new year & how to wrap up 2019 with a pretty bow. Tune in to hear how we're getting organized, prepping for taxes, thanking our clients, & starting 2020 with a clean slate!

Episode 114: Website Copy for Photographers with Rachel Greiman show art Episode 114: Website Copy for Photographers with Rachel Greiman


Rachel Greiman of Green Chair Stories helps you bring your personality into your photography brand & attract your ideal clients with your website copy!

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Photospark Show Episode 94 about working remotely photo of New York Ciyt by Julie Ferneau Photography San Diego Wedding Photographer

One of the COOLEST parts of our job is being able to travel & work at the same time! Whether we're taking destination shoots, or just bringing along our laptop for some on-the-go editing on the family vay-cay, working remotely is a huge benefit to photographers! During this episode, we'll cover some tips & tricks to working remotely, and share some stories of our experiences, trials, and tribulations.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Eliminate distractions: This is probably the HARDEST thing to do while traveling remotely. In Julie's most recent experience, she was visiting family, so getting them to understand that even though she was physically in the room, she was not available to chit chat was a challenge. Sometimes you can solve this issue by heading to a coffee shop, library, or other comfortable, fairly quiet spot, but then you have the issue of privacy (especially when it comes to using the restroom... do you trust your neighbors to watch your stuff or do you pack everything up/take it with you only to risk losing your table? It's a hard problem to solve!). Setting boundaries with your family/friends is absolutely key to being successful at working remotely! It's probably a good idea to lay some groundwork ahead of time and let them know what to expect, so they aren't planning full days of activities when you're planning on working!
  2. Bring backup gear: This is crazy obvious for us, as we bring backup gear to every single shoot we do. But sometimes while traveling it's tempting not to! Extra gear is bulky & heavy, and it's SO easy to just say "eh, I probably won't need that, let's travel light." But that seems to be the time you need it the most! Just ask Kate, whose tripod broke literally SECONDS into the start of the most amazing northern light show in Iceland, and who ended up with one or two photos by balancing her camera on a trashcan lid in the middle of a field. Don't risk it!!
  3. Carry your gear: Don't EVER check your gear if you can avoid it by any means. For one thing, baggage handlers aren't gentle, and for another there's really no guarantee it's going to end up in the same city as you. This is true for personal vacations as well as destination shoots. It's just not worth it! We always use our camera bag as our "personal item" on the flight. At the very least, make sure your ESSENTIALS are with you. Camera, batteries (use the caps on the bottom to prevent a fire hazard!), charger, memory cards, flash, and 2 favorite lenses. If you have to check your tripod or reflector, those are fairly easy/inexpensive things to replace when you land if they get damaged or lost.

We have TONS of tips for you guys in the podcast, so be sure to tune in! And stay tuned for the awesomely rad Facebook group we're creating... it's going to be SO much fun to get to interact with you guys on a daily basis! We can't wait! In the meantime, like us on Facebook to stay posted with updates on the group's progress & launch date!