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Mastering Your Inner Critic: The Healing Power of Responding vs. Reacting

SoulFull Wellness

Release Date: 01/11/2024

What's Your Current Wellness Obsession? show art What's Your Current Wellness Obsession?

SoulFull Wellness

Last week we teased a tiny bit about our plans for a Summer Series here at SoulFull™ Wellness and we want your input & involvement! So in today’s mini-episode we’re laying out the plan & soliciting participants.  How it started: A few listeners have reached out to us recently about their latest wellness obsessions and we’re so interested. Hearing the passion behind what you’re doing is contagious and gets us all sorts of motivated too! We’ve decided to share the mic and have YOU talk about the thing that’s your thing. So far we have a listener who’s going to share...

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SoulFull Wellness

Jon Kabat-Zinn teaches that mindfulness is awareness that arises through paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgmentally. Okay, but then why is it so hard?! And why aren’t we all looking forward to meditating all the time? Today we proudly present Mindfulness: the training wheels edition. Tune in now for the really obvious, very easy way to practice focusing your mind and get better at living in the present moment. The SoulFull™ Society is a community where we embrace living well your way, no trends, diets, or one size fits all advice here. You’re unique, so why...

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SoulFull Wellness

The official start to the summer season is quickly approaching! Is your skin prepared? Well in 30 minutes it will be because today we have a special summer skincare episode just for you! Today’s episode is special because we have TWO guests on the pod! Join us for a fun, light hearted conversation interviewing skin expert & aesthetician Renee Tucker. We ask her ALL the skin questions you need to know to have radiant, healthy, hydrated skin for the summer!   We ask her about: Why is sweat bad for our skin? Sunscreen: what do we need to know? How & in what order do we layer...

10X Your Happiness show art 10X Your Happiness

SoulFull Wellness

This week we’re talking about a very easy way to increase your happiness - a strategy to get you out of your head, decrease feelings of loneliness and magnify all the happy feelings! Altruism activates reward centers in the brain. Neurobiologists have found that when a person behaves altruistically, the pleasure centers of their brain become more active. Altruism has a wide range of benefits, like: Better health Better mental well-being Better romantic relationships In addition, engaging with others in this way can also help improve social connections and relationships, which can...

The 5 Most Common Wellness Myths: Debunked show art The 5 Most Common Wellness Myths: Debunked

SoulFull Wellness

We’re putting on our investigator hats this week to debunk 5 of the most common wellness myths! We cover detoxing & diets, kidneys, liver, alcohol, energy, sleep, workouts, sweating, pain, gut health, and “all natural” products amongst other wellness themes. In this episode: Kaelynn freaks out the vegetarian, Kit Kit shares the #1 healthy grocery shopping technique (#LabelsAreLies) A little about us, for those of you new to the pod: The SoulFull™ Community is a space where we embrace living well your way, no trends, diets, or one size fits all advice here. You’re unique, so...

Lighten Up! Wellness Ain't So Serious show art Lighten Up! Wellness Ain't So Serious

SoulFull Wellness

Not taking wellness too seriously is essential for maintaining a balanced perspective on health and happiness. Today we have 7 ways to approach life & wellness with a lighter attitude. Sometimes when we chase something, it runs away from us. Even with the best of intentions or the most honorable goals, like focusing on improving your physical health & bio markers. While you may have objectively improved certain wellness metrics, the whole rest of your life - the stuff we refer to as your wellness wheel - is in desperate need of attention. Basically your wheel is completely...

Navigating Neurodiversity: 5 Tips to Thrive with a Unique Brain show art Navigating Neurodiversity: 5 Tips to Thrive with a Unique Brain

SoulFull Wellness

Today we're sharing 5 tips to support those with neurodivergent brains, whether it's your own or someone you care about. Neurodiversity encompasses a range of neurological variations, including ADHD, autism, dyslexia & more. Each person's experience is unique, but there are some universal strategies that can help us thrive. This episode delves into a topic that's often overlooked but incredibly important: living with a neurodivergent brain! By the end of the episode, you’ll have 5 actionable tips to make life easier. Thanks for listening & evolving with us over the last 4 years!...

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SoulFull Wellness

Today, we’re sharing 5 daily steps to help you appreciate your body & build body confidence! Negative thoughts & self-criticism about our bodies is something we all do. But what we might not realize is that having poor body image can impact our quality of life & can even lead to social withdrawal, anxiety, and depression.  In this episode: Body acceptance, awareness & cultivating self love Inspiration, aesthetic & authenticity: where does this come into play? Kaelynn has revamped her coaching packages as a personal style coach! If you're interested in learning more...

From Stress to Serotonin: 10 Science-Backed Ways to Rewire Your Brain show art From Stress to Serotonin: 10 Science-Backed Ways to Rewire Your Brain

SoulFull Wellness

HAPPY 4 YEARS OF SOULFULL™ WELLNESS!  Today we’re giving you 10 ways to lower your stress & discussing a bit of the science behind why these activities can help you.  Take your mind, body & spirit from chaos to calm gently & quickly with these 10 science-backed tips.  In this episode:  Proactive practices to prevent high levels of stress & anxiety The most effective ways to lower your heart rate  How to get your body out of flight, fight or freeze state Nervous system regulation: reducing your stress symptoms  Rewire your brain to...

7 Ways to Recharge Your Mind, Body, and Soul show art 7 Ways to Recharge Your Mind, Body, and Soul

SoulFull Wellness

In this episode, we're diving into the art of rest and exploring the seven ways to recharge your mind, body, and soul. In addition, we're giving away 7+ tools so you can start becoming a calmer, more centered you today! Over 52% of US adults are experiencing symptoms of burnout. Exhaustion is rampant and the adrenal glands are working overtime. We all need coping skills to recharge, recenter, and reinvigorate our body, mind, and spirit! Think of the 7 ways to rest as the keys to unlocking your inner sanctuary. From mindful practices to the simple joys of self-care, we'll be covering it all. In...

More Episodes

Kit & Kaelynn get REAL in light of last week’s New Year episode Reclaiming the Joy and Levity! This week’s theme? Responding vs Reacting: mindfulness in action. When we’re trying to heal our inner perfectionist, oftentimes we’re met with our inner critic.  Recognizing our inner critic is key on our wellness journey, especially when we’ve set new goals and are in need of sustained encouragement and compassion. So in today’s episode, with levity and laughter,  K&K converse about their recent experiences with their personal perfectionistic inner critic, their failures of the week on their wellness journey, and discuss their takeaways about responding vs reacting, and mindfulness. 

Episode highlights: 

  • NEW SEGMENT! F.U.O.T.W Kaelynn reveals her most recent failure as a plant parent and homeowner.

  • Kit shares her clutz-inspired mindfulness tool that helps her stay grounded.

  • The coaches dive into how to heal & identify your inner perfectionist.

Thanks for listening & evolving with us over the last (almost) 4 years!

Don’t forget, if you liked this episode to share with a friend. And if you haven’t already, please leave us a 5 star rating and review so others can find us to get their weekly dose of wellness.


We love hearing from you, so please email questions or suggestions for future episodes to [email protected].

Thanks for listening & evolving with us over the last (almost) 4 years!

We love hearing from you, so please email questions or suggestions for future episodes to [email protected].

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Welcome to Soulfull Wellness! Kit & Kaelynn, are certified wellness coaches who know firsthand what it’s like to feel perpetually unwell - in body, mind, and relationships. Since then, they've experienced holistic health transformations that have changed our lives. That’s why they felt inspired to become certified coaches and ultimately create this podcast, to bring you practical guidance and share their personal experiences- so you too can heal inside & out and experience your own wellness evolution. Join us every Thursday, as we embrace living from the soul: no trends, diets, or one size fits all advice here!