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Alternative Tentacles Batcast

The official podcast for Alternative Tentacles Records and Jello Biafra. As one of the most legendary independent labels in the world, Alternative Tentacles remains a vital and abundant source of punk rock, hardcore, spoken word artistry and a wealth of other genres. Founded in 1979 by then-Dead Kennedys frontman and outspoken provocateur Jello Biafra, A.T. has never shied away from embracing both the radical and the experimental, serving to expand the world’s idea of what constitutes punk.

info_outline Redshift 02/28/2025
info_outline Jon Weisnewski of Sandrider 02/07/2025
info_outline What Would Jello Do? Part 120: Joe Biden's Final Act 01/16/2025
info_outline What Would Jello Do? Part 119: Sign the 28th Amendment to the Constitution Joe! 01/11/2025
info_outline Gregg Deal from Dead Pioneers 12/06/2024
info_outline Exploring Digital Only Releases on Alternative Tentacles Records 11/22/2024
info_outline Rocky Mountain TentacleFEST Recap 09/20/2024
info_outline What Would Jello Do? #118: Joe Biden is out, Kamala is in, but is it enough? 08/07/2024
info_outline WHAT WOULD JELLO DO? PART 117: DEMOCRAT STRATEGY 07/16/2024
info_outline THE DARTS "BOOMERANG" 05/08/2024
info_outline What is Going On? - Alternative Tentacles Update with DOMINIC DAVI 02/09/2024
info_outline Freya Hausman - General Manager of Alternative Tentacles Records 09/20/2023
info_outline The Return of The bATcast with Dominic Davi 08/24/2023
info_outline VINYL-GEDDON 03/18/2022
info_outline Alternative Tentacles Radio: Spring 2022 03/03/2022
info_outline What Would Jello Do? Part 102: The Trucker Protests 03/01/2022
info_outline Alternative Tentacles Update 2022 02/18/2022
info_outline What Would Jello Do? Part 101: THE ROTTENHOLE VERDICT 11/29/2021
info_outline What Would Jello Do? Part 100: The Great Betrayal (part 4) 09/13/2021
info_outline What Would Jello Do? Part 99: The Great Betrayal (part 3) 09/09/2021
info_outline What Would Jello Do? Part 98: The Great Betrayal (part 2) 09/07/2021
info_outline What Would Jello Do? Part 97: The Great Betrayal (part 1) 09/05/2021
info_outline What Would Jello Do? Part 96: Texas 09/05/2021
info_outline Jello Biafra - The First Great Betrayal 08/21/2021
info_outline What Would Jello Do? Part 95: The California Recall 08/21/2021
info_outline "Where's My Order?" - Update on the Spring Sale orders! 06/30/2021
info_outline Guantanamo School Of Medicine - Tea Party Revenge Porn Interview 05/07/2021
info_outline What Would Jello Do? Part 92: THE RETURN OF MASS SHOOTINGS 04/20/2021
info_outline $10 LP SALE SPECIAL 04/14/2021
info_outline $1 CD SALE SPECIAL 04/14/2021