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Best of the Left - Leftist Perspectives on Progressive Politics, News, Culture, Economics and Democracy

Expertly-curated progressive politics, news, and culture produced by leftist humans, not algorithms or AI. This is an award-winning podcast that dives deeply into a wide range of national and international issues facing society and governments. We draw from hundreds of sources of progressive news and commentary. Est. 2006. Save time by listening to a range of perspectives on a focused topic in each episode and be introduced to new sources you will not have come across on your own!

info_outline Bonus Sample #299 Selling Bliss 04/18/2024
info_outline #1249 Understanding the Boycott, Divest, Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israeli mistreatment of Palestinians (Throwback) 04/16/2024
info_outline #1622 Capitalism Culture Catastrophes On Land, Sea, And In The Sky - Baltimore Bridge Collapse, Boeing Blowout, and the Continuing Threat to Railway Workers 04/12/2024
info_outline #1621 How Democrats Lost Their Way On Economics And Are Starting To Find It Again 04/09/2024
info_outline Bonus Sample #292 Someone is Wrong on the Internet 04/07/2024
info_outline #1379 Tell Stories, Not Myths: Democracy in America (Throwback) 04/05/2024
info_outline #1620 Threatening the 2024 Election to Subvert Democracy, from Legal Maneuvers in Congress and Unconstitutional Congressional Maps to Violent Threats Against Election Workers 04/03/2024
info_outline Bonus Sample #297 No Laughing Matter 04/01/2024
info_outline #1619 A Guide to Protests Against Injustice from the Peaceful to the Deadly 03/30/2024
info_outline Bonus Sample #296 Coping: Magic Mushrooms, Bath Time, Perpetual Therapy, and Pain Killers 03/28/2024
info_outline #1463 People Are Waking Back Up To The Need For Labor Unions (Throwback) 03/26/2024
info_outline #1618 Forget Equality, Embrace the Feminism of Freedom - Breaking entirely free from the structures of White supremacy and heteropatriarchy 03/23/2024
info_outline Bonus Sample #295 Cause it's all about control 03/21/2024
info_outline #1617 The Profitable and Political Moral Panic Around Trans People: Debunking Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria, Groomers, and Detransitioning Misconceptions 03/19/2024
info_outline #1616 The Party of Putin and the Propaganda Leading the GOP to Trump and the US to Russian-Style Autocracy 03/15/2024
info_outline Bonus Sample #294 Answering men's cry for help 03/11/2024
info_outline #1165 To Exist is to Resist: Life and Activism in Occupied Palestine Working Toward Rights and Democracy For All in Israel (Throwback) 03/08/2024
info_outline #1163 Strange Bedfellows: Looking at why Ethno-Nationalists Admire Israel and the Violence Inflicted on Gaza (Throwback) 03/05/2024
info_outline Bonus Sample: #293 I love you, man 03/03/2024
info_outline #1615 Envisioning a Leftisț Economic Future of Postcapitalism, High-Tech Automation, Universal Basic Income and a World (Mostly) Without Work 03/01/2024
info_outline #1614 Deep-Fakery and Deep Consequences for Democracy: AI-generated fake news threatens elections around the world and makes people question the ability to know what is real 02/28/2024
info_outline Bonus Sample #292 Techno Authoritarians vs Interoperabilities 02/25/2024
info_outline #1613 Breathless Speculation: Biden's Baggage, Trump's Tyranny, Misleading Media, Courts and Criminality 02/23/2024
info_outline #1612 New Tech and the New Luddite Movement; Inequitable Distribution of Benefits from New Technology Always Sparks Demands from Labor and AI is Rekindling the Old Arguments 02/20/2024
info_outline Bonus Sample #291 Recommendations and Manipulations 02/19/2024
info_outline #1611 Higher Education: the Myths, McCarthyism, and Change Makers at a time when education is under attack for free speech, DEI and CRT but arguably needs changes to meet a changing world 02/17/2024
info_outline #1610 The Border, and Our Border Politics, Are a Mess - As Trump and MAGA-driven misunderstanding and panic about the nature of immigration dominates election concerns. 02/14/2024
info_outline #1609 The Post-Roe World is Bad But it Could Still Get Worse - Abortion Bans in the US Are Causing Widespread Suffering for Both Patients and Doctors Attempting to Navigate the New Normal 02/10/2024
info_outline #1608 Widespread Loneliness is a Solvable Social Problem - Urban Design, Architecture, Co-housing, and Community Action and Support Can Make Our Towns Better 02/07/2024
info_outline Bonus Sample #289 A Cul-de-Sac of Ignorance 02/06/2024