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Majority Villain

Comedy and news analysis focused on democratizing our world. "Status Quos Are For Suckers"

info_outline #MarchforScience Denver 04/16/2018
info_outline #MarchForOurLives 03/25/2018
info_outline Bagging Georgie! 03/12/2018
info_outline John Candy's 2018 Olympics 02/25/2018
info_outline Tales From The Crypto 02/10/2018
info_outline 2 Minutes to Midnight 01/28/2018
info_outline North Korea Could Be Anywhere 01/14/2018
info_outline Net Neutrality 12/12/2017
info_outline The Olde Balls Game 11/27/2017
info_outline Thaaat' s Harvey! 10/28/2017
info_outline Coming (Back) to America 09/10/2017
info_outline Understanding White Power 08/25/2017
info_outline Pray the Pain Away 07/22/2017
info_outline 2015 Paris Climate Agreement Revisited 07/08/2017
info_outline TrumpcareZ 06/24/2017
info_outline Democratize Democracy 06/10/2017
info_outline All Hail the Minority Hero! 05/27/2017
info_outline Richard Wolff Cuts the Sh*t 05/13/2017
info_outline #NoMoreWar 04/22/2017
info_outline Jose, at it again... 04/08/2017
info_outline Donald and a Mexican walk into a bar... 03/25/2017
info_outline Bahrain: A Beginner's Guide 02/17/2017
info_outline Betsy DeVos, US Secretary of Education 02/07/2017
info_outline Women's March - Heidelberg, Germany 01/27/2017
info_outline The Electoral College, Part II: EC Self-Destruction 01/16/2017
info_outline The Electoral College, Part I: Trump's Illegitimacy 12/19/2016
info_outline Standing Rock #NoDAPL 11/24/2016
info_outline President Elect, Donald J. Trump 11/09/2016
info_outline Robbing America 11/01/2016
info_outline Happy 500th Birthday. Now Piss Off!! 08/26/2016